Senior Member
- Sep 16, 2015
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Nani atatunusuru na hili janga la bodaboda
No point all on this, kwahiyo na wale wanaotowa huduma ya kuuza petrol kwenye vituo vya mafuta mbona wako sawa? Vipi mafundi viatu wanaoshinda na gundi? Mbona wako poa? Au hujui gundi ni ulevi? Pitia mitaa ya Arusha uwaone machokaraa wavuta gundi.I have never done any comparison between tax drivers and bodaboda drivers incomes. But sometimes scientific evidences makes people believe other than just using their common sense. Unganisha hizo dots ili upate ukweli maana siyo kila mwendesha bodaboda alianza akiwa mvuta bangi...lakini baada ya muda anakuwa mvuta bangi.
Here is one article:
The first report of people sniffing petrol to get 'high' was in the US in 1934. After that people realised they could also get high from sniffing all sorts of household products that contained volatile fumes: glue, aerosols, chrome-based paint, paint thinner, cleaning fluids and lighter fluids.
American servicemen stationed in the Top End of Australia during the Second World War are thought to have first introduced petrol sniffing to the local Aboriginal people. The practice then spread to other Aboriginal communities across Australia where it continues to be a source of sickness, social dysfunction, and sometimes death.
Although the abuse of other volatile substances like lighter fluid and glue is common in Australia and many other developed countries, petrol sniffing seems to occur mainly among Indigenous groups in remote regions in Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand and some Pacific Islands.
The reasons people in these communities sniff petrol are probably similar to the reasons people use other drugs in other places. It's just that in remote communities, petrol is cheap and easy to get, while other drugs are harder to access. The social disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal people in Australia also contributes to the problem of petrol sniffing in these communities.
significantly reduce the incidence of petrol sniffing in communities where it has been made available.
Other government initiatives include the development of rehabilitation programs and treatment centres, education programs, increased policing, youth services and community support.
Although interventions such as education and controlling supply may reduce the burden somewhat, one report shows nearly all petrol sniffers think they will die as a result of sniffing and yet they keep sniffing. The reasons why these people have lost their will to live needs to be addressed before the social devastation caused by petrol sniffing can be alleviated altogether.
There are, however, many positive and inspiring stories where communities have come up with ways to stop people from sniffing petrol in their communities. The most successful programs have been coordinated approaches involving families, elders, police, health organisations and government organisations.
There is no healthy way to sniff. Sniffing causes serious health problems and can kill.
Reviewed by Professor Dennis Grey, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University
na nyie akina kaka viilevile hii ni wote wanaotumia boda ila zinasaidia kwa kiasi fulainiNa watu hawasikii wala hawaoni kwa huu usafiri...haswa wakina dada.....
na nyie akina kaka viilevile hii ni wote wanaotumia boda ila zinasaidia kwa kiasi fulaini
Which performance indices are you using to justify your points kuwa wako sawa i.e., okay or hawako okay? Stretch your mind to think wider siyo kukataa tu ili uonekane unabisha. Hii kitu iko serious na ni janga la kitaifa lakini kwa sababu watu hawako makini na masuala ya afya ndiyo maana inaonekana suala la kawaida watu kupoteza maisha kwa sababu ya bodaboda wrong operations.No point all on this, kwahiyo na wale wanaotowa huduma ya kuuza petrol kwenye vituo vya mafuta mbona wako sawa? Vipi mafundi viatu wanaoshinda na gundi? Mbona wako poa? Au hujui gundi ni ulevi? Pitia mitaa ya Arusha uwaone machokaraa wavuta gundi.
hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mm sipandagi boxer napanda boda za sunlg na fekon tu zile zenye kikalio kwa nyuma hahaaaaaaaaaaaEnheeee.....hasa weweeee......nakuonaga unavyojibinua kwenye boxer bm150.....
sio vizuri sana kutupia pic hapa ila kwa sababu umetupia ngoja tuziangalie tu
Hahahahaha...... hongera zako mkuu ww hujavunja sheria ya MtandaoNi kweli mimi sijazitazama
hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mm sipandagi boxer napanda boda za sunlg na fekon tu zile zenye kikalio kwa nyuma hahaaaaaaaaaaa
Na sisi abiria ni tatizo, hatujui namna ya kuwadhibiti hawa wajinga wajinga! Unakuta mtu anaburuzwa mpaka anatoa machozi ame-mute tu! Tuwe jasiri kuwapangia namna ya kukuendesha kwenye pikipiki. Kabla hujaanza safari wambie kabisa masharti yako yakoje na mwendo unaoutaka vingine aachane na wewe!!Hawa jamaa ni tatizo.
Wanang'ang'ania kuovertake magari makubwa hovyo hovyo.
hhhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uwiiiiii wanakuwa na hali ingine mpaka anasababisha ajali aisee kali sanaAlafu nyie ndio mnasababisha ajali kwa kumkumbatia dereva....mpaka wanasahau majukumu yao....