Mahaasin TV yapewa rasmi leseni ya kurusha matangazo na TCRA

Jamaa mbishi,umaskini si sifa ya waislam,na kwa taarifa yako hapa bongo matajiri wskubwa wanaomiliki uchumi wa nchi ni waislam,hivyo chuki zako za kifala hazikisaidii
Ni kweli maana watuhumiwa wengi wa madawa ya kulevya ni wao, uko sahihi kwa utajiri tata walionao. Mtu hajasoma shule ila ana elimu ya madrasat tu lakini leo hii anamiliki utajiri usioingia kichwani.
Ukumbuke pia Watuhumiwa waliochota bilion 356 za Escrow ni Waumini wenzako hakuna Muislam pale.
Mahaasin TV,Ni Televisheni ya Pili ya Kiislam,Kukabidhiwa Leseni ya Kurusha Matangazo Yake. Kupitia Mamlaka ya Mawasiliano Tanzania TCRA.Inapatikana Kupitia Continental Decorder,na pia Kwa Kupakua App yake ndani ya Google Play Store.

Mahaasin TV(Pata Kujua Wema wa Uislam)
Anzeni kuandaa wachinjaji,maana mtaishia kutengeneza chuki za kuonewa tu
Jamaa mbishi,umaskini si sifa ya waislam,na kwa taarifa yako hapa bongo matajiri wskubwa wanaomiliki uchumi wa nchi ni waislam,hivyo chuki zako za kifala hazikisaidii
sasa wewe ndio unao ufala, huo utajiri walionao waislam wakubwa ndio wana kituo cha pili chs tv mpaka sasa, huo utajiri wameupata mwaka jana au vipi yaani???
Kuna TV moja ya kiislam kuna siku nilicheka yan host wa kipindi pamoja na guest wote wamevaa majuba kama maninja hata hawatambuliki kwa sura zaidi ya majina tu.
Mavazi kila mtu anachagua ayapendayo,ni washamba tu wanaiga kila kila kitu,hadi mavazi ya kishoga
Hapa duniani kuna asilimia kubwa sana ya watotobwa haramu, hususana nchini watoto wa nje ya ndoa.... Nategemea TV hii itasadia jamii kulea na kutunza maadili ya uraiani...!!!!
Trump asubiri huko ujumbe tumfikia....
Wala nguruwe hawajui kuwa hii ni neema kwao ya kujua mengi na kutoa elimu kwao kuwa ulaji nguruwe na ushoga ni vitendo kharamu.
Kauli mbiu take,Inalenga Kuujuza Umma Kuhusu Mazuri ya Uislam.Usikose kuifuatilia kwa Njia tajwa hapo juu.
Kwenye kila zuri kuna chembe chembe za mabaya ndani yake, hivyo nawasihi waislamu wenzangu watakaokua kwenye iyo Tv station kuongea ukweli, kukosoa na kukemea matendo maovu ya baadhi ya viongozi wa Dini na wale wote wanaotumia Dini kama mwamvuli wa kukamilisha machafu yao! ikiwezekana waanze na Bakwata
Kweli Uislamu unachukiwa, sehemu nyingine hata pasipo na sababu. Acheni udini kama TV haikuhusu usijenge chuki na kuamsha hisia za watu. Pongezi kwa MAHAASIN TV tuna imani vipindi vitakua vizuri na vyenye mafunzo mema kwa Waislamu.
Kwenye kila zuri kuna chembe chembe za mabaya ndani yake, hivyo nawasihi waislamu wenzangu watakaokua kwenye iyo Tv station kuongea ukweli, kukosoa na kukemea matendo maovu ya baadhi ya viongozi wa Dini na wale wote wanaotumia Dini kama mwamvuli wa kukamilisha machafu yao! ikiwezekana waanze na Bakwata
Yareti waTz wengi wawe na upeo kama wako !!!
Shukran kwa uelewa mwema...
Ila mafunzo ya kishoga ni sahihi!

