Somebody got an excuse now

Mzee Mwanakijiji

Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2006
'More sex needed' to boost sperm


The more they get out, the better, the study suggests some men should have sex every day to maximise the chances of getting their partner pregnant, researchers say.

It is known for couples with fertility problems to abstain from sex for several days to boost sperm numbers before trying to conceive.

However, the Sydney University team, addressing the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference, said this could mean poorer quality sperm.

One UK expert said daily sex might be better for men with damaged sperm.

This research shows that when you put people on a daily ejaculation regime, it reduces the figure for DNA damage Professor Allan Pacey, British Fertility Society.

The Australian scientists studied 42 men whose sperm had been found to be an abnormal shape when examined under the microscope.

They were told to ejaculate daily for seven days, and these samples were compared with those taken from them after three days' abstinence.

All but five of the men had less sperm damage in their daily samples compared with the post-abstention sample.

Fertility myth

Dr Allan Pacey, the secretary of the British Fertility Society, said that while not having sex allowed the numbers of sperm to build up, there was a "trade-off" between quality and quantity.

"This research shows that when you put people on a daily ejaculation regime, it reduces the figure for DNA damage.

"If you can go from 30% to 20% that is quite a big shift and that should have some implications for fertility.

"There are men out there who think, or whose partners think, that limiting ejaculation will make them more fertile.

"I remember one couple in which the woman would only let the man ejaculate when she was in her fertile period, so the poor chap was going without for almost a month at a time."

He said that if a couple was initially trying to get pregnant, an interval of two to three days was probably advisable - whereas a man with high DNA damage and a "decent" sperm count should try more often.
Laptops may damage male fertility

Using it on your lap could be risky

Men who use laptop computers could be unwittingly damaging their fertility, experts believe.

Balancing it on the lap increases the temperature of the scrotum which is known to have a negative effect on sperm production, researchers found.

Coupled with the rising popularity of these computers - about 150m people use them worldwide - much more research is needed say the US authors.

The State University of New York findings appear in Human Reproduction.

Teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps.

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said: "Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70・.

"They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs."

The researchers asked 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 to take part in an experiment.

They then recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use and different seating positions over one hour time periods.

Just sitting with the thighs together, a posture needed to balance a laptop, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1C.

Heating up

When the men used a laptop in this position the average temperatures increased by 2.6C on the left of the scrotum and 2.8C on the right.

It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

Dr Allan Pacey of the British Fertility Society

Dr Sheynkin said: "The body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development (spermatogenesis).

"We don't know the exact frequency and time of heat exposure capable of producing reversible or irreversible changes in spermatogenesis.

"But previous studies suggest that 1・ above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient."

He said any changes might be reversible, but that repetitive use of a laptop in this way might cause permanent damage.

"Until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure, teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps," he said.

Speaking on behalf of the British Fertility Society, Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in Andrology at the University of Sheffield, said: "We already know that increasing the temperature of the testicles can affect sperm production.

"It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

"Men who use laptops regularly should be very careful.

"Further work is needed to see if regular laptop use is a risk factor in male fertility."[/QUOTE]

na hii nayo vipi?
Laptops may damage male fertility

Using it on your lap could be risky

Men who use laptop computers could be unwittingly damaging their fertility, experts believe.

Balancing it on the lap increases the temperature of the scrotum which is known to have a negative effect on sperm production, researchers found.

Coupled with the rising popularity of these computers - about 150m people use them worldwide - much more research is needed say the US authors.

The State University of New York findings appear in Human Reproduction.

Teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps.

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said: "Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70・.

"They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs."

The researchers asked 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 to take part in an experiment.

They then recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use and different seating positions over one hour time periods.

Just sitting with the thighs together, a posture needed to balance a laptop, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1C.

Heating up

When the men used a laptop in this position the average temperatures increased by 2.6C on the left of the scrotum and 2.8C on the right.

It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

Dr Allan Pacey of the British Fertility Society

Dr Sheynkin said: "The body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development (spermatogenesis).

"We don't know the exact frequency and time of heat exposure capable of producing reversible or irreversible changes in spermatogenesis.

"But previous studies suggest that 1・ above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient."

He said any changes might be reversible, but that repetitive use of a laptop in this way might cause permanent damage.

"Until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure, teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps," he said.

Speaking on behalf of the British Fertility Society, Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in Andrology at the University of Sheffield, said: "We already know that increasing the temperature of the testicles can affect sperm production.

"It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

"Men who use laptops regularly should be very careful.

