Let's talk English, to examine if your English worths the school fees you paid

Jamii Forums as I was told earlier is a place of intelligent and elite figures with concrete personalities and esteems; so let's stick to English conversations from the start until the End and see if it works.

I thought I'm the only one who is capable of using the language interchangeably. Let's see who's catching up with me.

I wanna see the critics in the language mentioned. I would appreciate it. Let's get started.

Just believe English is just a language anyone can learn; it has nothing to prove on your education level or knowledge.
I would like to express my sincere thanks for addressing us on anyone who wishes to express anything using an English language.

But unfortunately, I wish to correct you on some parts of the english language to make it sound well.

First,u may use the word "dear jamii forum members, or dear members or ladies and gentlemen" when addresing us but not the use of "jamii forums"

Also I may use some words like " would like some of members of jamii forums, who are conversant with the use of english language to express himself/yourself/herself in english language in order to assess on how you can express well in english language, that one would know or understand the level of understanding or expressions on english language.
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