Why Tanzania needs a New President from 2025

Tanzania needs a new president from 2025 for a number of reasons, including:
  • To address the country's economic challenges. Tanzania's economy has grown steadily in recent years, but it still faces a number of challenges, including high poverty rates, high unemployment rates, high levels of inequality, and poor infrastructure planning and development.
Poor infrastructure planning and development is a major obstacle to economic growth and development in Tanzania. The country's roads, bridges, and railways are often in poor condition, making it difficult and expensive to transport goods and people. This makes it difficult for businesses to operate and for people to access markets and employment opportunities.

Poor power strategy and electricity rationing are major obstacles to economic growth and development in Tanzania. The country's electricity grid is unreliable and inefficient, and power outages are common. This makes it difficult for businesses to operate and for people to access essential services.

A new president could address the problem of poor infrastructure planning and development by investing in new infrastructure projects and by improving the maintenance of existing infrastructure. This would help to reduce transportation costs, improve access to markets and employment opportunities, and boost economic growth.

A new president could address the problem of poor power strategy and electricity rationing by investing in new power generation and transmission infrastructure, and by improving the efficiency of the electricity grid. This would help to ensure that all Tanzanians have access to reliable and affordable electricity.
  • To consolidate democratic reforms. President Samia Suluhu Hassan has made some progress in reversing some policies of her predecessor, John Magufuli. However, there is still much work to be done to strengthen democratic institutions and protect human rights.
A new president could consolidate democratic reforms by strengthening the independence of the judiciary and the media, promoting freedom of expression and assembly, and reforming the electoral process. This would help to ensure that Tanzania becomes a more democratic and accountable country.
  • To promote national unity. Tanzania is a diverse country with a rich history and culture. However, in recent years, divisions have grown along ethnic, religious, and political lines.
A new president could promote national unity by promoting tolerance and understanding of different cultures and religions, investing in projects that benefit all Tanzanians, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation, and reaching out to all segments of society and promoting dialogue. This would help to heal the divisions in Tanzanian society and build a more united country.
  • To address corruption and uncontrolled government expenditure. Corruption and uncontrolled government expenditure are two of the biggest challenges facing Tanzania.
A new president could address corruption by strengthening anti-corruption institutions, increasing government transparency and accountability, and improving public financial management.

A new president could address uncontrolled government expenditure by implementing zero-tolerance policy for government corruption and waste, requiring all government agencies to submit their budgets for public review and approval, and establishing a new government procurement agency that is responsible for ensuring that all government contracts are awarded fairly and transparently.

In addition to these general reasons, there are also some specific concerns about the current president, Samia Suluhu Hassan. For example, some critics have accused her of being too close to the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and of not doing enough to promote democratic reforms.
@maajabunews Kenya
A new president could promote national unity by promoting tolerance and understanding of different cultures and religions, investing in projects that benefit all Tanzanians, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation, and reaching out to all segments of society and promoting dialogue. This would help to heal the divisions in Tanzanian society and build a more united country. :D :D :D :D :D
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