Update: Papua New Guinea: Zaidi ya watu 2,000 wamefukiwa kwenye maporomoko ya udongo


JF-Expert Member
Jul 24, 2018

Kituo cha Taifa cha Majanga kimeomba Msaada wa Uokoaji kwa Jumuia za Kimataifa na kueleza kuwa takriban Watu 2,000 wamefukiwa na katika Maporomoko ya Udongo yaliyotokea Mei 26, 2024

Kituo hicho kimesema bado idadi kubwa ya Wanakijiji wamezingirwa na Vifusi, hawana msaada wowote na hali inazidi kuwa mbaya huku Matope yakizidi kusambaa kwenye maeneo mengine ya Makazi ya Watu

Imeelezwa kuwa zaidi ya Watu 4,000 wanaishi katika Vijiji vilivyosombwa na Maporomoko hayo na wengi wao bado hawajulikani walipo hadi sasa.



Takriban watu 670 wanaaminika kufariki dunia baada ya maporomoko makubwa ya udongo huko Papua New Guinea, afisa wa Umoja wa Mataifa aliliambia shirika la habari la AFP siku ya Jumapili wakati wafanyakazi wa misaada na wanakijiji wakikabiliana na mazingira hatarishi katika kutafuta manusura.


More than 670 people are believed to be dead after a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea, a UN official told AFP on Sunday as aid workers and villagers braved perilous conditions in their search for survivors.

More than 670 people are believed to have died after a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea, according to a UN official.

The once-bustling hillside village in Enga province was almost completely obliterated when the landslide struck in the early hours of Friday morning, burying scores of homes and the people sleeping inside them.

"There are an estimated 150-plus houses now buried," said UN migration agency representative Serhan Aktoprak, adding that "670-plus people are assumed dead".

"The situation is terrible with the land still sliding. The water is running and this is creating a massive risk for everyone involved," added Aktoprak, who oversees teams of emergency workers from Port Moresby.

The unforgiving terrain, damaged roads and an outbreak of tribal violence nearby have seriously hamstrung efforts to get help into the disaster zone.

More than two days after the landslide rumbled down the face of Mount Mungalo, mud-caked villagers in bare feet are still searching for their loved ones using shovels, axes and other makeshift tools.

Disaster worker Omer Mohamud arrived at the site on Sunday, finding deeply "traumatised" villagers using "sticks and spades to discover the trapped bodies".

'Destruction is massive'
"The situation is really horrible, people are in shock and traumatised," he told AFP.

"The land is still sliding. You can see rocks falling down from the mountain."

More than 1,000 people have been displaced by the catastrophe, aid agencies estimated, with food gardens and water supplies almost completely wiped out.

Aid agencies and local leaders initially feared between 100 to 300 people had perished underneath the mud and rubble spanning almost four football fields in length.
Tutubu sana kwa mungu atusemee makosa yetu sasa vilima vina tushambulia Tz maporomoko yalitushambulia vile veli na leo tena nchi nyengine tumuombe sana mungu tupunguze mahasii
Ila nchi zinazoongozwa na sisi ngozi nyeusi inaonekana kabisa hatupo makini kwenye kujiandaa na majanga
Maporomoko hayo ya ardhi (landslide) yaliyotokea katika jimbo la Enga vijijini yamefunika nyumba zinazokadiriwa kufikia1000.

Zoezi la uokoaji linaendelea ambapo waokozi wa PNG tayari wamekwishafika katika eneo la tukio.

Waokoaji hao wa PNG wanashirikiana na shirika la uokoaji kutoka Australia.

Mpaka sasa ni miili minne tu ndio imepatikana.

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