Hongera JK kwa kututoa katika Umaskini duniani! ila bado ....

basi hizo takwimu siyo sahihi na wala hazi reflect kipato cha watanzania wengi wa kawaida hasahasa wa vijijini.!

Ni kweli ila itareflect wananchi wa vijijini ikiwepo miundo mbinu mizuri, nishati ya umeme ya uhakika, afya bora na vitu vyenginevyo. Hivyo vinahitaji kufanyika sasa kwa vitendo enough with siasa za kila siku na maazimio na mikakati isiyoisha it is time for action. But this is a step forward which also needs to be recognised.
Kachukue GDP ya Tanzania ya 2010 gawanya kwa total number of population ya Tanzania ndio unapata GDP per capital . sielewi vp watu wengine wanabeza mafanikio haya wakati China pamoja na kuwa nchi Tajiri duniani na nchi ya pili kwa ukubwa duniani kuna karibia watu 1 Billion wanaoishi katika umaskini na less than dollar a day? Despite China GDP per capital is $7,500 ndogo kuliko hata Jamaica, South Africa. Kila kitu taratibu mafanikio hayaji siku moja wakuu.
Mimi siwezi kutamba kwamba umaskini umepungua kwa wachukua watu wanaolipwa lets say milioni 50 kwa mwaka na nikawachanganya na wale ambao hata kipato kwa mwaka hawakijui ......ukizingatia hawa wasio na kipato au wenye kipato kidogo ndiyo wengi.
Mkuu , inawezekana kuwa na pato la dogo usd 1000 per person lakini umaskini wa mtanzania wa kawaida ukawa mdogo kuliko sasa hivi?
Mimi siwezi kutamba kwamba umaskini umepungua kwa wachukua watu wanaolipwa lets say milioni 50 kwa mwaka na nikawachanganya na wale ambao hata kipato kwa mwaka hawakijui ......ukizingatia hawa wasio na kipato au wenye kipato kidogo ndiyo wengi.
Mkuu , inawezekana kuwa na pato la dogo usd 1000 per person lakini umaskini wa mtanzania wa kawaida ukawa mdogo kuliko sasa hivi?


Tuwe mkweli hata wewe ungelipewa nchi siku moja ungelibadilisha kila kitu siku moja. Anyway as much as I do not agree with our president on the issue of corruption in this country of ours I congratulate him for this. Masuala mengine kama serikali ikiwa makini yatasimama in due course. Jana nimesikia wabrazil wamekubali kuja kutusaidia kuanza ujenzi wa Stieglers gorge (utakaotoa ajira, upatikanaji wa uhakika wa umeme). Vile vile mradi wa umeme na gesi wa Lindi wa 1900 MW. Hebu angalia tukiweza kupata umeme wa Stiegler gorge wa 2100 MW, Gas 1900 MW, Mtera na Kidatu 500 MW, Katani NSSF 400 MW, Mchuchuma 400 MW-600 MW, Kiwira estimated 800 MW wakati mahitaji yetu ni 800 MW umeme mwengine tunaweza kuuza na kupata pato zaidi. Nchi zinazotuzunguka kama Kenya, Msumbiji, Comoro na Burundi wana uhaba wa umeme na vyanzo. Miradi ya mafuta, ujenzi wa viwanda vya cement ajira ziko nyingi mkuu hali ya mtanzania itaboreka ipe muda. Wasiwasi wangu ni je watanzania wako tayari kwa mabadiliko hayo maana sisi maneno mengi kufanya kazi wengi wetu hatutaki tunataka mambo haraka tunabakia kulalamika kila siku.
Leo nimezitazama data sehemu kutoka IMF na kuona Tanzania GDP per capital income imepanda kutoka 385 in 1980 to $1,400 per person.

