The Journey to motherhood can be really stressful to a new mum

Shining Light

JF-Expert Member
Jan 8, 2024
After giving birth, every family member comes with an opinion on how you should deal with the children. Some advise you to always Google, while others share their experiences with you. As you undergo the healing process, you find yourself deep in thought about how to care for your baby.

Nights with insufficient milk supply for the baby, constant crying throughout the night causing sleepless nights, urinary problems, countless cramps, and sometimes the fear of the child suffocating due to their sleeping position weigh heavily on your mind.

You expect help or relief from these thoughts, but instead, every thought pushes you into anxiety, depression, making the early stages of motherhood scary and painful. However, small smiles from the baby bring you joy and give you strength to cope with caring for the baby.

Every year, at least 40 million women are likely to experience a long-term health problem caused by childbirth, according to a new study published today in The Lancet Global Health. Part of a special Series on maternal health, the study shows a high burden of postnatal conditions that persist in the months or even years after giving birth. These include pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), affecting more than a third (35%) of postpartum women, low back pain (32%), anal incontinence (19%), urinary incontinence (8-31%), anxiety (9-24%), depression (11-17%), perineal pain (11%), fear of childbirth (tokophobia) (6-15%) and secondary infertility (11%).

“Many postpartum conditions cause considerable suffering in women’s daily life long after birth, both emotionally and physically, and yet they are largely underappreciated, underrecognized, and underreported,” said Dr Pascale Allotey, Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO. “Throughout their lives, and beyond motherhood, women need access to a range of services from health-care providers who listen to their concerns and meet their needs - so they not only survive childbirth but can enjoy good health and quality of life.

Source: WHO
For sure motherhood is lifetime job, it is real sorry to see that some women go through all these and yet they are abandoned by their baby father and they have to bear economic suffering as well.

All those increase the chance of stress and depression. It is blessing for those women with caring and supportive husbands
For sure motherhood is lifetime job, it is real sorry to see that some women go through all these and yet they are abandoned by their baby father and they have to bear economic suffering as well.

All those increase the chance of stress and depression. It is blessing for those women with caring and supportive husbands
Surely, having a supportive husband or baby daddy is really a blessing.
Surely, having a supportive husband or baby daddy is really a blessing.
Now days is a disastrous, young men run the campaign of "reject marriage", thay hit and run, pump and dump. They become a single mother incubator.
Motherhood currently is done with less seriousness and blames goes to each and every member of the society women themselves included.

Back in the day before you even dare to think of having a baby you will ask yourself is my potential man going to be accepted in my family and clan? But things aren't the same anymore, women get pregnant randomly by whomever they find tempting enough to penetrate their womb entrance.

If you're not careful with who you are letting and giving access to be the father of your unborn child you are actually risking all of the said occurrences. Sometimes life is not how we fantasize it to be, rather its a product of our arrangements and efforts.

Not far in the past,our currently abandoned African culture and traditions used to have a system in place to protect, service, contain and hospitalize women throughout maternity life until they became fully customized, calibrated midwives,experienced mothers and caretakers of other new and inexperienced moms something which has recently be overridden by politics and foreign health organizations interventions and kick out the traditional practitioners who were to transfer those skills and inherit them to the new generation of young women.

Now the social disconnect gap between grandmothers, aunties and their apprentices (young women) has widened and young women are told by these Western countries oriented health organization reports that what they experience throughout motherhood is a new experience that was never happened before and therefore wait for more research and solutions from Westworld.

My everytime and repeated response is young women have been ideologiesed to follow what is opposite their rightful direction which is their African culture and traditions experience.

Some of the members of our society still practice, appreciate and follow up on their ancestry ways first by consulting the elderly before diving head first into the pool of motherhood and unarranged or non-matrimonial relationships with young and untrained Men who can't be full time fathers, spouses and responsible husbands to them even bread winners for the family.

They first seek blessings from their parents and clan elderly and community and thereafter follow all the necessary and required procedures. Even when motherhood comes along it becomes a planned one and everyone participates in helping them go through the process.
Now days is a disastrous, young men run the campaign of "reject marriage", thay hit and run, pump and dump. They become a single mother incubator.
Its hard to blame both parties. Young men are not trained properly to commit to all of the responsibility and get all yellow and overwhelmed to fatherhood and taking care of their newly made family. But also young women poorly prepared and untrained for motherhood, wifely duties and caretakers of the family.

We need to do something as a society depends much on us now more than ever.
Its hard to blame both parties. Young men are not trained properly to commit to all of the responsibility and get all yellow and overwhelmed to fatherhood and taking care of their newly made family. But also young women poorly prepared and untrained for motherhood, wifely duties and caretakers of the family.

We need to do something as a society depends much on us now more than ever.
I understand that fatherhood is tedium as well, now days you will often hears young parents acknowledging their parents by say “ I didn’t know that my parents/guardian pass through all this”.
They now understand the pressure their parents were under.

what I believe is that, it has never been easy through out the generations but now days ia more worse due to the increase of human needs (economy) and health issues both physical and mental.
Its hard to blame both parties. Young men are not trained properly to commit to all of the responsibility and get all yellow and overwhelmed to fatherhood and taking care of their newly made family. But also young women poorly prepared and untrained for motherhood, wifely duties and caretakers of the family.

We need to do something as a society depends much on us now more than ever.
It could be they are not trained, but can't they acquire it from observing from their parents? aspect of socialization agency from family, peer, society, religion and even school
Motherhood currently is done with less seriousness and blames goes to each and every member of the society women themselves included.

Back in the day before you even dare to think of having a baby you will ask yourself is my potential man going to be accepted in my family and clan? But things aren't the same anymore, women get pregnant randomly by whomever they find tempting enough to penetrate their womb entrance.

If you're not careful with who you are letting and giving access to be the father of your unborn child you are actually risking all of the said occurrences. Sometimes life is not how we fantasize it to be, rather its a product of our arrangements and efforts.

Not far in the past,our currently abandoned African culture and traditions used to have a system in place to protect, service, contain and hospitalize women throughout maternity life until they became fully customized, calibrated midwives,experienced mothers and caretakers of other new and inexperienced moms something which has recently be overridden by politics and foreign health organizations interventions and kick out the traditional practitioners who were to transfer those skills and inherit them to the new generation of young women.

Now the social disconnect gap between grandmothers, aunties and their apprentices (young women) has widened and young women are told by these Western countries oriented health organization reports that what they experience throughout motherhood is a new experience that was never happened before and therefore wait for more research and solutions from Westworld.

My everytime and repeated response is young women have been ideologiesed to follow what is opposite their rightful direction which is their African culture and traditions experience.

Some of the members of our society still practice, appreciate and follow up on their ancestry ways first by consulting the elderly before diving head first into the pool of motherhood and unarranged or non-matrimonial relationships with young and untrained Men who can't be full time fathers, spouses and responsible husbands to them even bread winners for the family.

They first seek blessings from their parents and clan elderly and community and thereafter follow all the necessary and required procedures. Even when motherhood comes along it becomes a planned one and everyone participates in helping them go through the process.
Times have change, populations too has changed too so we can't compare the timeline but how can we deal with this issue right now
Now days is a disastrous, young men run the campaign of "reject marriage", thay hit and run, pump and dump. They become a single mother incubator.
I feel like it could be a mistake that was caused with the generation before now on issue of separations and divorce, polygamy and so
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