Happy birthday to me Intelli, I mean no malice to anybody

December 31 I was finally birthed, it was time for me to find what is this planet worth.

Jamaa home where I got my sernity first, you can say, this is where I was handled my bless.

I have been hustling since a kid and iam so talented based, it was like a game to me, I never knew hustling paid.

Success ideas used to run through my big head, and the same time be the child my parents raised.

If you're from where am from, you know what it is, when you are forced to be a a man. When you are only a kid.

You got bills to pay to people calling you crib, or else you are gonna be evicted and get thrown into the street.

Had to hustle hard to find a way to switch it instead, see you gotta find a purpose or your vision is dead.

This days i got no time to sleeps, cause it's time to chase the big bags.

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HBD mjuba

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