SoC04 Youth unemployment in Tanzania

Tanzania Tuitakayo competition threads


New Member
Jun 29, 2024

Youth unemployment in Tanzania was 19% in 2019 the high level of unemployment has been a persistent problem facing the country within the youth group the national population across the country continues to experience high growth rates implying that high increasing unemployment is compounded by a rapidly growing supply of new entrants into the labour force.

The country has noted that the number of labour market entrants between 15 and 24 years far outpaces jobs for them with youth unemployment at 19%this young labour force loses out because of a lack of formal education skills job opportunities and experience so the nation can not lose its tremendous potential for social and economic development poverty and lack of viable alternative in the education system in Tanzania.

According to the United Republic of Tanzania, youth are defined as people aged between 16 to 35 years. The last census of 2022 shows that youth are 31% of the whole population of Tanzania, the high and persistent rates of unemployment remain one the key challenges for youth in Tanzania. This problem is characterised by a shortage of employment or job opportunities of new entrants in the labour market school and college graduates are estimated to be between 800,000 and 1,000,000 each year.

Youth entrepreneurship is still a relatively new area, and best practices are still evolving. Each new programme reveals new insights, Entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon, typically engaged by young people age between 24 and 34 years.


A combination of factors makes the job market increasingly difficult for young people and leads to high youth unemployment.

High youth unemployment.

Young people have less access to formal jobs.


(A) An education system that ignores entrepreneurship rarely to the traditional education systems teaches the skills necessary to become non-entrepreneurs most formal education focuses on skills for professional careers.

(B) Limited access to capital. Financial institutions are reluctant to land young people because they lack the collateral to underwrite their ventures.

(C) Social stigma, Young entrepreneurs with little capital justifiably fear failure and where there are no safety nets risks are high.

(D)Lack of appropriate skills in young entrepreneurs may have ability to acquire a wide range of new skills but lack of access to appropriate training and support systems and limited access to knowledge.

(E) Market disruptions. Young entrepreneurs are exposed to market disruptions and failures. They may lack enough capital to face economic and political crises.


The government of Tanzania in collaboration with stakeholders should design plans to address youth unemployment in the country through entrepreneurship orientation and enterprise development.


The main objective of the plan is to contribute to the creation of decent work for young people both as a means of self-employment and as job creation for others.

This objective can be achieved through:

(i) Promoting entrepreneurship culture.

(ii) Entrepreneurship education

(iii) Business services and access to finance for young entrepreneurs.

(iv) Youth to youth fund.
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