1981414.7327.29 %
1982426.6962.88 %
1983426.078-0.14 %
1984430.4281.02 %
1985446.8783.82 %
1986466.7534.45 %
1987493.5345.74 %
1988523.0285.98 %
1989545.0794.22 %
1990590.0388.25 %
1991604.4392.44 %
1992603.421-0.17 %
1993605.4290.33 %
1994609.3490.65 %
1995625.7182.69 %
1996648.2053.59 %
1997664.8412.57 %
1998678.2922.02 %
1999705.8374.06 %
2000731.923.70 %
2001772.6555.57 %
2002824.6786.73 %
2003882.4557.01 %
2004942.26.77 %
20051008.9247.08 %
20061094.4448.48 %
20071180.8477.89 %
20081269.7257.53 %
20091342.2995.72 %
20101416.8635.55 %

Pia graph hii inaonyesha kwa urahisi zaidi click link hii hapa:-
Tanzania GDP - per capita (PPP) - Economy

Nakupongeza Rais wetu JK kwani ukuaji wa GDP umekuwa mkubwa kuanzia 2005- kuendelea despite turbulent economic pressure from the West in 2008-2010. Ila kuna mambo yanahitajika kuendelezwa mfano distribution of this wealth needs to reach mwananchi wa kawaida wa nchi yetu naye aone kuna mabadiliko.

Tanzania imetoka nafasi ya chini kuwa nchi ya tatu kwa umaskini duniani kuwa nchi ya 51 kwa umaskini duniani and still climbing. We are 24th poorest nation 2 step behind Kenya and projected that by 2014 we shall surpass Kenya to be wealthiest nation in East Africa. Tunahitaji pia mabadiliko katika sarafu ya nchi iendane na ukuaji huu wa uchumi wa Tanzania. Kudos JK kwa kazi nzuri steam on!
nasikitika kuwa kwa bahati mbaya uhalisia wa maisha ya watu haupimwi na per capital income tu coz ina weaknesses kibao kama
Per Capital Income is usually used as a national wealth indicator, especially when measured in a commonly used currency, it has several weaknesses however:

1) Economic activity that does not result in monetary income (such as homemaking and some artistry) is not counted in per-capita income measurements, although the magnitude of this effect varies widely from country to country.

2) The distribution of income is not gauged accurately in per-capita income measurements. This means that outliers within the population (the extremely wealthier or indigent) can have a disproportionate effect on the overall outcome.

3) Varying exchange rates between countries means that a given amount of money will have different value in different places, thus Per Capita Income offers imperfect comparison's country to country, and may be most relevant comparing different years within a single country, when controlled for inflation
anywas kaka uchumi si namba tu kaka ila pia kuna mambo kibao ya kutazama hebu cheki mfumuko wa bei leo' cheki thamani ya sarafu yetu leo halafu cheki maisha ya lleo ya watanzania wengi
Wakuu hizo namba zisiwandanganye hata kidogo. Ukitaka upate hali halisi ya mambo jaribu kuangalia thaman ya dola against Tsh, kwa miaka hiyo ya 1980's na hii ya sasa.

Halafu soma takwimu upya, utatambua kuwa tunapiga mark time. Leo hii 1$ = 1680 Tsh (ni hatari!)
Halafu nenda sokoni ukanunue sukari na unga. Pita pale bucha ukanunue kilo tatu za nyama. Na bado hujanunua maziwa na gharama za daladala au petroli ya kukufikisha kazini. Linganisha hizo takwim, ukianzia mshahara wako wa leo na wa 1981 na purchasing power yake ndipo urudi hapa kutoa hongera.

