CNN: Tanzania loses $300m World Bank loan amid crackdown concerns

Tang Zhou

JF-Expert Member
Mar 14, 2018
Sasa ni rasmi...

World Bank wameamua kuinyima Tanzania mkopo wa Elimu wa dola Milioni 300 kwa sababu ya sera ya kuwanyanyapaa na kuwazuia wasichana wajawazito kuendelea na masomo...mwanzo waliuzuia kwa muda kutoa nafasi ya majadiliano na serikali, lkn sasa wameamua kuuondoa mazima..


Tanzania loses $300 million World Bank loan


London (CNN) — The World Bank has pulled a planned $300 million educational loan to Tanzania amid concerns about the country's policy of banning pregnant girls from going to school.

The $300 million program was meant to help Tanzania's Ministry of Education improve access to quality secondary education. It was scheduled to be approved by the bank's management late last month, but a source within the bank told CNN the program was instead withdrawn and will not be going forward.

Tanzania's policy of expelling pregnant girls from schools was one of the reasons for the loan to be withdrawn, the source said.

The practice dates back to the 1960s, but it has been more widely applied since President John Pombe Magufuli took office in 2015.

Last June, Magufuli, dubbed "The Bulldozer," went a step further, announcing that pregnant students would not be allowed to return to school after giving birth.

There are no official statistics on how many pregnant girls have been expelled from Tanzanian schools. The US-based Center for Reproductive Rights, an international advocacy group, estimated in 2013 that over 8,000 pregnant girls were being expelled from or dropped out of Tanzanian schools every year.

"The economic and social returns to girls finishing their education are very high in every society for both current and future generations," the World Bank said in an official statement emailed to CNN.

"Working with other partners, the World Bank will continue to advocate for girls' access to education through our dialogue with the Tanzanian government," the bank added.

The country's new statistics law, which would make it a crime to question official statistics, was another reason for the World Bank to withdraw the loan, the source said.

The bank has previously criticized the law, which was approved in September, saying it would undermine the production of data that is important for the country's development.

The World Bank has simultaneously suspended all visiting missions to Tanzania because of "threatening harassment and discrimination against the LGBT community," the source said.

Tanzania has faced increasing international criticism over a crackdown on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens.
Tanzania's government spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

#Tanzania ni DONA kantri. Hio misaada yao hatuihitaji. Sasa sijui hio dona inao ongelewa ni ile tunayo songea ugali ama vipi.

Yatatutokea puani msimu huu, wana anzaga kidogo kidogo hao, mara msaada wa elimu umekataliwa, itakuja mpaka msaada wa kupigwa BAN kule UN hata za kujamba.
Wamegoma kutoa pesa wanataka kulazimisha wazazi na watoto wao waende shule pamoja

Tatizo ninaloliona hapo serikali ni wavivu kufikiri na kwamba inapenda kufikiri the same way miaka na miaka.kuna ambao wanapata ujauzito kwa sababu ambazo kwa kweli zipo nje kabisa ya uwezo wao.sasa tujiulize madhara yanakuwa mengi wakiruhusiwa kuzaa warud shule au wasirud shule wakipata ujauzito.amini usiamini madhara ni mengi sana kwa utararatibu huu wa sasa.sisi tunaishi tanzania,tunaona mambo yalivyo.tukubali kwamba hatupaswi kufikiri au kufanya mambo the same way miaka na miaka.
Kwani huko shule wanaosoma ni wenye mimba tu? Watusaidie kufungua shule za wenye mimba na wazazi..yaani wawajengee na majengo ya kunyonyesha..waAlipie na mayaya watakaowaangalia watoto wakati mama zao wapo class..bila kusahau bajeti ya lactogen pindi wazazi wapo class..yaani uache kuwaadabisha watoto wako wawe na misingi imara kisa jirani hapendi..anataka uwaache tu hivyo hivyo.
Hela kiasi hicho inapopotea kwenye wizara mhimu kama hiyo, usiposikitika utakuwa hujui ni kipi cha kuisikitikia nchi yako unayoipenda.
Na hasa ukiwaza kuhusu sababu yenyewe inayosababisha msaada huo usitolewe, unabaki tu unajiuliza kama kweli tunajua tunayoyatenda kwa manufaa ya nchi yetu.

Hivi hata muda wa kukaa kwa utulivu na ku'reflect' juu ya maamuzi yao na matokeo yake viongozi wetu wanautumia kweli ipasavyo, au wao hawana muda huo kabisa?

Katika jambo kama hili, nalo tutakaa chini na kulihesabu na kujitapa kuwa tumefanikiwa/nchi yetu imefanikiwa?
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