Huu ndio 'Msimamo" wa Humphrey Polepole kuhusu nafasi ya Ukuu wa Wilaya

Wewe ndo ukajisomeeeee

The Story of the Double Negative

Double negatives and usage - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

3 Things You Must Know About Double Negatives

Pole sana, pata muda wa kujisomea, ili uweze kujibu hoja kwa hoja. Kasome ukuaji(growth) wa lugha. Usilipuke. Kajisomee kidogo historia - Victorian English, Kilichopo sasa kilifikiwaje na lahaja mbambali. Hata kiswahili tangu kilichoongewa Mombasa 1498 na kabla, mpaka Kiswahili Sanifu cha sasa hapa TZ. Itakusaidia kuacha kukariri.
Wewe ndo ukajisomeeeee

Double negatives and usage - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

3 Things You Must Know About Double Negatives
Wamerudisha wakuu wa Mikoa na Wakuu wa Wilaya wananchi mlisema sana juu ya uwepo wa wakuu wa mikoa na wilaya.. Kwamba hivi ni vyeo mzigo na vya misingi ya kubebana,kwa namna walivyo rudi sitashangaa wakiendelea kuwa makada wa vyama vya siasa. Sifa kuu yao itakuwa ni kuwa kada tu wa chama asiye na sifa za ziada.Haya maoni ya kuwaweka wakuu wa mikoa katika namna hii wameyatoa wapi.? Maoni hayo mimi sikuyaona Tume ya Katiba kipindi chote nilichokuwepo.
Aache tena!mm ndo maana cpend unafik.Kwa sasa hataweza hata kujitokeza hadharan kudai katiba mpya
Huko ndio kukariri. Narudia tena kasome historia ya ukuaji wa lugha chimbuko, historia yake lahaja-pidgins-zake. Pole sana
Kukua kwa lugha gani? Kuna baadhi ya lugha kama kiswahili chetu kinakubali double negation but kwenye kimombo utatengeneza a lot of contradiction.
Huko ndio kukariri. Narudia tena kasome historia ya ukuaji wa lugha chimbuko, historia yake lahaja-pidgins-zake. Pole sana
Tatizo lako mvivu afu unapenda ubishi bila facts. Kasome kasome nikasome wapi? Wewe ndo ukasome. Ingia hata Wikipedia utajua nnachokitetea hapa
Nimejifunza hiki hapa; "Elimu ni extra way lakini success is your choice"

