New Broadcaster To Challenge Dstv and Kwese: Meet AzamTV

Geza Ulole

JF-Expert Member
Oct 31, 2009
New Broadcaster To Challenge Dstv and Kwese: Meet AzamTV
Posted Sun Mar 11 2018 by Farai Mudzingwa (@FariM9)Read 15 Comments
Econet Media launched Kwese TV in Zimbabwe and now the Tanzanian Bakhresa Group of Companies is bringing AzamTV to our local shores.

Azam: A bit of backgorund
The Bakhresa Group of Companies is owned and chaired by one of the wealthiest Tanzanians: Said Salim Bakhresa. The group of companies has dabbled their trade in food products, road transport services, and media among other things. AzamTV started broadcasting in 2013 and right now they are available in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda.

They offer a bouquet of over 85 channels. It seems there is a bit of everything for everyone as channels include: BBC News, Aljeezera News, Bloomberg, MTV Base, Nickelodeon, Bollywood content, African movies, Fox life, Fox Entertainment, Nat Geo Gold, Discovery Science, Discovery Investigation. On the sports front Azam has Fox Sports, Manchester United TV, Real Madrid TV and Liverpool TV.

When will Azam start broadcasting in Zimbabwe?
Imminently is the best answer we can give you right now. Bakhresa Group representative, Yusuf K Kamau mentioned that they are ready to roll and are basically waiting for permission:


The application procedures are already underway and we are in the process of ensuring that we meet all the requirements. We want to bring this product to Zimbabwe as soon as yesterday, so basically if we get the green light, we will unroll the project.

The cheapest bouquet will be accessible for $5, whilst the most expensive will be going for $15 and will offer over 100 channels, apparently.

You may be wondering if the most wanted English Premier League is on offer but unfortunately you won’t be able to watch that on Azam. But with their most expensive bouquet expected to be $15/month it would have been shocking if Azam had secured rights for the most sought after football league in the world.

As mentioned above, Kwese came onto the scene last year and it offers a $29, $9 and $5 bouquets for 30, 7 and 3 days respectively. Kwese is more accessible than Dstv right now owing to the fact they accept Bond notes . The EPL and soccer fans are yet to be swayed from Dstv though, due to the strangle hold Dstv has on the rights to air more live matches so it will be interesting to see where Azam will fit in the Pay TV market alongside both Dstv and Kwese.

Nonetheless, I do think AzamTV’s entry into the market will be positive because at the end of the day consumers can never have too much choice. I’m particularly interested in seeing what $5 will get subscribers. It will probably be better than what is on offer on our national broadcaster so I guess there may be a market for Azam What are your thoughts? Is there a market for a third TV subscription service in Zimbabwe?

AzamTVDstvKwese TV
Azam TV is a TV channel owned by Tanzanian Bakhresa Group of Companies. It started broadcasting in 2013 and they are available in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, and Uganda. In Zimbabwe, the channel awaits permission to start operating. Read More About AzamTV

Tags: Azam TV, DStv, DStv alternatives, Kwese, PayTV

New Broadcaster To Challenge Dstv and Kwese: Meet AzamTV - Techzim
New Broadcaster To Challenge Dstv and Kwese: Meet AzamTV
Posted Sun Mar 11 2018 by Farai Mudzingwa (@FariM9)Read 15 Comments
Econet Media launched Kwese TV in Zimbabwe and now the Tanzanian Bakhresa Group of Companies is bringing AzamTV to our local shores.

Azam: A bit of backgorund
The Bakhresa Group of Companies is owned and chaired by one of the wealthiest Tanzanians: Said Salim Bakhresa. The group of companies has dabbled their trade in food products, road transport services, and media among other things. AzamTV started broadcasting in 2013 and right now they are available in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda.

They offer a bouquet of over 85 channels. It seems there is a bit of everything for everyone as channels include: BBC News, Aljeezera News, Bloomberg, MTV Base, Nickelodeon, Bollywood content, African movies, Fox life, Fox Entertainment, Nat Geo Gold, Discovery Science, Discovery Investigation. On the sports front Azam has Fox Sports, Manchester United TV, Real Madrid TV and Liverpool TV.

When will Azam start broadcasting in Zimbabwe?
Imminently is the best answer we can give you right now. Bakhresa Group representative, Yusuf K Kamau mentioned that they are ready to roll and are basically waiting for permission:


The application procedures are already underway and we are in the process of ensuring that we meet all the requirements. We want to bring this product to Zimbabwe as soon as yesterday, so basically if we get the green light, we will unroll the project.

The cheapest bouquet will be accessible for $5, whilst the most expensive will be going for $15 and will offer over 100 channels, apparently.

You may be wondering if the most wanted English Premier League is on offer but unfortunately you won’t be able to watch that on Azam. But with their most expensive bouquet expected to be $15/month it would have been shocking if Azam had secured rights for the most sought after football league in the world.

As mentioned above, Kwese came onto the scene last year and it offers a $29, $9 and $5 bouquets for 30, 7 and 3 days respectively. Kwese is more accessible than Dstv right now owing to the fact they accept Bond notes . The EPL and soccer fans are yet to be swayed from Dstv though, due to the strangle hold Dstv has on the rights to air more live matches so it will be interesting to see where Azam will fit in the Pay TV market alongside both Dstv and Kwese.

Nonetheless, I do think AzamTV’s entry into the market will be positive because at the end of the day consumers can never have too much choice. I’m particularly interested in seeing what $5 will get subscribers. It will probably be better than what is on offer on our national broadcaster so I guess there may be a market for Azam What are your thoughts? Is there a market for a third TV subscription service in Zimbabwe?

AzamTVDstvKwese TV
Azam TV is a TV channel owned by Tanzanian Bakhresa Group of Companies. It started broadcasting in 2013 and they are available in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, and Uganda. In Zimbabwe, the channel awaits permission to start operating. Read More About AzamTV

Tags: Azam TV, DStv, DStv alternatives, Kwese, PayTV

New Broadcaster To Challenge Dstv and Kwese: Meet AzamTV - Techzim
ndio tunapata Digital TV sahi Kenya wakonazo over 300 station all Digital tukombali sana
Hahaha, kwani umestuka? Yaani Tv station Kenya hata hazihesabiki my friend. Alot of jobs have been opened up by this stations. A very good thing for the youth.
Hivi na wewe uko unemployed kama Hamster255. They are currently 6 TV Stations in Kenya au tufungue thread?
hahaha si mko wajinga sana.
huku hadi universities wako na tv plus fm zao....
Ndio maana nimewaacha tu wachape pumba zao. Eti Kenya ina sita. :D Alafu wapo very proud, Tanzania tuna 26! :D Unasema universities, kuna mashirika mengi sana, na parastatal kadhaa na wizara hapa Kenya kama ile ya Youth, Sports and Culture, ambazo zina Tv station zao! Aisee hadi na kanisa za walokole karibia zote. Tv za kisomali tu ni karibia ishirini. :D Orodha ya kweli wakiiona si watazimia? Yaani hata Bunge Live na Senate pia ni Tv stations kivyao with 24/7 coverage.
hahaha si mko wajinga sana.
huku hadi universities wako na tv plus fm zao....
Don't even talk about universities' tvs n radios! Sokoine University of Agriculture was the pioneer in the East and central Africa region.
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