Hivi, tangu lini ushoga na usialm vikaachana? Mbona mnatabia za shetani kabisa. Matendo yenu mliyaasisi wenyewe kule Sodoma na Gomorah, halafu leo mnataka kuwasingizia wengine. HIzo ni sera zenu. Waislam na ushoga ni vichwa vyao na ndefu.

Mpeleke ushetni wenu huu Tanzanian mtaozea segerea kama wale wenzenu! Tuko macho kuwatazama!

This what the Model State of Islam has to offer; widespread child abuse, pederastry and a thriving gay society.

Holy Kingdom indeed!

Saudi Arabian Study: 23% of Arab Children Have Been Raped; 46% of Arab Students Are Homosexual[/size]

Over 23% of Muslim children in a University study claimed to have been raped (1/4 of the entire population). Over 46% of Muslim male students in Riyadh are homosexuals, and over 25% of Muslim male student in Jeddah are homosexuals. Homosexual relations are common due to restriction of association between genders.
The actual percentage of sexual assault on children and women, beyond this University study, is believed to be over 80%.

(In broader surveys sexual assault and incest of children in Islamic societies are much higher than in this study.)


Guest – More than 23% of children in Saudi society have been raped.

Host — So about a quarter of Saudi children have been–

Guest – About a quarter of Saudi children have been raped. Sixty-two percent of those people—

Host — Those children.

Guest – No, I’m sorry, the study was directed at university students. Twenty-three percent had been raped during their childhood. For 62% of those, the rape was never reported. This was because it was one of the victim’s relatives.
In the study, it was mentioned that more than 16% of the rapists were relatives, specifically 5% were siblings, 2% were teachers, and 1% were parents.
In another study, which was conducted by Dr. In’am (al-Rabu’i), who is the president of children’s studies at the Armed Forces Hospital in Jeddah, she mentioned, or warned, that in the coming years we will suffer as a society from extremely widespread cases of homosexuality. The reason for this is the increase in the cases of sexual assault of children (brought) to the hospital, as well as the societal violence inflicted on children. She also mentioned that the hospital had on average three sexual assault cases per week.

Host — How large of an area did the study cover?

Guest – I don’t know, this is just what she mentioned on behalf of the Saudi nation. It was published on behalf of the nation, and can be considered very reliable. In addition to that, there is a study from the Office of Societal Supervision, which is also very serious. This study reported that 46% of students in the city of Riyadh suffer from homosexuality. Twenty-five percent of students in Jeddah suffer from homosexuality. We must be aware of this in order to combat these numbers quickly. The society has become fragmented. When we have a percentage of students—children or teenagers—who are gay, this is a catastrophe, a true catastrophe. I mean, we don’t have a strong society. We should really look at this more seriously.

Host — This is a new thing in Saudi Arabia for newspapers to write articles on this subject. The studies which you mentioned, are they saying this is something new?

Guest – No, it’s not new.

Saudi Arabian Study: 23% of Arab Children Have Been Raped; 46% of Arab Students Are Homosexual

This is why most young Arab men become suicide bombers.
They are yearning for redemption and reeling from guilt that is why they think by blowing themselves up for allah's sake they will get to heaven and be free of their guilt and shame.

The case in northern Nigeria is no different as thousands of underage boys are systematically abused on a daily basis by their Imans.

Islam is rotten to the core.
Ingeanza kwa kutujuza mabaya.. A yale ya kufyekana vichwa, kujitoa mhanga na ugaidi wa Boko haram, al shabaab and the like...
Kuna TV moja ya kiislam kuna siku nilicheka yan host wa kipindi pamoja na guest wote wamevaa majuba kama maninja hata hawatambuliki kwa sura zaidi ya majina tu.
ndio zao wabaguzi sana tena ukute ambaye ajasoma elimu dunia hiyo tv itakuwa n shida habari zao zitakuwa n pwani,zanzibar na tanga
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