Tuwe mkweli hata wewe ungelipewa nchi siku moja ungelibadilisha kila kitu siku moja. Anyway as much as I do not agree with our president on the issue of corruption in this country of ours I congratulate him for this. Masuala mengine kama serikali ikiwa makini yatasimama in due course. Jana nimesikia wabrazil wamekubali kuja kutusaidia kuanza ujenzi wa Stieglers gorge (utakaotoa ajira, upatikanaji wa uhakika wa umeme). Vile vile mradi wa umeme na gesi wa Lindi wa 1900 MW. Hebu angalia tukiweza kupata umeme wa Stiegler gorge wa 2100 MW, Gas 1900 MW, Mtera na Kidatu 500 MW, Katani NSSF 400 MW, Mchuchuma 400 MW-600 MW, Kiwira estimated 800 MW wakati mahitaji yetu ni 800 MW umeme mwengine tunaweza kuuza na kupata pato zaidi. Nchi zinazotuzunguka kama Kenya, Msumbiji, Comoro na Burundi wana uhaba wa umeme na vyanzo. Miradi ya mafuta, ujenzi wa viwanda vya cement ajira ziko nyingi mkuu hali ya mtanzania itaboreka ipe muda. Wasiwasi wangu ni je watanzania wako tayari kwa mabadiliko hayo maana sisi maneno mengi kufanya kazi wengi wetu hatutaki tunataka mambo haraka tunabakia kulalamika kila siku.
Swali lilitakiwa liwe je serikali ya CCM inataka mabadiliko? Watanzania wanachapa kazi sana ndugu yangu...kuna akina mama wanaamka saa 9 za usiku kwenda kutafuta mboga za kuuza..akitoka hapo ni kazi mpaka usiku! hivi huwa unaona vijana wangapi vijiweni wana nguvu zao lakini kazi hakuna..? nimekaa sana kwa wenzetu walioendelea yaani mkuu...watu wanafanya kazi viwandani hambazo hazihitaji taaluma yeyote yaani ni kujua kusoma na kuandika tu lakini wanalisha familia na mambo mengine...! tusijilinganishe sana kama hawa walioendelea ..ila ni kweli vijana wa kitanzania hata wale ambao hawajasoma wangeweza kutoa mchango wao kama tungekuwa na viwanda zaidi ya hvi tulivyonavyo....!Ondoa kabisa hiyo mentality ya ki CCM kuwa watanzania ni wavivu wakati fursa zote vigogo wamezibana!
Leo nimezitazama data sehemu kutoka IMF na kuona Tanzania GDP per capital income imepanda kutoka 385 in 1980 to $1,400 per person.
Nakupongeza Rais wetu JK kwani ukuaji wa GDP umekuwa mkubwa kuanzia 2005- kuendelea despite turbulent economic pressure from the West in 2008-2010. Ila kuna mambo yanahitajika kuendelezwa mfano distribution of this wealth needs to reach mwananchi wa kawaida wa nchi yetu naye aone kuna mabadiliko.

Tanzania imetoka nafasi ya chini kuwa nchi ya tatu kwa umaskini duniani kuwa nchi ya 51 kwa umaskini duniani and still climbing. We are 24th poorest nation 2 step behind Kenya and projected that by 2014 we shall surpass Kenya to be wealthiest nation in East Africa. Tunahitaji pia mabadiliko katika sarafu ya nchi iendane na ukuaji huu wa uchumi wa Tanzania. Kudos JK kwa kazi nzuri steam on!

Kwanza nikuombe msamaha kwa sababu unajichanganya na maneno, pili unaushabiki kwa mtu (JK) disaster katika historia ya Tanzania,

Nije kwenye mada. Katiba yetu ina vifungu muhimu kwangu viwili mamlaka ya utawala unatokana na wananchi, rasilimali itaelekezwa kuwafaidisha wananchi. Mamlaka ya JK yanatokana na wizi wa kura, mafisadi na sheria za uchaguzi zinazokataza rais akitangazwa asipingwe mahakamani. Licha ya wizi, kura halisi alizopata mathematicaly and moraly ni 10% na JK anajua. Ndiyo maana nimekerwa na pongezi zako kwa asiyestahili.

Pili chunguza sana hilo pato, wewe mwenyewe umejijibu kuwa halina mgao sawa. Elewa wanaopandisha hilo pato ni maswahiba wa JK wanaokwapua rasilimali za taifa kwenye madini, dowans, songas hata sukari inayozalishwa viwandani mwetu kwa ajili yetu. Hiyo ndiyo maana hata uchumi unavyodai unakuwa hauna faida kwa mwananchi wa kawaida ambaye inabidi apewe msaada wa chakula kama rushwa hususan wakati wa uchaguzi wa Igunga.

Mwisho nakuomba ukue kidogo, achana na mtazamo wa kumuangalia kiongozi kama ndiye mwenye credit ya mafanikio na matatizo, angalia mfumo unavyogawanya uwajibikaji na majukumu yenye tija kwa nchi.

nasikitika kuwa kwa bahati mbaya uhalisia wa maisha ya watu haupimwi na per capital income tu coz ina weaknesses kibao kama
Per Capital Income is usually used as a national wealth indicator, especially when measured in a commonly used currency, it has several weaknesses however:

1) Economic activity that does not result in monetary income (such as homemaking and some artistry) is not counted in per-capita income measurements, although the magnitude of this effect varies widely from country to country.

