Bungeni: Mkulo aangukia pua, hoja yake yakataliwa!

sheria ililenga kurekebisha kiujanja ujanja sheria ya ushuru wa forodha kuhusu ushuru wa maji.
anataka awe wa kwanza kupost topic mijutu mingine ahgghaaaaa idiot kabisa, ebu tulia wape watu taarifa kamili vizuri
Hawa huwa hatuwaelewi, leo kainga hoja na kesho atasapoti hoja ya ki.puu.zi vibaya mno mpaka utazimia, utashindwa kujua msimamo wake ni upi..
mkulo kaangukia pua! Huyu jamaa bwana..ovyo kabisa dili la mafisadi anaomba wabunge wamsapoti. Big up mheshimiwa madabida kwakugomea upuuzi. Mlala hoi asingefaidika kwa punguzo la sh. 27 anayotetea mkulo

baba mwenye nyumba alishakufa waliobaki ni watoto ambao kila mmoja anajaribu kuchukua kile kinachomfaa kwa maana kuwa hakuna anayeweza kumuambia mwenzake acha!
Waziri wa fedha ameliomba bunge lipitishe azimio le kuweka amri ili kudhibiti matumizi ya posho, manunuzi na safari za nje ya nchi na ndani.

My Take

Huku ni kula matapishi ya wanaccm wenzake ambao walipitisha kwa mbwembwe kwenye bunge la bajeti na kuwaona wabunge wazalendo waliokataa kama wanafiki na wenye wivu.

hakika nadhani serikali yetu haina muelekeo unaoeleweka.

Hilo ni suala ambalo linajulikana na hata wao wenyewe wanalijua na kuja kurudi bungeni 2015 kwa viongozi wa ccm ni ngumu sana
Daktari akiwa "Night Duty" posho yake haifiki hata laki moja kwa usiku mzima. Leo hii Mbunge analipwa msharahara usiopungua milioni 7, na leo hii anaomba Posho ya inayozidi laki mbili. Posho ya siku moja ni zaidi ya Mshahara wa mtumishi wa serikali wa kima cha chini.

HIvi Kazi ya udaktari na Ubunge ipi inastahili malipo makubwa zaidi. Mbunge anafanya kitu gani cha ziada ambacho Daktari hana uwezo wa kufanya?

Madaktari endelea kugoma mpaka kieleweke. Haiwezekanai Daktari akasota miaka 5 mitano darasani tena kwa level ya degree alafu mtu just darasa la saba tena la kufeli aingie Bungeni kwa vyeti vya kughushi na digrii za kughushi alipwe pesa zote hizo? Hii ni dhambi ya asili kumlipa Mbunge zaidi kuliko Daktari, inahitaji Ubatizo wa maji maalumu kuifuta. Je wanajeshi Mko wapi?

Mngeshi TZ kidogo mkatupeleka mpera mpera tukajua namna ya kufanya kazi. Walinda Usalama wanatupiga virungu. Salary zao ni chini ya Posho ya Mbunge. This is too much. Hebu fanya kitu maafande wakuu! Tutawaunga Mkono.

Wazungu tayari wana proposal za kuja kuwaoa wanaume wa Bongo. Mungu wangu! Cameroon alitangaza Jumuiya ya Madola wakitaka Wabongo waweke utaratibu wa kufi....a.

Inaniuma sana Tanzania huru waume kuletewa posa. Bora ufe kabla jambo hili halijaingizwa katiba mpya. Maana yale majamaa yako Mengi Bungeni hayachelewi kusema ndiyoo......ni hatari......
rais legelege huzaa serikali legevu na ndo maana wana macho malegevu utadhani wanatekenywa...wananiudhi ka nini hawa
26 January 2012 2:33PM

Tanzania's Kikwete is one of the most pathetic African leaders of our times. He is a peacetime leader for a country known to be one of the richest in the world in terms of natural resources, yet he leades the world with begging. Foreign companies have known Tanzania to be a free land in which you can go in and take all you can without being asked a question. I really don't get the mind set of its leaders especially their prsident Mr. Kikwete, a Muzungu worshiper.

