Visa vya Ebola vyapungua nchini Uganda


JF-Expert Member
Jul 24, 2018
Wiki tatu zijazo ni muhimu kwa Uganda kudhibiti Ebola kufuatia kupungua kwa maambukizi mapya kwa mara ya kwanza ndani ya siku 10.

Iwapo hali hiyo itaendelea, nchi inaweza kufurahia likizo "huru" za Krismasi baada ya takriban miezi miwili ya vizuizi kwa watu kutoka wilaya za Mubende na Kassanda katikati mwa Uganda, tangu kuripotiwa kwa kisa cha kwanza mwezi Septemba.

Viongozi wamekiri ugumu wa kutafuta watu wanaohisiwa kukutana na waathirika kwa hivyo hawawezi kujua kabisa ikiwa maambukizo mapya yanaweza kutokea. Wilaya saba na miji mitatu imeripoti maambukizi hadi sasa.

Waziri wa Afya, Jane Ruth Aceng alisema, "Ikiwa tunaweza kuhesabu siku 21 na kutoa siku nyingine 21, basi Mubende itaondolewa kwenye wilaya zinazofuata."

Kanuni ya WHO
Kwa mujibu wa kanuni za WHO, nchi hazipaswi kuripoti kesi yoyote mpya kwa siku 42 ili kutangazwa kuwa haina Ebola.


The spread of Ebola to Kampala, Masaka and Jinja had raised fears that it could ruin Christmas travels and festivities, which are characterised by movements and close contact between family and friends. Dr Aceng had warned that the government was considering banning upcountry travels for Christmas should Ebola cases increase.

At the same time, Dr Aceng said vaccines candidates are expected in the country anytime now. The trials have been approved by the World Health Organisation and Uganda, with the UN agency working with the ministry of health and Makerere University on pre-trial preparations.

Vaccine trials
“The start of vaccine trials will mark a pivotal moment towards the development of an effective tool against the virus behind the current Ebola outbreak in Uganda,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa.

The WHO has deployed 80 experts and supported health authorities with the deployment of additional 150 experts, including over 60 epidemiologists. The world health watchdog body has also launched a $88.2 million appeal to fight the outbreak and support Ebola readiness in neighbouring countries, of which about $17 billion or 20 per cent has been received.

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