2) The distribution of income is not gauged accurately in per-capita income measurements. This means that outliers within the population (the extremely wealthier or indigent) can have a disproportionate effect on the overall outcome.

3) Varying exchange rates between countries means that a given amount of money will have different value in different places, thus Per Capita Income offers imperfect comparison's country to country, and may be most relevant comparing different years within a single country, when controlled for inflation
anywas kaka uchumi si namba tu kaka ila pia kuna mambo kibao ya kutazama hebu cheki mfumuko wa bei leo' cheki thamani ya sarafu yetu leo halafu cheki maisha ya lleo ya watanzania wengi

Nimesema nyuma,

Per capital income ni estimation ya annual income of a Tanzanian. Kwanza figures zote hapo zipo interms of USD sielewi exchange rate inahusika vipi hapo katika measurement of GDP per capital income.

Pili umezungumzia distribution of income yes indeed Tanzania has one of the highest unequal of distribution of income in East Africa nyuma ya Kenya na Uganda (Kenya ndio inayoongoza for unequal distribution of income). Lakini nikuulize China nchi mnayoiabudu humu JF yenyewe haina equal distribution of income je inakuwaje? Inakisiwa China 2/3 of chinese are believe to live below the poverty line lakini China ni nchi tajiri kiuchumi je mnasemaje hapo? USA hivyo uchumi wa US unamilikiwa na watu wasiozidi milioni 2-5. Hivyo kiufupi hoja ya equal distribution of income is irrelevant fanya kazi ufanikiwe wewe na familia yako ndio utaenjoy mafanikio ya uchumi wa Tanzania ukilala tu hutaenjoy hata siku moja.

Umezungumzia Inflation Tanzania inflation is among the lowest in East Africa. Inflation ya Tanzania ni among the lowest. Uganda inflation is 22%, Kenya 17.3%, Tanzania 14.1%. Factors nyingi tumezitoa hapo kama uhaba waumeme, high oil prices, economic recession which altogether brings together pressure to food, energy and other commodity prices.

Kuhusu haireflect katika maisha ya watanzania mtaani kama nilivyosema hapa juu hali ya sasa hivi ya maisha inasababishwa na vitu vingi but kikubwa ni umeme na mafuta. I expect project ya umeme wa gesi ikikamilika on time hali ya maisha itakuwa na ahueni hivyo tuvumilie.

But still our per capital income is rising tuweni watu wa shukrani wakuu.
1. There is -% increase
2. $ 2day is not $ 2morrow
3. As many have said, gdp is not good measure for equitable income.
With this unpredictable supply of electricity, we should expect our economy to nose dive.
Mimi nina swali moja. Sh. 386.55 mwaka 1980 ilikua inaweza kununua nini na Sh. 1416.863 inanunua nini?

Nauliza hivi kwa sababu kwa uelewa wangu mimi mwaka 1980 Sh. 386 kwa mwaka unaishi maisha ya kuridhisha tu ila leo hii mshahara au kipato cha Sh. 1416 kwa mwaka unatosha mtu kuishi maisha ya kuridhisha?

What is the buying power of our currency now?
Tuwe watu shukrani wakuu sio kubeza kila kitu kwangu mie haya ni mafanikio mwanauchumi yeyote ayasifu.

Watanzania si wanauchumi wa aina yako ni wanauchumi wanajipima na uhalali wa utawala kwa maana ya nani anafaidika na nini. Ni wanauchumi wanaotabika na jasho bila kipato kinacholingana na jasho lao. Yote haya ni katika mazingira ambapo si zaidi ya watu 10 tu akiwepo JK ndio wenye pato ta kuyumbisha (skew) hizo data zako.

Unanikumbusha kisa cha nguo ya mfalme. Fundi alimvisha alama za nguo tu akaenda kuionyesha nguo ambayo hipo mwilini (yaani yuko uchi). Kwa unafiki watu kama wewe walisifu vazi la mfalme, hadi mtoto alipowaambia mbona mfalme yuko uchi ndipo wanafiki nao wakadandia.

Nisamehe sana naona hoja yako ni kinafiki iliyokithiri. Uwe ye yote yule nathani hata wewe moyoni mwako unajua tunavyopigika nchi.

