Kwa wale ambao wako addicted to internet sites which make them unproductive...dawa hii hapa


JF-Expert Member
Sep 29, 2012
Hii ni copy na paste kutoka kwa mtu, nimejaribu leo, nimesave a lot of time for my literature review writing, wish ningejua hii kitu mapema!

Don’t worry though, help is most certainly at hand. I’ve spoken to many people about this and I’ve had a number of completely UN-helpful suggestions such as unplugging the internet cable (works, but I need the internet to do my literature review) and to just be more focussed (please! I’m only human, how can I resist the lure of the internet!?!?!)

A very simple solution for me comes with two plugins for your internet browser. The plugins are available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. For Google Chrome the plugin is called Chrome Nanny and for Firefox it is called LeechBlock. Basically, all you have to do is install these browsers and then istall the plugins from the links above – all completely free. What these plugins allow you to do is enter the url’s of sites that you know waste a lot of your time, such as facebook and news websites. You can also enter the times during which you don’t want to allow yourself to visit these websites. And thats it, the plugins do their magic and block the websites you select, during the time that you specify. Which is more, it takes a bit of time to remove a site from the blocked list, so it means you cannot just visit the site for a few minutes and then put it back on the block list. Once you’ve set it – you’ve got to stick to it!

I mainly use chrome nanny and it works really well. When you try and visit a blocked page it displays the message “shouldn’t you be working?”. How guilty do I feel then?! I immediately go straight back to work with my wrists, well and truly slapped.

Using Internet Explorer or Safari? No problem. Fist of all, it’s very easy to change and I recommend that you check out Firefox or Chrome. However, you can get almost the same effect by downloading free ad blocking plugins for your browser, and enter the names of you “time wasting” sites as adds. The plugins will then treat your sites as adds and block them whenever you try and access them. A good free one for Safari is Safari AdBlock and there are some for Internet Explorer, although I don’t have specific experience with them.
duh. hii sasa noma. sijui niifajiribu kwa ? ? ?
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