"Further work is needed to see if regular laptop use is a risk factor in male fertility."

na hii nayo vipi?[/QUOTE]

lol. hii niliiona longitaimu. niliposoma hii, tangu siku hiyo naweka kimto chini ya laptop...aithee kisasi muhimu babaangu.
na hii nayo vipi?

lol. hii niliiona longitaimu. niliposoma hii, tangu siku hiyo naweka kimto chini ya laptop...aithee kisasi muhimu babaangu.[/QUOTE]

Eebwana umenivunja mbavu mwanangu sasa kimto ndio kitasaidia? Nakumbuka kipindi fulani walisema simu nazo zinauwa nguvu toka siku hiyo jamaa yangu huwa anaweka simu yake kwenye mfuko wa shat anasema bora matatizo ya kifua kuliko kisasi.
lol. hii niliiona longitaimu. niliposoma hii, tangu siku hiyo naweka kimto chini ya laptop...aithee kisasi muhimu babaangu.

Eebwana umenivunja mbavu mwanangu sasa kimto ndio kitasaidia? Nakumbuka kipindi fulani walisema simu nazo zinauwa nguvu toka siku hiyo jamaa yangu huwa anaweka simu yake kwenye mfuko wa shat anasema bora matatizo ya kifua kuliko kisasi.[/QUOTE]

LOL.Aithee, Kimto kinathaidia babaangu...maana joto linakuwa kwa juu tu ya kimto. Kwa chini temperature regulation ni poa kabisa, tafikiri kiubaridi cha pale kishumundu kwa kina manka. Labda niongese aluminium foil kwa chini ita reflect saidi. Nji hii inahitaji visasi vipya aisee.

Mkuu kuna software naijua inatumika na kitengo kimoja kazini kwetu. Ina predict radiation. Hiyo field inaniboa sijawahi kufuatilia, lakini nikiwauliza wanaweza kutoa jibu. They can predict how far radition will go....sasa mambo ya effects ndio inabidi wa-combine na technology ya medics.
Kuhusu simu, ngoja nitajitahidi nitafute picha au article inaonyesha jinsi gani radiation inaingia kichwani.
Laptops may damage male fertility

Using it on your lap could be risky

Men who use laptop computers could be unwittingly damaging their fertility, experts believe.

Balancing it on the lap increases the temperature of the scrotum which is known to have a negative effect on sperm production, researchers found.

Coupled with the rising popularity of these computers - about 150m people use them worldwide - much more research is needed say the US authors.

The State University of New York findings appear in Human Reproduction.

Teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps.

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin

Lead researcher Dr Yefim Sheynkin, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said: "Laptops can reach internal operating temperatures of over 70・.

"They are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, and as well as being capable of producing direct local heat, they require the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, which traps the scrotum between the thighs."

The researchers asked 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 to take part in an experiment.

They then recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use and different seating positions over one hour time periods.

Just sitting with the thighs together, a posture needed to balance a laptop, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1C.

Heating up

When the men used a laptop in this position the average temperatures increased by 2.6C on the left of the scrotum and 2.8C on the right.

It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

Dr Allan Pacey of the British Fertility Society

Dr Sheynkin said: "The body needs to maintain a proper testicular temperature for normal sperm production and development (spermatogenesis).

"We don't know the exact frequency and time of heat exposure capable of producing reversible or irreversible changes in spermatogenesis.

"But previous studies suggest that 1・ above the baseline is the possible minimal thermal gradient."

He said any changes might be reversible, but that repetitive use of a laptop in this way might cause permanent damage.

"Until further studies provide more information on this type of thermal exposure, teenage boys and young men may consider limiting their use of laptop computers on their laps," he said.

Speaking on behalf of the British Fertility Society, Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in Andrology at the University of Sheffield, said: "We already know that increasing the temperature of the testicles can affect sperm production.

"It is worrying that having a laptop on your knees for only an hour can increase the temperature of the scrotum so significantly.

"Men who use laptops regularly should be very careful.

"Further work is needed to see if regular laptop use is a risk factor in male fertility."

na hii nayo vipi?[/QUOTE]

Hii mimi huwa nashtuka sana saa nyingine huwa nagusa ofisi kama ziko sawa wakati natumia laptop.Mimi zile radiation zinanipa wasi wasi kweli kweli....kama alivyosema defuk nami huwa naweka kimto kupunguza makali lakini kwa kuwa natumia muda mrefu panapata joto kwa hio naona radioation zinapita.....sasa hivi siweki laptop mapajani naweka kwenye meza.....

Mwenye hata picha ya jinsi madhara haya tunaomba atuwekee

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