Waziri Mkuu wa Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina ajiuzulu kutokana na maandamano Yanayoendelea

Wild Flower

JF-Expert Member
Jul 20, 2023
Waziri Mkuu Sheikh Hasina ameripotiwa kujiuzulu na kuondoka katika mji mkuu wa Dhaka wakati kukiwa na maandamano makali ya kumtaka ajiuzulu

Uamuzi huo umekuja ikiwa ni muda mfupi tangu Umoja wa Mataifa uitake serikali kusitisha mara moja machafuko yanayoendelea nchini humo ambayo yamesababisha vifo vya takriban watu 200, wakiwemo maafisa wa Polisi.

Umoja wa Mataifa umeitaka Serikali ya Bangladesh kumaliza machafuko yaliyosababisha vifo vya raia zaidi 90, wakiwemo polisi 13, kufuatia vurugu za Agosti 4, 2024.

Maandamano hayo yalianza Julai 2024 juu ya malalamiko kuhusu mgawo wa nafasi za kazi Serikalini na kutaka Waziri Mkuu Sheikh Hasina ajiuzulu.

Ghasia hizo zimepelekea takriban watu 11,000 kuwekwa jela, huku shule na vyuo vikifungwa na upatikanaji wa huduma za intaneti kuzuiwa toka Julai 2024.

Soma pia: Maandamano ya Bangladesh yalivyogeuka kuwa mauti, takribani Watu 150 wauawa

Ametorokea kusikojulikana Mitaa yote ya Dhaka Bangladesh ni Nderemo Fivijo na Hoihoi.

People's Power ✌️

Habari zaidi zitawaijia tegeni macho na masikio.

Nasisi tunatuma salamu kwa Samia na CCM Uchaguzi ujao mkituibia Kura au mkiwatanganza walioshindwa tunasema hivi safari hiii safari hiii... Hiiiii...mjidanganye...


Sheikh Hasina’s departure appears to have defused the high tension in Dhaka, where more deadly protests were feared on Monday.

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled the country in the face of ongoing protests.
The longtime leader of the country has boarded a military helicopter, an aide told Al Jazeera, after crowds ignored a national curfew to storm the prime minister’s palace in Dhaka on Monday.

Close to 300 people have died amid weeks of protest the authorities have sought to crush. Following a night of deadly violence that killed close to 100 on Sunday, tension had remained high on Monday as protesters called for a march on Dhaka and the army prepared to address the nation.

By early afternoon, however, media reported that the mood on the streets had turned to one of celebration after the news of Hasina’s departure spread.

In an address to the nation, General Waker-Uz-Zaman, the Chief of Army Staff, confirmed that the prime minister has resigned and that an interim government will now run the country.

He urged citizens to keep trust in the army, which, he said, would return peace to the country.

“We will also ensure that justice is served for every death and crime that occurred during the protests,” he said, calling on the public to exercise patience and cease any acts of violence and vandalism.

“We have invited representatives from all major political parties, and they have accepted our invitation and committed to collaborating with us,” the general added.

Images on national television showed thousands of people breaking into the prime minister’s official residence. It also showed large crowds of protesters out in the street in scenes of jubilation as the news of the departure of Hasina started spreading.

Al Jazeera’s Tanvir Chowdhury, reporting from Shahbag Square – the epicentre of the student protesters – said he has “never witnessed something like this” in the capital.

“Students and families with their children out celebrating, checking if she has either left the country or resigned,” Chowdhury said. “The government has most likely fallen, and the army will decide what the next step is, which is probably an interim government,” he added.

Protests in the country started a months ago over controversial governmental job quotas. They soon morphed into a nationwide unrest and into an unprecedented uprising against Hasina and her ruling Awami League party.
Ametorokea kusikojulikana Mitaa yote ya Dhaka Bangladesh ni Nderemo Fivijo na Hoihoi.
Kumbe maza keshapigwa chini. Maana niliona maandamano kama polisi walikuwa wamekomaa na waandamanaji. Halafu huyu maza si aliwahi kuwa mpinzani, naye alikamata madaraka akaanza kufanya yale yale aliyokuwa akifanyiwa alipokuwa mpinzani.
Nguvu ya umma kwa mara nyingine tena imetenda.
Bi Sheikh Hasina amejiuzulu kufuatia Wimbi la Waandamanaji Vijana (Gen Z) lililoanzishwa na Vijana wa Vyuo Vikuu ambao walikuwa wanalalmika kukosoa mfumo unaowapa kazi Watoto wa Vigogo waliopambania uhuru na kuwatenga Watoto wa maskini.