Huwezi pima mafanikio ya nchi kwa kuangalia per capital na inflation tu. Hebu angalia elimu bora, miundo mbinu bora, uwezo wa kukabiliana na majanga makubwa(spice MV.), Exportation vs Importation, Utawala Bora, Siasa Bora, uwezo wa kuwa na Nyumba bora, usafiri (public) bora n.k. Sisi hapa kipimo cha inflation imekuwa ni je, tunachakula cha kutosha? yaani kwenye basket commodity collections ya kudetermine inflation chakula ndo kimewekewa share kubwa. yaani watanzania wakiwa na chakula cha kutosha ndo kipimo cha inflation? nafikiri huu upuuzi wa Benk kuu na Statistics wauache ili tuje na lialistic measures.
Kwanza nikuombe msamaha kwa sababu unajichanganya na maneno, pili unaushabiki kwa mtu (JK) disaster katika historia ya Tanzania,

Nije kwenye mada. Katiba yetu ina vifungu muhimu kwangu viwili mamlaka ya utawala unatokana na wananchi, rasilimali itaelekezwa kuwafaidisha wananchi. Mamlaka ya JK yanatokana na wizi wa kura, mafisadi na sheria za uchaguzi zinazokataza rais akitangazwa asipingwe mahakamani. Licha ya wizi, kura halisi alizopata mathematicaly and moraly ni 10% na JK anajua. Ndiyo maana nimekerwa na pongezi zako kwa asiyestahili.

Pili chunguza sana hilo pato, wewe mwenyewe umejijibu kuwa halina mgao sawa. Elewa wanaopandisha hilo pato ni maswahiba wa JK wanaokwapua rasilimali za taifa kwenye madini, dowans, songas hata sukari inayozalishwa viwandani mwetu kwa ajili yetu. Hiyo ndiyo maana hata uchumi unavyodai unakuwa hauna faida kwa mwananchi wa kawaida ambaye inabidi apewe msaada wa chakula kama rushwa hususan wakati wa uchaguzi wa Igunga.

Mwisho nakuomba ukue kidogo, achana na mtazamo wa kumuangalia kiongozi kama ndiye mwenye credit ya mafanikio na matatizo, angalia mfumo unavyogawanya uwajibikaji na majukumu yenye tija kwa nchi.



Nionyeshe wapi nimejichanganya nijirekebishe. Pili JK simsifu kwa lolote when it comes kusimamia suala la mafisadi maana ni mchezo wa sarakasi ila penye pongezi apewe. Tatu fikra ya kwamba watu wanakuibia inabidi ujiulize ulikuwa wapi mpaka wamekuibia kama sisi wenye hatujalala. Tusimamie kupata katiba mpya itakayotuwezesha kumbana rais tunayemwajiri ili ajibu kwa waajiri wake.


Ni kweli vijana inawezekana wanajituma ila hawafahamu wapi pa kujituma wakapata mafanikio. Nitakupa mfano vijana wengi wameshikilia fani ya mziki kama njia ya kuwatoa kimaisha, wengine katika masuala ya urembo. Matokeo yake kusoma wengine wameona hakuna umuhimu. Leo hii vijana mpaka vijijini utakuta anamjua Diamond, Wema Sepetu na wengineo ukimuuliza 5x6 hajui.

Isitoshe hawafahamu wapi pa kupatia mafanikio hebu angalia zanzibar sasa hivi vijana wengine wameacha kuimba imba na biashara zisizo na maana wanalima karafuu. Wanafanikiwa ile mbaya wengine mpaka maisha yao yameanza kubadilika. Sisi Tanzania bara vijana wetu nikuulize wangapi wamelichukua uzito suala la kilimo kwanza?

Pia wangapi wamejishughulisha kulima kwa kupata maisha bora badala yake tunakimbilia mijini kufanya kazi za ulinzi. Tuweni wakweli? 70% of vijana according to Wizara ya vijana are considered to be unemployed hasa in urban areas wanafanya nini wasiende kulima?

Ulaya na Marekani matajiri wakubwa ni wakulima. Badala yake ukienda huko vijijini unawakuta Wakenya wametapakaa na wazimbabwe sisi tuko busy na kazi za ulinzi mijini.
Mimi nina swali moja. Sh. 386.55 mwaka 1980 ilikua inaweza kununua nini na Sh. 1416.863 inanunua nini?

