Kuna haja ya Tanzania kuwapumzisha kwa amani (Mercy Killing) wagonjwa mahututi wa muda mrefu bila matumaini ya kupona?

Infantry Soldier

JF-Expert Member
Feb 18, 2012
Kuna haja ya Tanzania kuwapumzisha kwa amani (Mercy Killing) wagonjwa walio mahututi kwa muda mrefu bila kuwa na matumaini ya kupona?

Shikamoo wakubwa zangu wote wa hapa jamiiforums.

my own grandpa who lived in tabora spent nearly 4 years on a bed battling kupooza kwa upande mmoja. this was one of nightmarish episodes of my life, that still haunts me to this day:

Kutokana na kuongezeka kwa idadi kubwa ya wagonjwa walio katika hali mbaya kwenye hospitali mbalimbali hapa nchini kutokana na kuugua magonjwa yasiyokuwa na tiba na wao kuendelea kuteseka vitandani huku watu wasijue la kufanya, je, muda umefika kwa tanzania kuwa na utaratibu wa "kuua kwa huruma" kama ambavyo nchi za wazungu zinafanya? naomba maoni yako kwenye mjadala huu

Mercy killing (sometimes referred to as euthanasia) is when someone directly ends another person’s life, because they believe it is in their best interest in order to relieve pain and suffering from an incurable or terminal condition. The British House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics defines euthanasia as "a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering.

The term ‘mercy killing’ is used to describe both situations where a person asked for their life to be ended, and where they did not.Under the current law, anybody who ends the life of another can be charged with murder and would face mandatory life imprisonment if found guilty – even if the act is a compassionate response to a dying person’s request for help to die.

In the Netherlands and Flanders, euthanasia is understood as "termination of life by a doctor at the request of a patient. In some countries there is a divisive public controversy over the moral, ethical, and legal issues of euthanasia. Those who are against euthanasia may argue for the sanctity of life, while proponents of euthanasia rights emphasize alleviating suffering, and preserving bodily integrity, self-determination, and personal autonomy. Jurisdictions where euthanasia is legal include the Netherlands, Canada, Colombia, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

sources: The law and mercy killing - Dignity in Dying
Euthanasia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hapa kwetu bado sana na nitutakuwa tunaoneana. Inasikitisha mtu amehangaika kwa waganga akifika hospitali hawana la kumsaidia. Wagonjwa hawa wanahamu ya kuishi ila kuna mahali walikosea. 'Mercy killing' si jibu. Tunahitaji elimu na huduma za afya rafiki kwa jamii yetu ndo tufikirie hayo.
Hapa kwetu bado sana na nitutakuwa tunaoneana. Inasikitisha mtu amehangaika kwa waganga akifika hospitali hawana la kumsaidia. Wagonjwa hawa wanahamu ya kuishi ila kuna mahali walikosea. 'Mercy killing' si jibu. Tunahitaji elimu na huduma za afya rafiki kwa jamii yetu ndo tufikirie hayo.
mkuu, unalosema lina ukweli kabisa. watu wengi wanaenda hospitalini too late baada ya kuwa wamepoteza muda mwingi sana kwa waganga wa jadi pasipo mafanikio. asante sana kaka
Nadhani Serikali ingejikita kwenye kuboresha huduma za palliative care badala ya kufikiria huu upuuzi wa euthanasia...hakuna sehemu yoyote duniani walioruhusu jambo hili kwa mantiki ya mleta mada
mkuu, holland imeruhusu hii kitu na baadhi ya nchi zingine za ulaya
Nadhani Serikali ingejikita kwenye kuboresha huduma za palliative care badala ya kufikiria huu upuuzi wa euthanasia...hakuna sehemu yoyote duniani walioruhusu jambo hili kwa mantiki ya mleta mada
Hii ipo mkuu, Nchini Marekani kuna mtu aliitwa Jack Kervokian..Huyu ni maarufu mno kwa sababu ya hii shughuli ya 'kuwasaidia watu kufa'..japo yeye pia alifariki 2011..
Sikiliza 'Life on a fast lane' ya bad meets evil, yule Nigga anaongelea 'ku-dig up the corpse of Jack Kevorkian'..
Lakini pia Sigmund Freud, mwanasaikolojia maarufu mno wa Austria alisaidiwa kufa kwa ruhusa ya bintiye; Anna freud. Hiyo ilikuwa baada ya Sigmund kufanyiwa upasuaji wa mdomo na koo zaidi ya Mara 30 kujaribu kumsaidia kansa iliyomtafuna out of cigars alizovuta.
So Mercy Killing IPO kuanzia muda mrefu tu..
Hii ipo mkuu, Nchini Marekani kuna mtu aliitwa Jack Kervokian..Huyu ni maarufu mno kwa sababu ya hii shughuli ya 'kuwasaidia watu kufa'..japo yeye pia alifariki 2011..
Sikiliza 'Life on a fast lane' ya bad meets evil, yule Nigga anadai 'don't make me dig up spirits of Jack Kervokian'..
Lakini pia Sigmund Freud, mwanasaikolojia maarufu mno wa Austria alisaidiwa kufa kwa ruhusa ya bintiye; Anna freud. Hiyo ilikuwa baada ya Sigmund kufanyiwa upasuaji wa mdomo na koo zaidi ya Mara 30 kujaribu kumsaidia kansa iliyomtafuna out of cigars alizovuta.
So Mercy Killing IPO kuanzia muda mrefu tu..
Hiyo mifano haimaanishi ndio utaratibu mkuu
hakuna mwanadamu mwenye mamlaka ya kuutoa uhai wake mwenyewe wala wa mwingine. Euthanasia, Orthothanasia(kuondoa makusudi vifaa vya kumsaidia mgonjwa ktk hali mbaya wakati kuna matumaini ya kupona) na Dysthanasia(kutumia matibabu makubwa ya pekee sana yanayomuumiza mgonjwa na wakati hakuna matumaini ya kupona au kupata nafuu) hazifai. ziko kinyume na amri ya Mungu ya usiue na ni kinyume kabisa na hadhi na utu wa binadamu
hakuna mwanadamu mwenye mamlaka ya kuutoa uhai wake mwenyewe wala wa mwingine. Euthanasia, Orthothanasia(kuondoa makusudi vifaa vya kumsaidia mgonjwa ktk hali mbaya wakati kuna matumaini ya kupona) na Dysthanasia(kutumia matibabu makubwa ya pekee sana yanayomuumiza mgonjwa na wakati hakuna matumaini ya kupona au kupata nafuu) hazifai. ziko kinyume na amri ya Mungu ya usiue na ni kinyume kabisa na hadhi na utu wa binadamu
mkuu, asante sana
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Naunga mkono EUTHANASIA, ila iwe hatua ya mwisho kabisa kwamba muathirika imeshindikana kupona na anaumwa ugonjwa ambao ni terminal na iwe imekubaliwa na nduguze wa karibu si chini ya watatu akiwamo na yeye wa mne kama hayupo ktk vigitative state!!
Naunga mkono EUTHANASIA, ila iwe hatua ya mwisho kabisa kwamba muathirika imeshindikana kupona na anaumwa ugonjwa ambao ni terminal na iwe imekubaliwa na nduguze wa karibu si chini ya watatu akiwamo na yeye wa mne kama hayupo ktk vigitative state!!
hakuna mwanadamu mwenye mamlaka ya kuutoa uhai wake mwenyewe wala wa mwingine.
EUTHANSIA is a quite debatable isssue now in every part of the world, some countries have authorised euthansia through pieces of legislations while others are hesitant, even countries where euthanasia has been legalised yet there is conflicting opinions in the public.
the question of legalising euthanasia or not is couched on several fundamental paradigms(both moral and legal) to be tackle.