Ukibwabwaja iwe kwa faida au hasara kwa mambo unayoona yana mlengo wa kukibeba chama/kundi flani basi ai mbali unafikiliwa kuka mema!.
Tatizo lako mvivu afu unapenda ubishi bila facts. Kasome kasome nikasome wapi? Wewe ndo ukasome. Ingia hata Wikipedia utajua nnachokitetea hapa
Kuna lahaja-pidgins kadhaa za english duniani. American english, Indian english, Jamaican english na nyingine nyingi. American english inaruhusu mambo mengi ambayo kwenye UK english yanaleta ukakasi. Kiingereza hicho hicho cha sasa kina tofauti kwenye baadhi ya maneno na hata grammar ukilinganisha na Victorian English iliyokuwa 17th century. Kule walisema hath, speaketh; sasa ni has, speaks. Vyote ni sawa kwa wakati wake, ndio lugha kukua-growing. Lugha hukua kwa kuhalalisha misemo, maneno hata yaliyokuwa ya utani 'slang'. Wamarekani walitawaliwa na Waingereza, lakini kwenye baadhi ya maneno spelling sasa hivi zinatofautiana; color(colour). Huko ndio kukua kwa lugha. Double negation kwenye US English iko sawa kabisa. Endelea kujisomea itazidi kusaidia. Wikipedia inatoa vionjo tu. Lugha zote zinakua hazigandi
Kuna lahaja-pidgins kadhaa za english duniani. American english, Indian english, Jamaican english na nyingine nyingi. American english inaruhusu mambo mengi ambayo kwenye UK english yanaleta ukakasi. Kiingereza hicho hicho cha sasa kina tofauti kwenye baadhi ya maneno na hata grammar ukilinganisha na Victorian English iliyokuwa 17th century. Kule walisema hath, speaketh; sasa ni has, speaks. Vyote ni sawa kwa wakati wake, ndio lugha kukua-growing. Lugha hukua kwa kuhalalisha misemo, maneno hata yaliyokuwa ya utani 'slang'. Wamarekani walitawaliwa na Waingereza, lakini kwenye baadhi ya maneno spelling sasa hivi zinatofautiana; color(colour). Huko ndio kukua kwa lugha. Double negation kwenye US English iko sawa kabisa. Endelea kujisomea itazidi kusaidia. Wikipedia inatoa vionjo tu. Lugha zote zinakua hazigandi
In this week’s episode of Everyday
Grammar, we’re going to talk about two
common types of double negatives. A
double negative is when you use two
negative words in the same clause of a
Let’s take a real-world example. In
2012, President Obama spoke at United
Nations about the Iran nuclear issue.
“America wants to resolve this issue
through diplomacy, and we believe that
there is still time and space to do so. But
that time is not unlimited.”
What did the president mean when he
said “not unlimited?” Mr. Obama’s
double negative statement confused
many people.
English teachers do not like double
negatives because they can be
confusing and illogical . Starting in
elementary school, teachers tell
students to avoid them. But many
native English speakers still use double
There are two types of double
The first kind of double negative is
when two negative words form a
positive statement. When President
Obama said, “Time is not unlimited,”
the negative “not” and the negative
prefix “un” cancel each other out. What
Mr. Obama meant is that time is limited
for Iran. Politicians, lawyers and
diplomats sometimes use this type of
double negative in sensitive situations.
The second type of double negative is
when two negatives form a stronger
negative. For example, “ I don’t know
nothing .” When you place a verb
between two negative words, the result
is usually a stronger negative.
But, if you told an English teacher, “ I
don’t know nothing, ” the teacher would
probably correct you with, “ I don’t
know anything. ” This kind of double
negative is taboo in professional and
academic situations. Some people see it
as a sign of being poorly educated.
But English speakers have been using
double negatives for centuries. The first
English translation of the Bible by King
James used double negatives. William
Shakespeare even used a triple
negative in his play Richard III.
Shakespeare wrote, “I never was nor
never will be.”
Was Shakespeare wrong?
Robert Lowth
It was Robert Lowth who decided the
double negative had no place in English
grammar. Robert Lowth was a leader in
the Church of England. In 1762, he
wrote a book called A Short
Introduction to English Grammar. Mr.
Lowth proposed many restrictions on
English grammar, many of them
inspired by Latin. Over the years, his
rules became the standard for teaching
grammar all over the English-speaking
But the double negative is alive and
well, especially in informal speech. In
fact, some of the richness of the English
language comes from ignoring the
rules. Listen for the double negative in
the song “Satisfaction” by the Rolling
"I can’t get no satisfaction
I can’t get no satisfaction
‘Cause I try and I try…"
Would the song have the same effect if
Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger had
said, “I cannot get any satisfaction?”
And surely Robert Lowth would not
approve of pop star Rihanna’s use of
the double negative in her song called
“I don’t care, can’t tell me
nothing ...”
The double negative is just one example
of the difference between how English
is taught in school and how it is
sometimes spoken.
So next time you get frustrated with
English grammar, don’t blame your
teacher. Blame Robert Lowth.
I’m Jonathan Evans.
Adam Brock wrote and produced this
story for VOA Learning English. Ashley
Thompson was the editor.


The Story of the Double Negative

Kwahiyo lengo lako akatae nae? Hivi ungekua wewe ungekataa kweli? Acheni maigizo.

Duh, JF siku hizi bana. Umefuatilia mjadala kweli? Umeuelewa? Do you have any idea why I made that comment? Humphrey Polepole kukubali au kukataa uteuzi hakuwezi kuwa lengo langu. I don't even know him. I don't even care about what he does. "Ungekuwa wewe" kivipi wakati I am not behaving like Polepole? I have a job which will never see me becoming a DC somewhere. Sasa unafikiri Ukuu wa Wilaya ni kitu cha maana sana? No wonder you are not thinking straight, ukitarajia kuteuliwa.

Watu wanachofanya hapa ni kumpa changamoto Ndugu Polepole, which is a fair debate to have. Do you even understand? Na anayeweza kujitetea/kufafanua hili ni Polepole peke yake (Hata mkewe hawezi kwa kuwa yeye si Polepole. Wewe ni mkewe Polepole?). Kwamba kwa misimamo ambayo alishawahi kuionesha siku za nyuma, it follows naturally that he will turn down the offer to become a DC. Huwezi kujenga hoja za kupinga nafasi ya Ukuu wa Wilaya (kwamba Ukuu wa Wilaya ufutwe kwa kuwa hauna maana/useless. Ni mzigo kwa Watanzania) halafu ukiteuliwa kuwa Mkuu wa Wilaya, unakubali. Inconsistency. Kukubali maana yake ni kuwa wewe pia ni useless na mzigo kwa Watanzania. Anyway, Polepole ameshaapishwa? Pengine atakataa uteuzi huo kama ambavyo alishadokeza siku za nyuma.
Nimejifunza hiki hapa; "Elimu ni extra way lakini success is your choice"

Ukibwabwaja iwe kwa faida au hasara kwa mambo unayoona yana mlengo wa kukibeba chama/kundi flani basi ai mbali unafikiliwa kuka mema!.
Upo sahihi sana
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