Bi Hasina ambae ametoka kushinda uchaguzi miaka 2 iliyopita amelazimika kujiuzulu licha ya vikosi vya usalama kupambana na waandamanaji lakini havikufaulu kuwarudisha nyuma ambapo zaidi ya watu 150 waliuwawa kwenye maandamano hayo.Ameondoka Nchini humo kwenda kuishi India.

Waandamanaji vijana wamekuwa wakiimba wakimtaka waziri mkuu wao aondoke madarakani.

Bi Hasina mwenye umri wa miaka 76 ametawala taifa hilo la Asia Kusini lenye watu milioni 170 kwa mkono wa chuma tangu 2009.

Lakini anakabiliwa na mvutano mbaya. Kuna amri ya kutotoka nje kwa muda usiojulikana kote Bangladesh na hofu ya kutokea kwa ghasia zaidi huku waandamanaji mamia ya maelfu, wakijiandaa kwa maandamano katika mji mkuu Dhaka.

Yeye mwenyewe amekuwa mkaidi, akiwashutumu wachochezi kama "magaidi". Waziri wa sheria Anisul Huq aliiambia BBC kwamba wito wa kumtaka ajiuzulu "haufai" na waandamanaji walikuwa wakijibu "kihisia".

Bi Hasina alikuwa amejitolea kuketi na kuzungumza na viongozi wa waandamanaji, lakini walikataa ombi hilo.
Kukaidi kwake ni dalili tosha kwamba hayuko tayari kuachia ngazi bila kupigana, jambo la kutia wasiwasi kuwa linaweza kusababisha umwagaji damu zaidi.

Binti wa rais mwanzilishi wa Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina ndiye mwanamke mkuu wa serikali aliyekaa muda mrefu zaidi duniani.

Miaka yake 15 madarakani imejawa na shutuma za kutoweka kwa watu, mauaji ya nje ya mahakama, na kukandamizwa kwa watu wa upinzani na wakosoaji wake na anakanusha mashtaka, na serikali yake mara nyingi inashutumu vyama vikuu vya upinzani kwa kuchochea maandamano.

Bi Hasina amekabiliana nayo tangu aingie madarakani baada ya ushindi wa utata katika uchaguzi wa Januari.

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees as protesters storm palace


Hasina’s departure appears to have defused the high tension in Dhaka, where more deadly protests were feared on Monday.

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled the country following weeks of deadly demonstrations.

The ouster of Hasina on Monday followed weeks of deadly protest, and appears to have averted the threat of further bloodshed. The focus now moves to who will control the South Asian country.

In an address to the nation, army chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced that an interim government will now run Bangladesh and called for calm.

Hasina, who ruled the country for close to two decades, boarded a military helicopter on Monday, an aide told Al Jazeera, as huge crowds ignored a national curfew to storm her palace in Dhaka.

Her resignation came after 300 people died in weeks of protest that the authorities sought to crush. A night of deadly violence on Sunday killed close to 100 and a curfew was called.

The streets were patrolled by soldiers on Monday. However, protesters remained defiant and called for a march on Dhaka as crowds swelled in the capital.

Huge numbers then stormed the prime minister’s palace, preventing Hasina from delivering a speech. By early afternoon, the mood on the street had turned to one of celebration after the news of the premier’s departure spread.


Al Jazeera’s Tanvir Chowdhury, reporting from Shahbag Square – the epicentre of the student protests that began last month – said he has “never witnessed something like this” in the capital.

“Everybody is celebrating, not just students – people from all walks of life. They said this had to happen, there was nothing we could say, democracy was squeezed and now we are free,” Chowdhury said.

The message from the protesters is that whoever comes to power next “will now know that they won’t tolerate any kind of dictatorship or mismanagement and that the students will decide,” he added.

Bangladesh suffered many years of military rule in the 1970s and 80s following the war that secured its independence from Pakistan in 1971, and many are wary of the danger of a return.

Army chief Waker-Uz-Zaman was keen to try to reassure the country. He urged citizens to keep trust in the army, which, he said, would return peace to the country.

