Mwafrika wa Kike
JF-Expert Member
- Jul 5, 2007
- 5,185
- 60
Haya basi.... ninashangaa sana matumizi ya neno shall kwenye huu mkataba.....jinsi yanavyounganishwa na Karamagi!
Najaribu kuwa retard kidogo hapa... yaani jamaa wameamua hata minister baada ya Karamagi lazima awe a "he" (just making big deal out of everything... kwi kwi kwi kwi kwi)
kazi kweli huko Buzwagi......
3.1 As soon as possible, and in any event not later than sixty (60) days after the Company has lodged an application for a special Mining Licence, the Minister shall, pursuant to the Act, grant to the Company the Special Mining Licence over the Contract Area for an initial period of twenty five (25) years.
Haya basi.... ninashangaa sana matumizi ya neno shall kwenye huu mkataba.....jinsi yanavyounganishwa na Karamagi!
3.2 The rights and obligations of the Company under this Agreement and the Special Mining Licence shall, subject to this Agreement, subsist during:
3.2.1 the duration of the Special Mining Licence granted under
Article 3.1 above, which shall be for a period of twenty
five (25) years with an option for the Company to renew
the same upon the same terms and conditions for a further
period of twenty five (25) years.
3.2.2 if at the end of the renewal period granted pursuant to
Article 3.2.1 above, the Company applies for a further
renewal, the Minister shall, if he is reasonably
satsfied that the further renewal is in the public
interest,procure the grant of such renewal as requested
for such further period as he may determine
Najaribu kuwa retard kidogo hapa... yaani jamaa wameamua hata minister baada ya Karamagi lazima awe a "he" (just making big deal out of everything... kwi kwi kwi kwi kwi)
kazi kweli huko Buzwagi......