Kenya kwa kweli hii hapana too much

Hiyo inaitwa airstrip ambayo iko maporini, katafute dictionary, halafu haiondoi aibu tuliyo ona JNIA uwanja mnaosema wa kimataifa wa kushindana na sisi upo kama zizi la nguruwe, maji yamefurika kote, jameni mjifunze teknolojia za kuondoa mafuriko kwenye maeneo nyeti, ipo siku nusra muwamalize abiria wote wa KQ.

Kenya Airways yaacha runway JNIA, uwanja wafungwa na ndege kulazimika kutua Zanzibar

Rubani tumeona airport zenyu mnang'ang'ania airstrip wakati wameandika airport Holy crap

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Wacha uongo wewe, all our Islandic airports are paved including Songosongo!

Mafia Island Airport





Millennium Challenge Account-Tanzania (MCA-T)
Mafia Island, Tanzania
2011 - 2013
Prime Contractor
Mafia Island Airport Activity was part of the Transportation Sector Project under the five years Compact grant, extended to the United Republic of Tanzania by the Government of United States of America through Millennium Challenge Corporation with the objective of reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth. The project will enhance transportation network between Mafia Island and other destinations for the purpose of stimulating social and economic activities.

The project designed to upgrade the runway to ICAO standards and included demolition and site clearing, airfield drainage works, earthworks and grading of airfield, asphalt paving of the runway with markings, installation of perimeter security fencing and grassing works of the area surrounding runway.The logistics of project required sea transportation of all equipment and materials including asphalt plant, heavy machinery, aggregates, bitumen and petroleum products, etc. from mainland to the island.

Currently, the airport is fully in service and supporting the local population to increase the income from tourism.

Within the scope of the project, below construction works have been executed by Kuanta machinery and personnel.

Supply all necessary equipment, material and personnel to:

- Produce 5782 cubic meters hot mix asphalt as regulating and binder layers, 2939 cubic meters of hot Marshall Asphalt Concrete wearing course,

- Bituminous prime coat of 53721 square meters

- Bituminous tac coat of 103328 square meters

- Spread, level and grassing 286100 square meters of area,

- Spread and compact 16896 cubic meters of CBR15 fill material,

- Spread and compact 993 cubic meters of CBR45 fill material,

- Preparation of 51540 square meters of cement stabilized granular base,

- Construct 1278 linear meters of concrete drainage ditch,

- Construct 2715 linear meters of earth drainage ditch,

- Construct 4328 linear meters of security fencing,

- Common excavation of 43213 cubic meters,

- Marking of 3848 linear meters

The Inauguration Ceremony of Upgrading of Mafia Island Airport has been honored by His Excellency Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete - President of the United Republic of Tanzania and Ambassador of Turkish Republic on 3rd of October,2013.

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