Rais Uhuru atoa neno baada ya bodaboda kumbaka Bibi Mzungu


JF-Expert Member
Jul 26, 2016
Baada ya boda boda mmoja domo zege huko Kenya kufanya yake, rais Kenyatta amelazimika kutoa somo:

"Kama uko na haja na mtoto omba pole pole." Amesikika Kenyatta.

Kwa hakika rais huyu hajawahi kuishiwa masomo kwa hadhira zake.

Ikumbukwe Dodoma hakutuacha bila bila na mambo ya azana.


Yesterday, the president Uhuru Kenyatta once again broke his silence after a Bodaboda Rider reportedly attacked and raped a foreigner.

According to the DCI a man from Ngong is in custody after he raped a Mzungu Lady he was ferrying on his motorcycle.

The sad incident has sparked serious uproar across the internet with the president Uhuru kenyatta also breaking his silence on the same.

According to the president it's the highest time that Bodaboda riders learn how to handle ladies across the country.

Barely a month ago another foreigner was ruthlessly manhandled and sexually assaulted by some rogue Bodaboda riders in the city.

After the incident the president Uhuru kenyatta ordered a serious crack down on all bodaboda riders across the country.

Many have been cautioned on taking the law into their own hands.

Lately Bodaboda riders have been on the spot for being associated with serious crimes in the city

Source: President Uhuru Breathes Fire After A Bodaboda Rider Rapes a Mzungu Lady
Baada ya boda boda mmoja domo zege huko Kenya kufanya yake, rais Kenyatta amelazimika kutoa somo:

"Kama uko na haja na mtoto omba pole pole." Amesikika Kenyatta.

President Uhuru Breathes Fire After A Bodaboda Rider Rapes a Mzungu Lady

Kwa hakika rais huyu hajawahi kuishiwa masomo kwa hasira zake.

Ikumbukwe Dodoma hakutuacha bila bila na mambo ya azana.


Yesterday, the president Uhuru Kenyatta once again broke his silence after a Bodaboda Rider reportedly attacked and raped a foreigner.

According to the DCI a man from Ngong is in custody after he raped a Mzungu Lady he was ferrying on his motorcycle.

The sad incident has sparked serious uproar across the internet with the president Uhuru kenyatta also breaking his silence on the same.

According to the president it's the highest time that Bodaboda riders learn how to handle ladies across the country.

Barely a month ago another foreigner was ruthlessly manhandled and sexually assaulted by some rogue Bodaboda riders in the city.

After the incident the president Uhuru kenyatta ordered a serious crack down on all bodaboda riders across the country.

Many have been cautioned on taking the law into their own hands.

Lately Bodaboda riders have been on the spot for being associated with serious crimes in the city

Source: President Uhuru Breathes Fire After A Bodaboda Rider Rapes a Mzungu Lady
note taken ukitaka mtoto omba polepole
Baada ya boda boda mmoja domo zege huko Kenya kufanya yake, rais Kenyatta amelazimika kutoa somo:

"Kama uko na haja na mtoto omba pole pole." Amesikika Kenyatta.

President Uhuru Breathes Fire After A Bodaboda Rider Rapes a Mzungu Lady

Kwa hakika rais huyu hajawahi kuishiwa masomo kwa hasira zake.

Ikumbukwe Dodoma hakutuacha bila bila na mambo ya azana.


Yesterday, the president Uhuru Kenyatta once again broke his silence after a Bodaboda Rider reportedly attacked and raped a foreigner.

According to the DCI a man from Ngong is in custody after he raped a Mzungu Lady he was ferrying on his motorcycle.

The sad incident has sparked serious uproar across the internet with the president Uhuru kenyatta also breaking his silence on the same.

According to the president it's the highest time that Bodaboda riders learn how to handle ladies across the country.

Barely a month ago another foreigner was ruthlessly manhandled and sexually assaulted by some rogue Bodaboda riders in the city.

After the incident the president Uhuru kenyatta ordered a serious crack down on all bodaboda riders across the country.

Many have been cautioned on taking the law into their own hands.

Lately Bodaboda riders have been on the spot for being associated with serious crimes in the city

Source: President Uhuru Breathes Fire After A Bodaboda Rider Rapes a Mzungu Lady
I am saddened and confused

I am saddened because any atrocities/violent acts against women regardless of the color of their skin is abhorent.

However I am confused as to the attention this incident has gotten the President to "breathe fire" as if,this is not so common in the bodaboda 'industry' . I believe any incident like this desevrves not only a fair condemnation but a fair share of justice from law enforcement and also a fair share of reporting from the media. mhhhh "ruthlessly... attacked" "manhandled" "rogue operator" to mention a few should be applied fairly in the court of public opinion in my views.

Is this the only, the first incident involving bodaboda operator commiting violent acts? atrocities against 'women' regardless of their color of skin?
Is there a fair share of reporting, uproar, condemnation? Who what when here is warranted fairly

I am wondering if H.E Uhuru has thrown the same weight of condemnation towards any act of atrocities against 'women' not 'lady' the same way he has on this? I stand to be corrected.

In the same context the mizimu of Emmit Hill seem to have jolted my response and henceforth ask for a fair "public opinion court" due dilligence in responding to this matter.
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