Zimbabwe yafuta rasmi Hukumu ya Kifo baada ya kutotekelezwa kwa miaka 19

Mtoa Taarifa

JF-Expert Member
Sep 21, 2024

Rais Emmerson Mnangagwa ameidhinisha Sheria inayofuta rasmi adhabu ya Kifo ambayo kama ingeendelea kutekelezwa, ingeondoa uhai wa Wafungwa takriban 60 waliohukumiwa adhabu hiyo.

Shirika la Amnesty International limepongeza hatua hiyo na kuielezea kama hatua muhimu katika juhudi za kimataifa kukomesha adhabu hiyo iliyoita ya kikatili, ya kinyama na ya kudhalilisha.


Zimbabwe officially abolished the death penalty Tuesday after President Emmerson Mnangagwa signed into law an act that will commute to jail time the sentences of about 60 prisoners on death row.

There has been a moratorium on executions in the southern African country since 2005 although courts have continued to hand down the death sentence for crimes including murder, treason and terrorism.

The Death Penalty Abolition Act, published in Government Gazette Tuesday, says courts can no longer deliver a sentence of capital punishment for any offence and any existing death sentences would need to be commuted to jail time.

However, one provision says the suspension of the death penalty may be lifted during a state of emergency.

At least 59 people were known to be under a death sentence in Zimbabwe at the end of 2023, Amnesty International said in a statement welcoming the new act as an "historic moment".

"We urge the authorities to now swiftly move to a full abolition of the death penalty by removing the clause included in the amendments to the Bill allowing for the use of the death penalty for the duration of any state of public emergency," the international rights group said.

The local The Herald newspaper reported in February that there were 63 death row inmates who would likely have to return to court for resentencing once the death penalty was scrapped.

Twenty-four countries across sub-Saharan Africa have abolished the death penalty for all crimes while two additional countries have abolished it for ordinary crimes only, Amnesty said.

Mnangagwa has been a vocal opponent of capital punishment since he was sentenced to death in the 1960s for blowing up a train during the guerrilla war for independence. The sentence was later commuted.

Of the 16 countries known to have carried out executions in 2023, only one -- Somalia -- was in sub-Saharan Africa, according to Amnesty.
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Rais Emmerson Mnangagwa ameidhinisha Sheria inayofuta rasmi adhabu ya Kifo ambayo kama ingeendelea kutekelezwa, ingeondoa uhai wa Wafungwa takriban 60 waliohukumiwa adhabu hiyo.

Shirika la Amnesty International limepongeza hatua hiyo na kuielezea kama hatua muhimu katika juhudi za kimataifa kukomesha adhabu hiyo iliyoita ya kikatili, ya kinyama na ya kudhalilisha.


Zimbabwe officially abolished the death penalty Tuesday after President Emmerson Mnangagwa signed into law an act that will commute to jail time the sentences of about 60 prisoners on death row.

There has been a moratorium on executions in the southern African country since 2005 although courts have continued to hand down the death sentence for crimes including murder, treason and terrorism.

The Death Penalty Abolition Act, published in Government Gazette Tuesday, says courts can no longer deliver a sentence of capital punishment for any offence and any existing death sentences would need to be commuted to jail time.

However, one provision says the suspension of the death penalty may be lifted during a state of emergency.

At least 59 people were known to be under a death sentence in Zimbabwe at the end of 2023, Amnesty International said in a statement welcoming the new act as an "historic moment".

"We urge the authorities to now swiftly move to a full abolition of the death penalty by removing the clause included in the amendments to the Bill allowing for the use of the death penalty for the duration of any state of public emergency," the international rights group said.

The local The Herald newspaper reported in February that there were 63 death row inmates who would likely have to return to court for resentencing once the death penalty was scrapped.

Twenty-four countries across sub-Saharan Africa have abolished the death penalty for all crimes while two additional countries have abolished it for ordinary crimes only, Amnesty said.

Mnangagwa has been a vocal opponent of capital punishment since he was sentenced to death in the 1960s for blowing up a train during the guerrilla war for independence. The sentence was later commuted.

Of the 16 countries known to have carried out executions in 2023, only one -- Somalia -- was in sub-Saharan Africa, according to Amnesty.
Eti adhabu ya kikatili na kuzalilisha,yaani wauaji wanaonewa huruma! Maajabu kweli
Eti adhabu ya kikatili na kuzalilisha,yaani wauaji wanaonewa huruma! Maajabu kweli
Upuuzi uliopindukia!!
Fikiria jambazi kaingia nyumbani kwako/ kwenu; kaiba, kabaka, na kaua..
Kwa bahati nzuri polisi wanamkata; wanamfikisha mahakamani, na kwa ushahidi (wa kweli) dhidi yake inabainika kweli ameua, anahukumiwa kunyongwa mpaka afe kwa kosa lake la mauaji alilofanya; halafu eti Amnest International na hao "wapigania za binaadamu" wanasema ni ukatili na udhalilishaji!!
Yeye alivyoiba, kubaka na kuua haikuwa ni ukatili na udhalilishaji dhahir shahir?
Huo ni upuuzi uliokithiri kwa kufuata mkumbo na mashinikizo ya wakoloni!! Muuaji wa kukusudia, anapaswa kuuawa bila huruma!!
Upuuzi uliopindukia!!
Fikiria jambazi kaingia nyumbani kwako/ kwenu; kaiba, kabaka, na kaua..
Kwa bahati nzuri polisi wanamkata; wanamfikisha mahakamani, na kwa ushahidi (wa kweli) dhidi yake inabainika kweli ameua, anahukumiwa kunyongwa mpaka afe kwa kosa lake la mauaji alilofanya; halafu eti Amnest International na hao "wapigania za binaadamu" wanasema ni ukatili na udhalilishaji!!
Yeye alivyoiba, kubaka na kuua haikuwa ni ukatili na udhalilishaji dhahir shahir?
Huo ni upuuzi uliokithiri kwa kufuata mkumbo na mashinikizo ya wakoloni!! Muuaji wa kukusudia, anapaswa kuuawa bila huruma!!
Hao Amnest ni kikundi cha wapuuzi kabisa
Hao Amnest ni kikundi cha wapuuzi kabisa
Yapo mambo ya msingi wanayoweza kuyasimamia na kuyatetea ambayo yanaweza kukubalika miongoni mwa jamii; hasa kwa wanaoonewa, kutwezwa, kuuawa, kufanyiwa ukatili, kunyimwa haki zao, n.k; na si kinyume cha hayo!!
Kutetea wauaji wa makusudi wasinyongwe mpaka kufa, huo ni upuuzi mkubwa unaokera; na unachochea jamii kujichukulia sheria mkononi.
Yapo mambo ya msingi wanayoweza kuyasimamia na kuyatetea ambayo yanaweza kukubalika miongoni mwa jamii; hasa kwa wanaoonewa, kutwezwa, kuuawa, kufanyiwa ukatili, kunyimwa haki zao, n.k; na si kinyume cha hayo!!
Kutetea wauaji wa makusudi wasinyongwe mpaka kufa, huo ni upuuzi mkubwa unaokera; na unachochea jamii kujichukulia sheria mkononi.
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