The culling of humanity is accelerating, while world governments, doctors, politicians and the clergy remain silent!


JF-Expert Member
Jan 4, 2017

Friday, August 05, 2022

It has been a while since shocking numbers in vaccine deaths and some of the heartbreaking stories contained there, such as the recent death of a 9-year-old California girl two weeks after she was jabbed.

(Article republished from

The girl received one dose of Pfizer-BioNTech’s injection. She had no pre-existing conditions and was not hospitalized.

She experienced two to three days of “stomach ache, sore throat and chest pain, two weeks after receiving the vaccination,” the database states.

Data from December 14, 2020, to July 22, 2022, in the US shows 12,232 adverse events in 5- to 11-year-olds, including 313 “serious” cases and nine deaths.
The database also lists 24 cases of heart inflammation, 47 cases of blood clotting disorders, and 101 reports of seizures in the same age group.

It is understood that VAERS don't tell the whole story. The deaths and disabling injuries listed there only represent 1 percent of the actual numbers due to the propensity of doctors to not report most of the devastation they see being caused by their partners in Big Pharma.
Taken together from nations around the world, these deaths by injection will add up to a genocide of untold magnitude, a mass culling that fulfills the purposes of a Malthusian clan of globalist elites.

How can this be happening, you ask. And who are these so called “Elites?”
Many of these so-called Elites are also Luciferian, but plenty of others are just plain greedy. Still others remain silent and go along out of self-preservation. They don’t want to risk being canceled and jeopardize their comfortable lifestyles.

Unfortunately,most doctors are just employees,and work for a paycheck. That means they’re easily controlled.
And what about the politicians?
The genocide we see playing out in real time is so evil that I find it difficult to comprehend how anyone in politics is able to talk about any other issue.

I typed “died days after receiving jab Pfizer Moderna” into my search engine and I turned up pages of articles about people dying, usually days or weeks after they had been jabbed.

Soaring inflation, as painful as it is, represents nothing compared to the pain and confusion so many must be feeling when their mother, father, spouse, sibling, friend, or their 9-year-old son or daughter dies “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” days or weeks after being jabbed. They’re healthy one day, gone the next.

And yet, it’s the forbidden subject. No politician, no matter how conservative or liberal, really wants to talk about it.
Their silence plays into the hands of the globalists who are behind this dark depopulation scheme.

Remember what Jesus said about these evildoers:

“It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin.”

They hate children because they hate humanity. And most of all they hate the Creator of humanity.

Historically, these elites always hated humanity, but they had to put up with us because they needed us to operate their factories, fight their wars, clean their mansions, harvest their food, make sure the trains run on time.

With the advances in gene editing, artificial intelligence and computer algorithms, they now have robots who can do all of the above tasks, often better and more reliably than we human beings. The crops that used to be picked in the fields can now be grown in a laboratory through CRISPR gene editing.

Watch the video below to get an idea how far the advancements in robotics have come in just the last 10 years. Also keep in mind this video is from one company, Boston Dynamics. There are hundreds of companies working on robotics and while Boston Dynamics claims it will not partner with anyone wishing to use its robots for military purposes, many other companies are focused on exactly that application.

Now watch this terrifying robot from Sword Defense Systems which is capable of firing off ballistic rounds in rapid succession with pinpoint accuracy out to 2,100 meters. As the narrator says, this is considered “the future of unmanned weapon systems, and that future is now.”
Mwenzako Alex Jones sasa hivi analipa faini ya mamilioni ya dola kwa sababu ya upumbavu kama huu
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