Taaluma kadhaa nchi hii hazina vitengo, na hazijulikani wapi zitumike na tofauti zake hasa katika halmashauri zetu, kumbuka huu ni utafiti wangu binafsi:
1. Bachelor of arts in economics
2. Bachelor of economics
3. Bachelor of science in agro-economy
4. Bachelor of science in agro-business
5. Bachelor of education in psychology
6. Bachelor in applied psychology
7. Bachelor of education in guidance and counseling
8. Bachelor of education in arts
9. Bachelor of education in philosophy
10. Bachelor of arts in public administration
11. Bachelor of arts in political science
12. Bachelor of arts in environment and disaster management
13. Degree zote za natural sciences
Ukifika kazini Unatazamwa tu, wakuu hawajui coverage ya maarifa yako. Hivyo ulichosoma ni kama ulipoteza muda.
Viundwe vitengo au idara za kusimamia fani hizo
sychology na philosophy ,
Uchumi, Utafiti ,nk. Vinginevyo watu wanastaafu bila kutumikia maarifa yako.
Ongeza degree programs ambazo hazitambuliki kwenye mfumo wa Ajira na maendeleo yake.
1. Bachelor of arts in economics
2. Bachelor of economics
3. Bachelor of science in agro-economy
4. Bachelor of science in agro-business
5. Bachelor of education in psychology
6. Bachelor in applied psychology
7. Bachelor of education in guidance and counseling
8. Bachelor of education in arts
9. Bachelor of education in philosophy
10. Bachelor of arts in public administration
11. Bachelor of arts in political science
12. Bachelor of arts in environment and disaster management
13. Degree zote za natural sciences
Ukifika kazini Unatazamwa tu, wakuu hawajui coverage ya maarifa yako. Hivyo ulichosoma ni kama ulipoteza muda.
Viundwe vitengo au idara za kusimamia fani hizo
Uchumi, Utafiti ,nk. Vinginevyo watu wanastaafu bila kutumikia maarifa yako.
Ongeza degree programs ambazo hazitambuliki kwenye mfumo wa Ajira na maendeleo yake.