A future parent's hope of shielding the Innocent

Wild Flower

Jul 20, 2023
My biggest worry is protecting the worry for my child in her deep dreams in a world so big where darkness may creep. Not just strangers people, but also those close by, neighbors, relatives, and teachers.

In the sacred halls where prayers ascends. Can trust be shattered, with a message to send? The inappropriate touch terrifies me. In the silent murmurs of the evening.

Oh, how I wish I could shelter her eyes from the dark side of the world. However, a hope does shine in my heart. Of open talks, like a stream of water. We'll talk about setting clear, honest boundaries so she can say, "This isn't you."

For knowledge is power, a beacon bright, Guiding her path through the darkest night. With vigilant eyes, and a listening ear, I’ll watch for signs, however unclear. And if a shadow dares to cast, she will be aware of my unwavering, all-encompassing love. Seeking support, hand in hand, With counselors and friends, who understand

Together, we'll erect a sturdy castle. A sanctuary where her soul is at home. I will therefore treasure our relationship as she grows to be bold and independent. Because of our love, a beacon shines through, guiding her as she develops and learns.
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