An emphatic - YES. Time travel into the future is already possible today.Do you believe that time travel one day would be possible even layman can understand?
If we stop (and we surely can) your clock today and restart it ten years later, you will have time-traveled into the future (by ten years).
How do we stop your clock?
- We can stop your clock by making you travel at the speed of light. Most people have a hard time comprehending this concept and the maths (plus the quantum rigor-ma-roll) it entails. If you are one of them then forget it and consider option 2 below (which is equivalent to this one - in terms of stopping your clock).
- We can stop your clock by freezing you cryogenically. Think of it this way - if you and your spouse take your sperm and fertilize your egg, the resulting embryo is a living thing. If you decide to freeze this embryo cryogenically (it is possible today) for 50 years and implant it in a surrogate mother and bears your child. That child (or the embryo before it) has effectively traveled into the future by 50 years. Same idea as the first concept.