Nauliza hivi kwa sababu kwa uelewa wangu mimi mwaka 1980 Sh. 386 kwa mwaka unaishi maisha ya kuridhisha tu ila leo hii mshahara au kipato cha Sh. 1416 kwa mwaka unatosha mtu kuishi maisha ya kuridhisha?

What is the buying power of our currency now?

Swali lako siwezi kulijibu kwani hizo figures zipo interms of USD (Us dollar). Hivyo in 1980 pato la mtanzania lilikuwa $386 wakati 2010 ni $1410. Ama kuhusu thamani sarafu ya shillingi kuna posti nimeweka hapo kuwa US dollar 1 in 1980= Tshs 8 wakati mwaka 2010 $1 = Tshs 1,510. Nadhani utafahamu purchasing power of our currency now.
I know and that is why nimesema bado kwani mfano statistics zinaonyesha hivi:-
Thamani ya shillingi Tanzania against one US dollar
Year GDP US dollar exchange rate:-
198045,7498.21 Shillings
1985115,00617.87 Shillings
1990830,693195.04 Shillings
19953,020,501536.40 Shillings
20007,267,133800.43 Shillings
200513,713,4771,127.10 Shillings
2010-1,515.10 Shillings

Utaona shillingi yetu inaporomoka mno kupita kiasi kufanya hali ya maisha iwe ngumu nchini ( from 1$: 8 Tshs to 1$ : 1515 Tshs ). Sababu moja wapo kuu ni uzalishaji kudorota kutokana na upatikanaji hafifu wa nishati ya umeme. Serikali ya Tanzania ikifanikiwa kutatua tatizo la umeme haraka iwezekanavyo uchumi utasimama tena. Isitoshe utumiaji wa fedha za kigeni kwa wingi nchi nao umechangia tungeliweza kuweka policy ya kuzuia utumiaji huu wa fedha za kigeni nchini mambo labda yangelikuwa tofauti. Pia mapato ya madini yaongezeke ushauri wangu tubakie na huo mrahaba 3 ikibidi lakini serikali iwalazimishe makampuni ya madini yaweyamejisajili hapa ili kodi kama za corporation tax, capital gain, PAYE ziongeze pato la nchi. Vile vile kampuni za kigeni zikiwa listed nchini watanzania wataweza kuwekeza na kuliongozea pato nchi through kodi. Pia iboreshwe miundo mbinu ya nchi kama barabara ili kupunguza gharama za maisha za mtanzania na kutoa nafasi za kazi. Hivyo kuna mambo mengi yanaweza kufanyika kuboresha maisha. This is a success to me kwa JK ijapokuwa sikubaliani naye katika suala zima la ufisadi nchi but hapa nampongeza sana tu hongera as a step forward!!!

ni kweli kwamba serikali ya jk imefanya baadhi ya mambo mazuri lakini tulikuwa na uwezo kufanya vizuri zaidi.
Taifa letu lina watu 45 mil, tuambie kuna watu wangapi wanaolewa hizo number? Hata mimi sizielewi vizuri!
Bora wewe unazielewa ila huzielewi vizuri, mimi sizielewi kabisa. Kipimo kilichotumika cha GDP per capita income sio realistic sana kwa third world countries. Kwa mtazamo wangu naona kupanda kwetu, inawezekana kuwa nchi zilizokuwa na hali nzuri kiuchumi zimeanguka zaid ya tulipokuwa sisi maana sioni jitihada zozote ambazo zinafanywa na JK ukasema zinalenga kwenye kukuza uchumi, labda kama huo uchumi umekuwa kwa kibahati bahati tu tukajikuta tupo hapo tulipo. Kiongozi wetu hana strategies zozote za kukuza uchumi, anayezifahamu atuambie hapa.
ni kweli kwamba serikali ya jk imefanya baadhi ya mambo mazuri lakini tulikuwa na uwezo kufanya vizuri zaidi.

Hapo umenena mkuu nimekugongea kalike kwani ni jambo la kupongezwa sio kila siku JK hajafanya kitu JK hajafanya kitu. Ningeliona Per capital income ya mtanzania imeporomoka pia tungelimshambulia kwani ni kigezo cha uchumi wetu kuporomoka kama Greece sasa kwa miaka 4 mfululizo uchumi unaanguka mpaka sasa hakukaliki maandamano kila kukicha.
Mdondoaji, Is GDP a satisfactory measure of growth?

