Tundu Lissu na Ujumbe wa TLS, wakutana na Spika na N/Spika kwa Mazungumzo

Kwani walikatazwa kugombea?
Sasa kama hawakugombea au hata kama waligombea na kura hazikutosha we ulitaka watu wafanyeje? Wapitishwe tu hata kama wamekosa sifa kisa tu jinsia..?
Geez. Calm down. Mine was just a simple general observation. Hakuna haja ya kutoka povu!!!
The sick are obviously known. Just read their comment and you will pitty them.
I think is not sick but is s/he is in frustration with the situation. s/he is immense annoyance with what is going on in this country. I was yesterday listening Hon. Lema in the parliament and what he said reflected what your so called sick is doing. People they are not on road demonstrating but in reality they are demonstrating in their heart.
That is very dangerous to the nation and we have to pray for political changes. People are tired with Magufuli's style of ruling with his boy Makonda (Bashite). Tanzania we need democracy as we are democratic nation. We need a president we respect the rule of law.
So don't call him that s/he is sick but he is demonstrating what is in his/her heart
Hakika Tundu Lissu ataitendea haki TLS....

Hakika TLS imempata Mwenye Kiti
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