that's the problem with you guys..hili neno LA tuta...hamliachi.naona apa umelichange ukalileta kiingereza watu wanaongelea chenye mko nacho saa ii we unasema by end of 2018 tutakuwa na bla bla bla....nani kakwambia jambo jet itakua imepiga kimya tu na haijaagiza ndege mpya pia.infact jambo jet iko na Boeing tayari as we speak.nyinyi ngojeni 2018We ucfananishe atc na mambo ya kipuzi
By end of 2018
Bombadier Dash q400 Zitakuwa 3
Bombadier q300 moja
Bombadier CS 300 mbili
Boeing 787-8 moja
Hizo zote owned na government ....hatulease kama nyie
what do you mean by fleet size ya ndege moja moja au kwa ujumla?Fleet size ya ndege moja moja au kwa ujumla wake wote?
Jambo wana ngapi? Atcl wana ngapi?
Hehe...unajua maana ya kuna ndege mpya...ndege ziko viwandan znaundwa takes up to 2 years for 787 or cs300 to be complete...hela zshatolewa na zshanunuliwa cio plans hizothat's the problem with you guys..hili neno LA tuta...hamliachi.naona apa umelichange ukalileta kiingereza watu wanaongelea chenye mko nacho saa ii we unasema by end of 2018 tutakuwa na bla bla bla....nani kakwambia jambo jet itakua imepiga kimya tu na haijaagiza ndege mpya pia.infact jambo jet iko na Boeing tayari as we speak.nyinyi ngojeni 2018 size umemaanisha ukubwa wa ndege moja moja kati ya kutokea jambo na atcl.what do you mean by fleet size ya ndege moja moja au kwa ujumla?
sasa apa nmekupata.but tukiangalia upande wote atcl imepigwa bao kwa sasa.atcl iko na bombardier tatu..Q300 moja na Q400 mbili.jambo jet iko na bombardier Q400 tatu na Boeing size umemaanisha ukubwa wa ndege moja moja kati ya kutokea jambo na atcl.
Au idadi ya ndege kwa jumla yake kati ya jambo na atcl
Anhaa mimi nilikua sijui kama hivyo kweli Tanzania tumeachwasasa apa nmekupata.but tukiangalia upande wote atcl imepigwa bao kwa sasa.atcl iko na bombardier tatu..Q300 moja na Q400 mbili.jambo jet iko na bombardier Q400 tatu na Boeing mbili
so after izo order unazozipigia debe apa mtakua na Boeing moja..jambo jet itakua na mbili na Q400 tano kwa sababu wameorder Q400 ongea wewe sasa?In power for just over a year, Magufuli has made the overhaul of troubled Air Tanzania Company Ltd (ATCL) one of his flagship infrastructure development projects in a bid to transform the country into a regional transportation hub.
Last week, Tanzania signed a deal with Canada's Bombardier Inc. to buy two CS300 jetliners and one Q400 turboprop aircraft at a cost of $200 million.
The country received delivery of two other Bombardier Q400 planes in Sept. at a cost of $62 million.
Magufuli said his government has also made initial payment for the purchase of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which is expected to be delivered on June 18 and would boost Air Tanzania's fleet to seven planes. He did not say how much the plane would cost.
The state-run ATCL, which has suffered from years of under-investment and mismanagement, had just one plane on its fleet when Magufuli took office in Nov. last year.
Magufuli appointed a new CEO and board for the airline in Sept. and ordered the restructuring of the company, including staff retrenchment, as part of a turn-around plan.
hahaaa... povuuuuu at it's best!!!!Hii kampuny uchwara ya
Kichochoron nayo ndo
Wanasema n kampun kubwaa
Kataften unga wa Mexico
Huko mle ugali
Haa haaa povu gani mkuuhahaaa... povuuuuu at it's best!!!!
hehee..mimi ikinizidi naja apo kwako niondoke na magunia saba ya mahindi na sita ya maharage.usinifukuze lakiniHaa haaa povu gani mkuu
Kwa hyo kampuniy yenu uchwara
Njoon tuwasaidia mahind
Mcje mkafa bure jiran zetu
Jamaa la povuu,juzi ulidai magu atakataaMagufuli anawatega atataka the samiie number of frequences to Kenya from Tanzania! sasa mkatae...
what do you mean by fleet size ya ndege moja moja au kwa ujumla?
Kwasasa ATCL iko na Q300(capacity 50 seats) moja, Q400 mbili(Capacity each 76 seats)...Fafanua.
Huo ukubwa upo kwenye nini na nini, shuka na takwimu kabisa. Maneno matupu kama vile tupo kijiweni hapa si mahali pake.
Shame on you! Yani unakuja hapa kujisifia na ndege za ku lease? Sisi tumenunua kwa C@sh kwa sababu nchi yetu ni tajiri! Your Jambojet is doomed to fail with this leasing thing. Huku kwetu tunasema, Nguo ya kuazima, haisitiri matako!A week ago, the budget carrier acquired a new 78-seater Bombardier Q400 from a Moscow-based leasing company as part of its expansion, with plans to lease another in November.