Hivi kwanini wanawake wa siku hizi ni wafupi sana?

You're having important issues to discuss only when it comes to topic out of your comfort zone" poor Lady
Of course your representing the men of your kind! Have you ever being able to increase your height even by one
You're having important issues to discuss only when it comes to topic out of your comfort zone" poor Lady
Your representing the disgraceful kind of thinkers we are having around! Are you able to increase your own height even by one inch? If no then why should you judge those who are short or tall. God created us differently and he considered everything to be perfect. Its our differences which make us interesting and engaged! Grow up boy!
Mi nilijua naona peke yangu mpaka nikajiuliza hivi mungu ndo anamalizia matoleo au kuna wengine watafuata niliwahi kuwa na dooo mmoja natembea nae hivi rodini kwa masela nataka kushika kiuno kitaa najikuta nakikosa kibinda naambulia kushika chaga(mbavu)
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