“We will also ensure that justice is served for every death and crime that occurred during the protests,” he said, calling on the public to exercise patience and cease any acts of violence and vandalism.

“We have invited representatives from all major political parties, and they have accepted our invitation and committed to collaborating with us,” the general added.

The military has a “very tough job ahead,” Irene Khan, a UN special rapporteur, said.

“We are all hoping that the transition would be peaceful and that there will be accountability for all the human rights violations that have taken place,” Khan told Al Jazeera.

Protests in the country started a month ago over a controversial job quota scheme. The government responded by shutting down universities and using the police and military to crack down on protesters.

Hasina imposed a nationwide curfew and cut off access to phones and the internet. The protests continued, and the country’s top court ruled that the highly contested quotas should be scaled back from 30 percent to 5 percent, with 3 percent for relatives of veterans.

It came to no avail. The demonstration movement had morphed into an unprecedented and nationwide uprising demanding the resignation of Hasina and accountability for those killed.

“Bangladesh has, of course, an enormous task ahead,” said Khan. “It is not the poster child of sustainable development anymore. The previous government had driven this country into despair, and there would be a lot of hard work to do to build it up but most of all I think its extremely important that the army respect human rights”.

Source: Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees as protesters storm palace

My Take
Kuzuia watu mil.170 sio rahisi,ndio maana Rais msikivu Dkt.Samia aliwatolea uvivu wazalishaji wa Sukari na chakula kwamba bei za vitu hivyo zisipande maana Gen Z hawaeleweki ,wanaweza liamsha.

Pia soma Kuelekea 2025 - Rais Samia: Bei ya Sukari Ikiwa Juu Gen Z Wataingia Barabarani
Bi Sheikh Hasina amejiuzulu kufuatia Wimbi la Waandamanaji Vijana (Gen Z) lililoanzishwa na Vijana wa Vyuo Vikuu ambao walikuwa wanalalmika kukosoa mfumo unaowapa kazi Watoto wa Vigogo waliopambania uhuru na kuwatenga Watoto wa maskini.

Bi Hasina ambae ametoka kushinda uchaguzi miaka 2 iliyopita amelazimika kujiuzulu licha ya vikosi vya usalama kupambana na waandamanaji lakini havikufaulu kuwarudisha nyuma ambapo zaidi ya watu 150 waliuwawa kwenye maandamano hayo.

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-SL0oMqVg1/?igsh=MXdkdmhkazI4YnM1NQ==

My Take
Kuzuia watu mil.170 sio rahisi,ndio maana Rais msikivu aliwatolea uvivu wazalishaji wa Sukari na chakula kwamba bei za vitu hivyo zisipande maana Gen Z hawaeleweki ,wanaweza liamsha.

Pia soma Kuelekea 2025 - Rais Samia: Bei ya Sukari Ikiwa Juu Gen Z Wataingia Barabarani

Uzoefu duniani kote unaonyesha kwamba Umma haujawahi kushindwa jambo lolote lile pale unapoamua kulitenda jambo hilo.
Bi Sheikh Hasina amejiuzulu kufuatia Wimbi la Waandamanaji Vijana (Gen Z) lililoanzishwa na Vijana wa Vyuo Vikuu ambao walikuwa wanalalmika kukosoa mfumo unaowapa kazi Watoto wa Vigogo waliopambania uhuru na kuwatenga Watoto wa maskini.

Bi Hasina ambae ametoka kushinda uchaguzi miaka 2 iliyopita amelazimika kujiuzulu licha ya vikosi vya usalama kupambana na waandamanaji lakini havikufaulu kuwarudisha nyuma ambapo zaidi ya watu 150 waliuwawa kwenye maandamano hayo.

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-SL0oMqVg1/?igsh=MXdkdmhkazI4YnM1NQ==

My Take
Kuzuia watu mil.170 sio rahisi,ndio maana Rais msikivu aliwatolea uvivu wazalishaji wa Sukari na chakula kwamba bei za vitu hivyo zisipande maana Gen Z hawaeleweki ,wanaweza liamsha.

Pia soma Kuelekea 2025 - Rais Samia: Bei ya Sukari Ikiwa Juu Gen Z Wataingia Barabarani

Nilimsikia BBC anasema hajiuzulu. Nikasema hiyo kauli tu ni kosa kubwa.
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