The moral question is a biblical one, the God's commandment thy shalt not kill this makes it difficult to arrive at a consensus as to how Euthanasia shall be taken. it is believed that killing is sin and strictly prohibited by God. who is ready to carry the backlog of sins killing patients at a coma?

The other question is a legal one several issues has been raised with respect to this question for example; who shall authorize euthanasia to be taken is it the patient? how will he consent while in a coma? is it the relative where do they derive such authority? is it the doctor where does he get that authority ? on what angle? is it from a medical point of view or is it just serving the suffering patient? what circumstances makes euthanasia justifiable ?
Also the right to life which have been enshrined in our constitutions though can be severed in accordance with the law example here is a death penalty etc, will euthanasia amount to murder? manslaughter or another form of killing innocent people ? in fact it cannot be equated with murder or manslaughter or death penalty but is it another model of treatment or an intentional killing? what threshold of pain should used to justify euthanasia? does it not amount to torture and inhuman treatment?

Arguing from the medical angle it is quite difficulty to justify euthanasia too, for example under what circumstances should euthanasia be allowed? what threshold of pain should be used to justify euthanasia? how should euthanasia be carried out? how will it affect medical ethics ? do all terminally ill patient end up dead?
These issues need to be tackled before it is allowed unless we want to engage in a killing exercise that we all don't want to happen.
EUTHANSIA is a quite debatable isssue now in every part of the world, some countries have authorised euthansia through pieces of legislations while others are hesitant, even countries where euthanasia has been legalised yet there is conflicting opinions in the public.
the question of legalising euthanasia or not is couched on several fundamental paradigms(both moral and legal) to be tackle.

The moral question is a biblical one, the God's commandment thy shalt not kill this makes it difficult to arrive at a consensus as to how Euthanasia shall be taken. it is believed that killing is sin and strictly prohibited by God. who is ready to carry the backlog of sins killing patients at a coma?

The other question is a legal one several issues has been raised with respect to this question for example; who shall authorize euthanasia to be taken is it the patient? how will he consent while in a coma? is it the relative where do they derive such authority? is it the doctor where does he get that authority ? on what angle? is it from a medical point of view or is it just serving the suffering patient? what circumstances makes euthanasia justifiable ?
Also the right to life which have been enshrined in our constitutions though can be severed in accordance with the law example here is a death penalty etc, will euthanasia amount to murder? manslaughter or another form of killing innocent people ? in fact it cannot be equated with murder or manslaughter or death penalty but is it another model of treatment or an intentional killing? what threshold of pain should used to justify euthanasia? does it not amount to torture and inhuman treatment?

Arguing from the medical angle it is quite difficulty to justify euthanasia too, for example under what circumstances should euthanasia be allowed? what threshold of pain should be used to justify euthanasia? how should euthanasia be carried out? how will it affect medical ethics ? do all terminally ill patient end up dead?
These issues need to be tackled before it is allowed unless we want to engage in a killing exercise that we all don't want to happen.
asante sana kwa mchango wako kaka
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