I agree with you to a great extent, nevertheless you should note that when people question his leadership style it is because some of the actions taken will not take us to where we would like to. We have suffered for the past 50 years and would like to see that everyone benefits from the resources we are endowed with. By the way what surprises me is the way the Pro JMP interpret/ define the term development. Since you have been quoting Mwl Nyerere in many cases let me remind you one of his quotes about development. "Development has to be people-centred not about properties". Could you please take sometime to digest that and come back with a new version of development based on current leadership?To those who previously indulged in and enjoyed proceeds of corruption, abuse of offices, extravagance of public properties, incompetence and the like in this country, find JPM leadership political and social bad. But rather, they would apparently like to get less of JPM leadership style. A quote from Mwl. Nyerere suffices responding to the last part of your narrative, "Ikulu ni mzigo". Those who went Ikulu to feast will really find Ikulu a comfortable place to live, not JPM who went there for national stewardship.
Should we wait for everything to go astray before we raise a red flag? I am personally impressed by some of the initiatives taken by JPM but that does not bar us from pointing out some weaknesses displayed so far by the same government that we acknowledge to have good intention of fixing things.True words brother! What we should do is to support and acknowledge all good things he is doing rather than complaining. Actually,It is too earlier to judge his effort.
You have not been fair enough to assert that he misleads people all the time yet acknowledging that you once agreed with his critics on Mkapa. Dont you find that a bit contradictory? Or should we believe that you probably had some personal animosities against Mkapa that is why you agreed with Jeneral by then? Put it differently, are you telling us that you were misled by Jenerali that Mkapa's rein had problems?
It is not uncommon to agree with someone on a particular issue or time and have a divergent view with same person on several other issues and in fact that is how rational individuals behave. The only problem here is when you mislead people that "Jenerali misleads people all the time". You could have just said that though you once agreed with him but this time you would like to differ.
I got you from the beginning. What raised my eyebrow was the fact that you wanted us to believe that Jeneral misleads people all the time yet you happened to agree with him on some issues sometimes back. Re-read your statement especially with regard to the term "All the time" hope you will realise that you were wrong to have produced that statement. If we agree with you that he misleads people all the time, the question that springs from everyone would be, If you happened to agree with him on some of his critics on Mkapa, were you misled to see things that way? ( Because he misleads people all the time). If you were not misled,don't you think it suffices to say he sometimes tell people the truth? And if you agree to that, why do you accuse him of telling lies while you actually know that he sometimes tell the truth? And that being the case, don't you see that you are making bold-faced lies?Like I said; He misleads people all the times, however, I did agree with him on some of his critics on Mkapa. re-read that line please. Do you comprehend me now?
Anna Tibaijuka has always been famous.She was at the UN when she was interviewed by Generali UlimwenguThat is Ulimwengu the sorcerer or dreaming intellectual. Where has he been in the past 10 years as the country was being defiled? I assume his current courage is an outcome of the politeness of the sitting president. I remember the muzzled Ulimwengu during Mkapa's era and soon after the initiation of the last wasted 10 years under Kikwete, he courageously emerged, amphibian-like, in his then famous Ulimwengu on Monday prog. interviewing another forgotten (at that time), Anna Tibaijuka. Recalling the interview, it was like, he was struggling to engage Tibaijuka to respond to a necessary comment he needed to hear. It was at least for Tibaijuka to say something positive to Kikwete compared to Mkapa.
Now here is his resurfacing with the same spiral ideas trying to precipitate the need for rule of law. No need of reminding old history. You know Aristotle not only questioned the good in democracy, the rule of law was similarly not palatable to him. In fact the best (according to him) was at least the monarchy, where the ruler has the interest of his country at heart. What I should tell Ulimwengu is to note the best for the country.
We need a leader who makes the interest of Tanzania at heart. The country was in chaotic motion when you, Ulimwengu was there with limited comments. What are you trying to teach?
Just say she was... when you say has always been, it is like an inborn character.Anna Tibaijuka has always been famous.She was at the UN when she was interviewed by Generali Ulimwengu