If ever there was a controversial icon from the statistics world, GDP is it. It measures income, but not equality, it measures growth, but not destruction, and it ignores values like social cohesion and the environment. Yet, governments, businesses and probably most people swear by it. According to François Lequiller*, head of national accounts at the OECD, part of the problem is that perhaps we expect too much from this trusty, though misunderstood, indicator. He explains.

Is GDP a satisfactory measure of growth?

François Lequiller: If by growth you mean the expansion of output of goods and services, then GDP or preferably real GDP – which measures growth without the effects of inflation – is perfectly satisfactory. It has been built for this purpose. The letter P stands for "Product", the result of production. Gross Domestic Product is defined as the sum of all goods and services produced in a country over time, without double counting products used in other output. It is a comprehensive measure, covering the production of consumer goods and services, even government services, and investment goods.

In this single number, you get an idea of whether the economy is expanding or contracting. Paul Samuelson, Nobel Laureate and author of many textbook references, once described GDP as "truly among the great inventions of the 20th century, a beacon that helps policymakers steer the economy toward key economic objectives".

But, the public is so used to GDP that we sometimes forget how hard it is to accurately sum all of the goods and services produced in a country together, from bricks and tableware to banking and software. First of all, to make such aggregating possible, you need to define what production is and what it is not. Our conventions may sometimes look arbitrary, such as when we exclude the output of domestic work that is carried out in the home. We do not consider, for example, that taking care of one's own children is production, whereas we do when a hired nanny does the same work.

Then, you need good statistics, which are not always easy to gather. For example, there are, by definition, hardly any statistics available on the underground economy. Third, we need a sophisticated system that can add it all together, from the number of new cars and haircuts, to the volume of teaching, etc.

In GDP, each component is given the weight of its relative price. In market economies, this works because prices reflect both the marginal cost for the producer and the marginal utility for the consumer: people sell at a price that other people are willing to pay. But the contribution to welfare of the output of government services, in particular public education and health, which by definition have no market prices, is difficult to measure, despite their importance in our economies.

Finally, one could also recommend users to look at alternative measures to GDP that exist inside the national accounts, such as Net Domestic Product or National Income. These may be more suitable for measuring particular contexts (See GDP and GNI).

How might GDP be expanded, for instance, to capture wellbeing?
First, it is inaccurate to say that GDP does not capture wellbeing. It captures at least the wellbeing that results from the production of goods and services. Indeed, when statisticians quantify the goods and services produced, they take into account their utility to the consumer. Nevertheless, it is true that there are other dimensions to wellbeing which GDP misses.

And it is often said, sometimes cynically, that GDP increases when there are car accidents, or that while the terrible destruction of the recent tsunami in Asia undermined GDP by wiping out communities and their economic activities, it would at the same time lead to a boost in GDP, thanks to rebuilding, new investment and so on! However, this should not be held as a criticism of GDP, which is simply a measure of production.

If you want a number which will capture the negative effects of accidents on wealth, use the national accounts system, which contains many different aggregates, of which GDP is only one. It provides a general measure of the stock of national assets: the nation's "balance sheet", so to speak. The trouble is, few countries compile one.

On the other hand, neither GDP nor this balance sheet takes account of environmental degradation, insecurity or inequality. The main obstacle to overcome in deriving a single measure for all these dimensions is finding a convincing proxy price – or imputed price – for each and every component, on top of goods and services. Without such imputed prices, it is impossible to combine the various indicators that contribute to our wellbeing.

The UN Human Development Indicator is a good attempt, and academics, such as William Nordhaus or Andrew Sharpe, have come up with some interesting possibilities. However, many statisticians, including me, are wary of adding too many imputations that could end up weakening the GDP indicator. We prefer instead to produce a suite of indicators.

An example is the Australian Bureau of Statistics' publication, Measuring Australia's Progress, whose indicators cover health, education, environment, crime and social attachment. The OECD's new publication, OECD Factbook 2005 is essentially in the same mould, and allows the user to assess how countries are performing on several fronts. In addition, international organisations, like the OECD, have developed systems to account for the environment, such as the System of Economic Environmental Accounts (SEEA), but these are in addition to GDP, and are not incorporated within it. GDP is a beacon, but it is not the only one.

