Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being. It studies "positive subjective experience, positive individual traits, and positive institutions...it aims to improve quality of life." It is a field of study that has been growing steadily throughout the years as individuals and researchers look for common ground on better well-being.Positive psychology began as a new domain of psychology in 1998 when Martin Seligman chose it as the theme for his term as president of the American Psychological Association. It is a reaction against past practices, which have tended to focus on mental illness and emphasized maladaptive behavior and negative thinking. It builds on the humanistic movement by Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, James Bugental and Carl Rogers, which encourages an emphasis on happiness, well-being, and positivity, thus creating the foundation for what is now known as positive psychology.Positive psychology focuses on eudaimonia, an Ancient Greek term for "the good life" and the concept for reflection on the factors that contribute the most to a well-lived and fulfilling life. Positive psychologists often use the terms subjective well-being and happiness interchangeably.Positive psychologists have suggested a number of factors may contribute to happiness and subjective well-being. For example, social ties with a spouse, family, friends, colleagues, and wider networks; membership in clubs or social organizations; physical exercise, and the practice of meditation. Spirituality can also be considered a factor that leads to increased individual happiness and well-being. Spiritual practice and religious commitment is a topic researchers have been studying as another possible source for increased well-being and an added part of positive psychology. Happiness may rise with increasing financial income, though it may plateau or even fall when no further gains are made or after a certain cut-off amount.
Hello habari zenu kuna dada anatafuta mchumba HIV positive
Sifa zake
Muislam very religious
Umri 23
Mahali alipo mtwara
Vigezo vyake
Awe muislam
Asizidi miaka 40+
Kama utakua interested unaweza kunifata PM nikakupa mawasiliano nae
As teachers, parents, health professionals, and counselors who guide individuals on various important life issues, we strive to educate and advise those we love on various matters to consider for success in life and overall well-being. But in most cases people are rarely changing from bad habits...
“A Collaborative Approach in Tanzania's Tax Administration System”
In any thriving economy, the relationship between taxpayers and the government is paramount. It is not merely a transactional interaction but a partnership aimed at fostering economic growth, social development, and the overall...
Mada nyingi kwa sasa ni zile zinazowaandaa vijana wa kiume kukataa ndoa kisa matatizo yanayosababishwa na jinsia ya kike.
Hata wanawake nao wana ajenda yao yao ya pata mtoto lea mwenyewe maisha yasonge, ila hali ni mbaya kwa future life hasa kwenye serikali ya familia.
Hii mitandao tunayotumia...
Story short,
I'm in my 20's, sijaoa na sina plan ya kuoa. Huyu mzee ni mtu ananipa support za kazi sana, huyu mzee wangu wa karibu, wana 3 children.
Mke wake mjuaji, hasikii, akiamua kitu kaamua. Mzee wangu mtu safi sana, ila mke sasa ni moto mkali. Ana cheat na mume anajua tena fresh. Akihoji...
In today's digital era, children and teenagers encounter an unprecedented volume of digital content. Positive youth engagement yields numerous benefits, ranging from enhanced academic performance to diminished risk-taking behaviors, heightened social and emotional development, and an increased...
Watanzania wanahitaji kuona reli ya Sgr kutoka Dar mpaka Mwanza inafanya kazi hii ni kwa sababu ughali wa maisha utapungua sababu mizigo na abiria watasafiri kwa bei rahisi.
Bwawa la JHNP linazalisha umeme na umeme haukatiki hovyo. Bei ya umme ishuke na umeme usiwe anasa.
Raia wanyonge...
nimetoka kumpina girl wangu jana usiku sasa mpaka sasaiv sijaelewa mm sikusoma sayansi ajanipa majibu sahihi kwahiyo waungwana nisaidieni huyu kaungua ua ili nijue niendelee na safari au niishie njiani?
Nimekutana na hii stori mtaani kuwa ukiweka Maji ya Nyanya kwenye Kipimo cha Mimba kinatoa majibu yanayoonesha Ujauzito upo.
Kuna ukweli hapa na kwanini iwe Positive, Kwanini isisome negative au abnormal test results?
Mimi ni mwanamke, miaka 32, watoto wawili.
Baba wa watoto tumeachana muda kidogo, sijakata tamaa wala, nayapenda Maisha kweeli. Nimeajiriwa.
Natamani nipate mwanaune ambae ni HIV Positive kama mimi ili tutengeneze familia, upweke unachosha.
Karibu PM.
Nimefuatilia mikutano mbalimbali tunayofanya hapa nchini sioni muitikio wowote kutoka kwa wananchi kuonyesha kuwa wanakubaliana na hii mikutano.
Watu hawana uhakika wa kula, kupeleka watoto shule na hata kupata hela ya kupoza akili. Alafu waje wawasikilize watu wanaoamini wanakula meza moja na...
Baada ya Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan kuzungumza na viongozi wa vyama vya siasa leo Januari 3, 2022, Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA, Freeman Mbowe amesema:
Taifa letu limekuwa na mfumo wa ukandamizaji wa demokrasia kwa muda mrefu, kuanzia ngazi ya taifa hadi vitongozi, lakini tutaangalia kwa macho angavu...
Habari wakuu, kama una account ya Upwork au Fiverr ya zamani iliyowahi kununua bidhaa au huduma niko interested kukulipa unipe review kwenye account zangu.
Kwa wale wa Upwork ntakulipa, halafu wewe utaweka nusu ya pesa Upwork then utapost tangazo la kazi kule, mimi Nita apply na kuifanya...
We are often told to be positive! Be positive! about anything. Even though it is a great strategy to make life a bit easier and the state of mind at ease over time you get to see the negative effects of this strategy. We suppress the negative emotions because the knowledge that has been passed...
Mimi humu sitafuti mpenzi.
Hiyo sekta imepitwa na wakati the thing is natafuta marafiki wenye kutoa ushauri positive na connection mbali mbali umtanisuta ila nao umri umefikia kuwa na marafiki wa kujenga nasio wakubomoa.
Kwa yeyote aliyetayari mnakaribishwa ila sio nijaze pm hapana only 2 ni...
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are two species of Lentivirus (a retrovirus subtype) that infect humans. They cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in which the immune system steadily deteriorates, allowing life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to...
Ninajitokeza hapa nina nia ya dhati na kweli kutoka moyoni nimejitokeza hapa natafuta mke wa maisha mwenye HIV Positive, siitaji mpenzi naitaji mke!
Napatikana Dar es Salaam, nina miaka 52, maji ya kunde, urefu futi tano inchi saba, slim body.
Mke ninayemuitaji awe HIV Positive! Awe mweupe...
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