Tetesi: Lake Nyasa Saga: Malawi waits response from Tanzania

Duniani kote nchi zinazotenganishwa na maji mengi basi mpaka hupita katikati na isitoshe Msumbiji na malawi mpaka umepita katikati, sasa kwa nn kwetu watoto wa Tanzania malawi ilumbane?nadhani watanzania wako tayari kuilinda nchi yao mpaka kufa
Kwahili hakuna uchadema wala Act no
Really? Ni wananchi wangapi wanategemea shughuli za uvuvi kwenye hili ziwa? Je ni haki kuwaambia kuanzia sasa Ziwa sio lenu na mkifanya uvuvi ombeni kibali Malawi??

Huu ni ubinafsi na ulafi...haiingii akilini ziwa limekuwapo miaka na miaka, watu wa upande wa pili wanadai sehemu yote iwe yao, kisa wakoloni walisema hivo....huu ni wizi na uvunjifu wa haki za binadamu...Watu wanaoishi mwambaoni na wananchi wengine wana haki ya kutumia sehemu ya Ziwa ; hii ni natural resources wamepewa na Mungu...sio Malawi au Malikia wa Uingereza....kwa nini Msumbiji wapewe hii haki na sio Tanzania?? Malawi ni walafi....
Issue sio kuwa na vitu vingi issue ni uzalendo na kulinda nchi yetu hata Kama ingekuwa ni kipande cha aridhi kipo jangwani nilazima upambane ubakishe utu wako na heshima yetu na hicho ndio kiapo walichokula wanajeshi wetu kulinda aridhi na mipaka yetu toka kwa wavamizi mungu ibariki Tanzania
Hahaha linaka elekea kuiva
Teh teh na mtumbuaji asivyo angalia ni aina gani ya nyenzo anatakiwa kutumia kutumbua jipu ndio ananipa wasiwasi zaidi ,achelewi kuamrisha kifaru kumpanda sisimizi ,of which anaweza akawa yupo sahihi lakini hakukua na ulazima huo ,huenda angetumia njia ya sisimizi kumpanda sisimizi ingekua na manufaa zaidi ,sijui kama umenielewa
chochote atakachofanya cha kuilinda mipaka ya nchi kama Raisi, nafikiri watanzania wote watakubaliana nae tofauti na akili kama za kina jMali MOTOCHINI Maziku Masunga Jr. Bukyanagandi MALCOM LUMUMBA Hoshea ambao akili zao zingewatuma kuanza kuwashughulisha wanyakyusa kabla hata ya kuongea na wamalawi, kama wanavyofurahia yanayowafikia wanyamulenge...

Hivi tangu lini nyasa wanakaa Wanyakyusa???
Au ndiyo yale yale ya Kila Mzungu ni Padri???

BTW Ange Kagame amekuwa mkubwa aisee,
Nilionana naye mwaka jana,
Maaaan she's so hoooot hadi sikuamini kama ni yule niliyecheza naye Hide and Seek,
Alichoniboa naye ana akili kama zako.
Hivi tangu lini nyasa wanakaa Wanyakyusa???
Au ndiyo yale yale ya Kila Mzungu ni Padri???
lol... hapana ninacho maanisha ni kwamba, kwa sababu wanyasa na wamalawi wanafungamana sana haimaanishi kwamba wanakubali nchi yao imegwe! kama mnavyowashutumu wanyamulenge kushirikiana na Rwanda, upo hapo?
kumbe upo? haya njoo umsidie ndugu yako Maziku Masunga Jr. kaishiwa hoja!

This is no debate my brother,
Facts need no Opinion; its either you take or leave them.
If you read the The Vienna Convention on State Succession with regard to territory,
It enshrines a customary rule which is called The Doctrine of Uti Possidetis which simply means "AS YOU POSSESS SO YOU POSSESS".

When the Colonial Powers left Africa this was the first question to be answered,
And our forefathers in Addis Ababa agreed that the colonial boundaries should not tempered with to avoid unnecessary contingencies.
This later came to be known as Nyerere's Doctrine of State Succession.

Tanzania became independent few years before Malawi,
Nyerere wrote a letter to the United Nations informing them that Tanganyika will be using Lake Malawi as it then was called. Unfortunately the letter was not answered but Mwalimu Nyerere and Tanganyikans started to use the waters of lake Malawi and later named it Nyasa.
The international community even accepted the Name Lake Nyasa and not Malawi,
There were no protests from The Brits.

The root of the problem started when the Malawian Military Junta failed,
Banda complained that the Tanzanian Security Services under the late Mzee Emilio Mzena was sent to oust him. It was by the help of the British that he survived.

The enraged Banda started all this Hullabaloo that Not only Lake Nyasa belongs to Malawi but also the whole area of Ruvuma.
During the Kagera War he made a stupid reprisal by ordering his troops to cross our borders and annex the place. We all know what happened.
Benjamin Mkapa as a foreign minister was sent to show Banda a RED FLAG.

After all being said and done,
The lake belongs to three countries and NOT TWO.
And this is a matter of Diplomacy anything could happen.
They are not in a World Court (ICJ).
By the way mchambawima1 Ange Kagame amekuwa sana,
And Maaan she is so HOOOOT,
Nilionana naye mwaka jana ova siyo yule tuliyecheza naye HIDE and SEEK.
Full confidence,
Sema kilichonisikitisha ni kwamba ana akili kama zako
This is no debate my brother,
Facts need no Opinion; its either you take or leave them.
If you read the The Vienna Convention on State Succession with regard to territory,
It has a customary rule which is called The Doctrine of Uti Possidetis which simply means "AS YOU POSSESS SO YOU POSSESS".

When the Colonial Powers left Africa this was the first question to be answered,
And our forefathers in Addis Ababa agreed that the colonial boundaries should not tempted with to avoid unnecessary contingencies.
This later came to be known as Nyerere's Doctrine of State Succession.

Tanzania became independent few years before Malawi,
Nyerere wrote a letter to the United Nations informing them that Tanganyika will be using Lake Malawi as it then was called. Unfortunately the letter was not answered but Mwalimu Nyerere and Tanganyikans started to use the waters of lake Malawi and later named it Nyasa.
The international community even accepted the Name Lake Nyasa and not Malawi,
There was no protests from The Brits.

The root of the problem started when the Malawian Military Junta failed,
Banda complained that the Tanzanian Security Services under the late Mzee Emilio Mzena was sent to oust him. It was by the help of the British that he survived.

The enraged Banda started all this Hullabaloo that Not only Lake Nyasa belongs to Malawi but also the whole area of Ruvuma.
During the Kagera War he made a stupid reprisal by ordering his troops to cross our borders and annex the place. We all know what happened.
Benjamin Mkapa as a foreign minister was sent to show Banda a RED FLAG.

After all being said and done,
The lake belongs to three countries and NOT TWO.
And this is a matter of Diplomacy anything could happen.
They are not in a World Court (ICJ).
Good luck!
By the way mchambawima1 Ange Kagame amekuwa sana,
And Maaan she is so HOOOOT,
Nilionana naye mwaka jana ova siyo yule tuliyecheza naye HIDE and SEEK.
Full confidence,
Sema kilichonisikitisha ni kwamba ana akili kama zako
wee kichaa usinikumbushe zile story zako za kizushi! unataka kujifanya hatukujuwi eti, kwa taarifa yako Tanzanian community ambayo iko hapa tokea Rwanda ikombolewe naijuwa yote, acha midhaa wewe!
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