Vodacom: Akaunti ya M-Pesa ya CHADEMA iko “tier 2” na ina ukomo wa kuhifadhi Milioni 10 tu kwa wakati mmoja


JF-Expert Member
Sep 24, 2021
Kampuni ya Mawasiliano ya Vodacom Tanzania imesema imepokea malalamiko kutoka kwa baadhi ya wateja kuhusu vikomo vya malipo na miamala kwa akaunti za M-Pesa.

Kupitia taarifa yake kwa Umma, kampuni hii imetoa taarifa kuwa M-Pesa Limited inafanya kazi chini ya leseni kutoka Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT) kwa kuzingatia Sheria ya Mifumo ya Malipo ya Kitaifa ya 2015 Udhibiti wa Pesa za Kielektroniki. Kulingana na sheria, kuna vikomo vya miamala ya kila siku kwa kiasi ambacho mtu binafsi anaweza kutuma na kupokea kulingana na utimilifu wa mahitaji ya KYC.

Pia soma: Inakuaje akaunti ya M-Pesa ya CHADEMA inasema pesa zimejaa wakati kwenye makubaliano Vodacom ilisema akaunti haina ukomo?

Vikomo vya miamala vinavyotumika vimewekwa chini ya Sheria ya Mfumo wa Malipo wa Kitaifa ya 2015 Kanuni za Pesa za Kielektroniki zinazotolewa na BoT. Kanuni hizi zinatumika kwa miamala yote ya M-Pesa na pia kwa waendeshaji wengine wa pesa za simu nchini Tanzania.


Mapema Machi 1, 2025, zilisambaa taarifa kwenye Mtandao wa X zikidai kampuni hiyo imepokea maelezo kutoka Serikalini kuzuia miamala ya fedha inayotumwa kwenye namba ya Vodacom ya CHADEMA ili kukwamisha kampeni ya kuchangisha pesa inayoendeshwa na chama hicho.

Miongoni mwa watu waliotoa madai hayo ni Mbunge wa zamani wa Arusha, Godbless Lema, Mwanaharakati Maria Sarungi pamoja na wadau na wapenzi wengine wa CHADEMA.
Tier ni kitu gani? Mwenye kuelewa anisaidie

In the context of money transactions, a "tier" refers to a category within a tiered pricing structure, where different transaction types are grouped together and charged different fees based on their classification, usually with "qualified" being the lowest fee tier and "non-qualified" being the highest; commonly used in credit card processing where each tier has a specific interchange rate.

Key points about tiers in money transactions:

  • Categorization:
Transactions are divided into different tiers based on factors like card type, where the transaction took place (in-store vs. online), and how the card was presented (chip and pin vs. swipe).

  • Fee structure:
Each tier has a specific fee associated with it, meaning different transaction types will incur different processing costs for the merchant.

  • Common tiers:
The most common tiered pricing structure includes "qualified" (lowest fee), "mid-qualified" (moderate fee), and "non-qualified" (highest fee).


  • Qualified: A customer using a standard credit card to make a purchase in-store with a chip-and-pin reader.
  • Mid-qualified: A customer using a rewards credit card to make an online purchase.
  • Non-qualified: A customer using a corporate credit card for a cash advance.
  • What is Tiered Pricing in Payment Processing
16 May 2024 — Tiered pricing, also known as bundled pricing, groups transaction fees into a few broad categories or tiers. Typically,

In tiered pricing, transactions are sorted into different levels or tiers (qualified, mid-qualified, and non-qualified), each of which incurs a different rate. While tiered pricing is marketed as simple and easy to understand, it is actually quite the opposite.3 Sept 2024
sasa chadema iko kwenye tier ganI? My understanding ni kuwa maxmum daily balance ndiyo holding ya chadema...how much a day a tier can hold as a balance.....wamechanga ikifikia balance say ya 50,000,000 basi hakuna ruhusa kuweka balance zaidi ya hiyo.
Sas chadema waliweka tier gani kwenye BALANCE?

I stand to be educated
Way forward ni nini toka kwenu Vodacom Tanzania Limited?..wanaweza kuwa na line zaidi ya moja?..wanaweza lipa fees flan ili LINE yao iweze kupokea kiasi kikubwa zaidi?..
Tier ni kitu gani? Mwenye kuelewa anisaidie

In the context of money transactions, a "tier" refers to a category within a tiered pricing structure, where different transaction types are grouped together and charged different fees based on their classification, usually with "qualified" being the lowest fee tier and "non-qualified" being the highest; commonly used in credit card processing where each tier has a specific interchange rate.

Key points about tiers in money transactions:

  • Categorization:
Transactions are divided into different tiers based on factors like card type, where the transaction took place (in-store vs. online), and how the card was presented (chip and pin vs. swipe).

  • Fee structure:
Each tier has a specific fee associated with it, meaning different transaction types will incur different processing costs for the merchant.

  • Common tiers:
The most common tiered pricing structure includes "qualified" (lowest fee), "mid-qualified" (moderate fee), and "non-qualified" (highest fee).


  • Qualified: A customer using a standard credit card to make a purchase in-store with a chip-and-pin reader.
  • Mid-qualified: A customer using a rewards credit card to make an online purchase.
  • Non-qualified: A customer using a corporate credit card for a cash advance.
  • What is Tiered Pricing in Payment Processing
16 May 2024 — Tiered pricing, also known as bundled pricing, groups transaction fees into a few broad categories or tiers. Typically,

In tiered pricing, transactions are sorted into different levels or tiers (qualified, mid-qualified, and non-qualified), each of which incurs a different rate. While tiered pricing is marketed as simple and easy to understand, it is actually quite the opposite.3 Sept 2024
Hayo uliyoyaleta ni tafsiri ya mambo yaliyo nje ya nchi yetu.
Ndugu zangu Watanzania,

Baada ya CHADEMA na wana CHADEMA kulalamika mitandaoni kuwa wanahujumiwa na Vodacom. Baada ya kuonekana kuwa watu wanashindwa kukichangia chama kwa kile kilichoelezwa kuwa kufika kwa Ukomo pesa zinazohitajika kupokelewa kwa Siku.

Ambapo CHADEMA wanadai kuwa wao walikubaliana na Vodacom kuwa laini itakayotumika kupokea michango isiwe na kikomo cha Mwisho cha pesa katika kupokea Miamala.

Baada ya malalamiko hayo Vodacom imetoka hadharani na kutolea ufafanuzi malalamiko hayo ya CHADEMA. Hapa chini nimeweka taarifa yake.


Kazi iendelee, Mama Ametufikia na kuwafikia watanzania kwa utumishi wake uliotukuka wa kugusa Maisha ya watanzania wanyonge wasio na Sauti.

Lucas Hebel Mwashambwa, Mama ANATOSHA kuendelea kuliongoza Taifa letu kwa muhula wa pili.
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