So GDP is here to stay?

The times of major change, such as the one to include non-market production in GDP some 30 years ago, have passed, so do not expect any radical upheavals. Nevertheless, we are trying to strengthen GDP as an indicator. Statisticians at the OECD and around the world are currently discussing new reforms to the current system of national accounts, which should enter into force in 2008.

One such reform now under consideration is how to recognise spending on research and development as investment, since at present, in business as in national accounting, these expenditures are seen as being consumed immediately, and so do not contribute to market GDP or to the stock of assets.

If the reform goes ahead, their true contribution over time would be counted, which is intellectually more satisfying. Counting R&D in this way would raise the absolute level of GDP for OECD countries by around 2%, depending on the level of research and development expenditures in each country. While this would be a significant reform, it still depends on getting good quality data. Without them, the beacon of GDP would become dimmer, and we certainly do not want that to happen.

*Mr Lequiller heads the National Accounts work at the OECD, and is a former chief of national accounts at the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
thats right bt kumbuka kuwa sasa ni miaka 50 tangu uhuru.....we'r 15 years back from where we were supposed 2b at the present.....unadhani jk na chama chake cha mafisadi wapewe miaka mingapi zaidi ili watufikishe japo kwenye uchumi wa India! wamefika mwishio wa akili zao.....waondoke.

Wakitoka unataka wakina nani waje ? wataje !
Nimesema nyuma,

Per capital income ni estimation ya annual income of a Tanzanian. Kwanza figures zote hapo zipo interms of USD sielewi exchange rate inahusika vipi hapo katika measurement of GDP per capital income.

Pili umezungumzia distribution of income yes indeed Tanzania has one of the highest unequal of distribution of income in East Africa nyuma ya Kenya na Uganda (Kenya ndio inayoongoza for unequal distribution of income). Lakini nikuulize China nchi mnayoiabudu humu JF yenyewe haina equal distribution of income je inakuwaje? Inakisiwa China 2/3 of chinese are believe to live below the poverty line lakini China ni nchi tajiri kiuchumi je mnasemaje hapo? USA hivyo uchumi wa US unamilikiwa na watu wasiozidi milioni 2-5. Hivyo kiufupi hoja ya equal distribution of income is irrelevant fanya kazi ufanikiwe wewe na familia yako ndio utaenjoy mafanikio ya uchumi wa Tanzania ukilala tu hutaenjoy hata siku moja.

Umezungumzia Inflation Tanzania inflation is among the lowest in East Africa. Inflation ya Tanzania ni among the lowest. Uganda inflation is 22%, Kenya 17.3%, Tanzania 14.1%. Factors nyingi tumezitoa hapo kama uhaba waumeme, high oil prices, economic recession which altogether brings together pressure to food, energy and other commodity prices.

Kuhusu haireflect katika maisha ya watanzania mtaani kama nilivyosema hapa juu hali ya sasa hivi ya maisha inasababishwa na vitu vingi but kikubwa ni umeme na mafuta. I expect project ya umeme wa gesi ikikamilika on time hali ya maisha itakuwa na ahueni hivyo tuvumilie.

But still our per capital income is rising tuweni watu wa shukrani wakuu.

Shukrani my foot. Nilikuwa napata mshahara wa Tshs 1401 kwa mwezi 1975 exchange rate ilikuwa 7 tshs kwa 1 $. Sukari kilo senti sabini na tano, cement tshs 7, dmt (uda) sent 20. Hakukuwa na omba omba kwa sababu vijijini walikuwa wanamudu kuhudumiana. GDP tshs 180 pa

Leo take home ya tshs 500,000 inaishia kwenye kodi ya nyumba, usafiri na kula mlo mmoja. Nimshukuru au niwashukuru wapuuzi waliotuletea shida.

Kikwete, Ghalib Bilal na Seif Sharrif Hamad wamesoma pamoja through out wakipewa bursary ya serikali (yaani bure) leo hii tunawabagua watoto wa kitanzania kwenye elimu. IT IS A CRIME. IT IS THE TANZANIA WE NEVER THOUGHT WE WIIL BE. Shame on you and you JK.
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