Video ikionyesha wapiganaji wa ISIS wakiwa wanafanya mashambulizi


JF-Expert Member
Feb 18, 2013
Video nyingi za propaganda wanazopost wapiganaji wa ISIS ni za upande mmoja na huwazikiwaonyesha kwamba ni watu wajasiri na wasiokuwa na chembe ya uoga. Video hii ilichukuliwa kwenye camera iliyopo kwenye helement ya mmoja kati ya wapiganaji wa ISIS na inaonyesha ukweli wa yote yanayotokea wakati wakijiandaa au wakienda kutekeleza mauaji yao.

Wapiganaji wanaonekana wakiwaaga marafiki huku wakitoka na machozi huku wakiwaambia wenzao waendele kupigana maana wapo karibu na PARADISE.

Video Haitishi hii hailengi kutukuza vita bali inaonyesha ukweli halisi ili watu wajifunze ubaya wa vita.
Haya mijahideen naona inatiana moyo, aisee, hii hatar sana
Dah kwa mtindo huu siwatamalizwa wote kabisa...Kama vile hata Mafunzo ya mgambo hawakupata..
Very disorganised,kwenye piga nikupige unaanza kuuliza magazine yangu iko wapi!!!???Utakwenda na maji...
Yote nikwasababu mungu kaji ficha. Wangejua wana mpigania mzungu na sio mungu sijui wange fanyaje.
Hawa sio waislam. Wahuni fulani tu! Nachoshangaa ni waislam kutoamka na kuwasala hawa wanaojiita IsIs
haaa haaa..walichonichekesha ni pale wanaposema wapo karibu na paradise
Kwani ni yakwako mpaka uone wako mbali nayo ?! .......hushangai wale wanao omba kinyago cha mapure kilicho msalabani na kuamini wataenda Paradiso !
Hao mafala tu kwa nini wanavizia vizia na kujilipua kama wanawake kwanini hawawaface uso kwa uso wanajeshi wenyewe wanalipua raia tu kama sio nidhamu ya uoga ni nini?
Italian-British force ambushed by IS in Libya
(Italian Special Ops troops.)
ISIS fighters smashed a force of Italian and British Special Ops troops on Wednesday, April 27 in the first battle of its kind in Libya,debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report. This battle will result in the delay of the planned Western invasion of Libya, as the encounter proved that European forces are not ready for this kind of guerilla warfare. The sources also said the planners of the invasion were surprised by the high combat skills of the ISIS fighters.
Our sources report the following details:
The convoy of Italian marines, British special forces and Libyan troops was traveling from the northwestern city of Misrata toward the ISIS stronghold of Sirte, located 273 kilometers to the southeast, when it was ambushed and hit hard by ISIS forces.
Italian troops were among those killed or wounded in the battle, but there is no information whether there were British casualties as well. Some reports say members of the Western force were taken prisoner by ISIS, although they have yet to be identified. It is possible that any hostages are from the Libyan National Army, a militia commanded by Gen.Khalifa Haftar, a Libyan who has American citizenship.
A joint command consisting of officers from Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the US that is responsible for planning the invasion of Libya, as well as the Italian and British defense ministries, imposed a media blackout regarding the battle.
On Monday, two days before the clash, the joint command convened in the German city of Hanover and decided to speed up preparations for the invasion due to deteriorating security in Libya.
According to the information fromdebkafile’s sources, vehicles packed with explosives drove up alongside the convoy transporting the Italian and British troops and blew themselves up. Suicide bombers then charged the force as other ISIS fighters shelled the convoy with mortars and strafed it with heavy machine gunfire. The Western force was only able to escape after Italian and French warplanes and attack helicopters intervened.
Italian-British force ambushed by IS in Libya
(Italian Special Ops troops.)
ISIS fighters smashed a force of Italian and British Special Ops troops on Wednesday, April 27 in the first battle of its kind in Libya,debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report. This battle will result in the delay of the planned Western invasion of Libya, as the encounter proved that European forces are not ready for this kind of guerilla warfare. The sources also said the planners of the invasion were surprised by the high combat skills of the ISIS fighters.
Our sources report the following details:
The convoy of Italian marines, British special forces and Libyan troops was traveling from the northwestern city of Misrata toward the ISIS stronghold of Sirte, located 273 kilometers to the southeast, when it was ambushed and hit hard by ISIS forces.
Italian troops were among those killed or wounded in the battle, but there is no information whether there were British casualties as well. Some reports say members of the Western force were taken prisoner by ISIS, although they have yet to be identified. It is possible that any hostages are from the Libyan National Army, a militia commanded by Gen.Khalifa Haftar, a Libyan who has American citizenship.
A joint command consisting of officers from Britain, France, Italy, Germany and the US that is responsible for planning the invasion of Libya, as well as the Italian and British defense ministries, imposed a media blackout regarding the battle.
On Monday, two days before the clash, the joint command convened in the German city of Hanover and decided to speed up preparations for the invasion due to deteriorating security in Libya.
According to the information fromdebkafile’s sources, vehicles packed with explosives drove up alongside the convoy transporting the Italian and British troops and blew themselves up. Suicide bombers then charged the force as other ISIS fighters shelled the convoy with mortars and strafed it with heavy machine gunfire. The Western force was only able to escape after Italian and French warplanes and attack helicopters intervened.
Hao mafala tu kwa nini wanavizia vizia na kujilipua kama wanawake kwanini hawawaface uso kwa uso wanajeshi wenyewe wanalipua raia tu kama sio nidhamu ya uoga ni nini?
eti kama wanawake,,mtu anaejilipua unamfananisha na wanawake ila yule anaeogopa kupigana na kutuma drone isiyo na rubani kwenda kuviziavizia watoto na kuwaporomoshea makombora unamuona ndo mwanaume eeh?
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