Having worked with the UNDP in that country for 8 years, I realized how inneficient and corrupt the country's leadership is. His ministers that requested bribes from BAE have never been tried despite the damning evidence against them. British TAX payers must stop funding this man's corruptin and foreign trips. His human rights record is horrible. Mr. Kikwete had no business of going to Davos to ask for foreign aid.

Already his country is the world third leading foreign Aid dependant nation. He should be embarassed to say to the world that people are poor. His people living "hand to mouth " is his own is own ignorance and stupidity.That is his own problem, Brits are having their own problems he must realize that. We cant bankroll his foreign trips. He should make good use of his country's wealth. Instead of letting his corrupt officials and foreigners loot his country, he needs to think before letting himself be a global loughing stock.

I read in one of the regional (kenyan) publication the mockery nature related to his frequent foreign trips. Palestinian, Haiti, Lebanon, Somalia and even Rwanda economies are more robust that of Tanzania. We must question the nations that welcomes this "Joker's" request for AID. He needs to be on a "no-fly" list so he can be serious. Hopefully the billionaires questions what he has done with the Money he has received for decades. The Arab spring should turn into the African summer and get rid of the Kikwete likes

26 January 2012 3:50PM
Response to RichardBrunwick, 26 January 2012 2:33PM

This man did not deserve to be a head of state. He has no credibility. How can a head of state be bribed suits? We must write Downing Street and our parliament, and let them know that Aid to some of these african countries ought to STOP. nyerere the founding president of tanzania was a visionary even though his socialist policies failed, but he was a nationalist and a true patriot.
Kenya, Rwanda, Ghana have seen far and are on the roll to economic dependence. Kikwete, and his chrony of rulling elites getting richer and richer. These people have no electricity yet the country has so many dams and rivers. There should be a policy to bar all corrupt leaders and their children from stepping into the EU.

I dont blame Kikwete, i blame Tanzaians for letting this happen. They should be 100% responsible for their poverty and suffering. We just dont need them to come for Aid. We have many Brits out of work, and that money should pay for their Unemployment Benefit
African problem is more than foreign aid. They are not ready for economic transformation. In Tanznaia today, they have started the leadership inheritance in which the old guards passess on the torch to their children. we should not expect anything serious from African nations. If it means our money, lets cut it off. We have so many social problems to deal with people's own created misery
because they will never have free elections without someone stffing ballot boxes and ready to let the whole country in flames as long as they remain in power and their children in top american and british schools

26 January 2012 7:32PM

@Richard, The issue with Tanzania president is not a British issue or a global issue. It is a Tanzania voter's issue. They have let this man continue with corruption and impunity. Those in diplomatic circles especially in the US state department are privy of the matter and very disgust with Kikwete. He is not a serious leader and the chatter in Washington about his endless lavish foreign trips is not flattering. He is an embarrasment to his country and african leaders

He has literally sold his country and done nothing to combat corruption. Nepotism has risen; those in power ensures they slot in their children in sensitive positions before they retire. Currently, 15% of Tanzania government leadership is made of sons and daughters of those that once ruled or still in power.
I see Tanzania in the line of Tunisia and Egypt very soon, and won't lose sleep if this man is ousted, we just don't want him in America. UK, you can have him. Our cabinet secretaries take subway, their ministers in expensive land cruisers. Not with our tax dollars. I learnt through secret channels that one of his associates transported a Range rover in a cargo plane to Tanzania
Then go around and say "Hand to Mouth"???????? Comment from a whole president to his fellow world leaders? can he ask himself why???
Davos main goal is to discuss Euro crisis not African problems and this president should have known that, because at the end of the day he will be leaving bare handed

26 January 2012 11:58PM

Kikwete and Suma are retards. they are morons, shame on them Atleast Zuma was reading from the script! Why do they look for aid, I thought their african countries are richer than ours. why come to us for aid? the corrupt Tansania president could not answer an educational question? what a pity! and he has just started a second term? let me yawwwwwn
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