online work

Remote work, also called work from home (WFH), work from anywhere, telework, remote job, mobile work, and distance work is an employment arrangement in which employees do not commute to a central place of work, such as an office building, warehouse, or retail store. Instead, work can be accomplished in the home, such as in a study, a small office/home office and/or a telecentre. A company in which all workers perform remote work is known as a distributed company.

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  1. PinGonHi

    Looking for an employee in my online business with knowledge of English

    Requirements to the employee: Must know English, have an android phone and a desire to work and learn. The employee must be from the city of "dar es salaam" and must be able to move freely around the city About work: the first +-4 days of training are not paid, then pay $3 a day fixed rate +...
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