TTCL yapata mkopo wa bilioni 46 kutoka benki ya TIB

Mzito Kabwela

JF-Expert Member
Nov 28, 2009
Thursday, 14 January 2016

CEO of Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL), Dr. Kamugisha Kazaura (left) and TIB Development Bank Deputy Managing Director, Jaffer Machine, sign a bank loan guarantee and release of a loan worth USD 22 million (about TShs 46.20 bn) for investing in a new network infrastructure to distribute 3G and the recently rolled out 4G-LTE in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL), has signed a bank loan guarantee with TIB Development Bank that also released a loan worth 22 million US dollars (about 46.20bn/-) for investing in new network infrastructure to distribute 3G and the recently rolled out 4G-LTE.

The loan deal signed in Dar es Salaam by the two state owned institutions is the first phase of the 329 million US dollars total loan being sought by TTCL for the implementation of its business transformation.

The 4G-LTE, Fourth Generation - Long Term Evolution is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals.

TTCL Chief Executive Officer, Dr Kamugisha Kazaura said that the inking down of the loan deal is good news to the company’s customers, Tanzanians and all stakeholders making use of the state owned telecom services.

“We are grateful for TIB Development Bank acceptance to partner with us after recognizing TTCL’s capacity to transform its business strategies towards to deliver high quality services,” he said.

With the loan, he said the telecom firm will manage to put into place network infrastructures, procure modern machines and equipment thus increasing the company’s service delivery efficiency to domestic and foreign customers.

“Tanzanians should expect high quality, reliable and cost efficient services from TTCL,” said Dr Kazaura. With the funds, TTCL will manage to erect more infrastructures to have eleven regions covered by the end of 2016.

The execution of the business transformation will ultimately lead to the realisation of the fixed mobile convergence, a big differentiator that can not easily be replicated by other operators. TTCL is still a leader and commands the market in data services delivery.

The TIB Development Bank, Deputy Managing Director Mr Jaffer Machano said the development bank is giving priority to infrastructure development in all sectors including communication.

“TIB Development Bank in collaboration with TIB group is ready to make the TTCL project a reality through the arrangement of the total loan worth 329 million US dollars,” he said.

Eleven TTCL towers have been built up to cover Dar es Salaam areas namely the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA), Pugu Road and the New Post Office in the central business district.
Wamekopeshwa watafune? Au waendeleze kamradi mfu ka TTCL Mobile ambako eti lazima ununue simu kwao na line kwao mtu aache kutumia s 5 inayo tumia line za tiGo, voda, Airtel, Zantel na Halotel ukomae na lisimu la line moja
Mkuu hebu fafanua zaidi unaposema majukumu yao yalibebwa kifisadi na HALOTEL
Halotel inashirikiana na Serikali kuutumia Mkongo wa Taifa... Alafu lile dili la kutoa Internet Services kwa Ofisi za serikali (Obvious hata ofisi kubea binafsi wataopt hawa Holatel) ni nani kapewa??

Hapa TTCL wanajisumbua tu sasa... Hizo pesa zitapotea bure
Nimepata something najaribu kurejea kwenye contract yao huku nikilinganisha na nguvu yao waliyoanza nayo nikifananisha na miaka yote ya TTcl na uwepo wao mpaka Leo Wanapiga mark time ...... TTCL haingii hata robo kwa Halotel ktk mwaka wao mmoja hapa nchini.
Acha upotoshaji. Kutoa internet Services kwa ofisi za serikali ni kazi ya e-government agency
Sasa ndio uone masihara tunayoyafanya na hii TTCL yetu... Mapato makubwa ya TTCL yalibaki kwenye Internet services kwenye taasisi na ofisi za serikali... Ila sasa huko nako wako mbioni kunyang'anywa na hawa jamaa wa Halotel..

Sikuona sababu ya Halotel kupewa kusambaza huduma hiyo mpaka kwenye shule za mawilayani huko na ofisi mbalimbali za serikali wakati bado tulikuwa na TTCL ikiwa hai... Sasa sijui Magufuli ameamua kukachana na ule Mkataba au vipi.. Ila kama atakuwa kaachana nao litakuwa jambo jema sana. Haiwezekani Mkongo ujengwe na serikali alafu waje wapewe watu wengine.. Ni ujinga
Acha upotoshaji. Kutoa internet Services kwa ofisi za serikali ni kazi ya e-government agency
Halotel walishachukua hiyo deal na walitaka kuplan kusambaza mpaka kwenye mashule ya serikali huko vijijini...

Kama uliangalia Launch party yao waziri mwenyewe alitamka hayo..
Kinachonishangaza ni kwanin hawataki kuhama kutoka kwenye hiyo CDMA waje kwenye GSM.... Waanzie huko huku wakifanya mageuzi makubwa ktk marketing kwanza kabla ya kuendelea na haya wanayoendelea nayo.... Huduma za mobile money, vifuruShi vya airtime, mikopo, wawe na shop nyingi pamoja na promoshen kibao huku wakiendelea kuudhibit mkongo wao.
Wao pamoja na ndugu zao Zantel wameng'ang'ana sana na hii CDMA.. Alafu ajabu kampuni zilizokuja miaka ile na kuanza kurom kupitia minara yao leo hii wako mbali wakiwaacha TTCL wakisubiria bailout ya serikali... Na hii ya serikali kuruhusu Halotel pia wautumie mkongo ndio itawaua kabisa hawa TTCL.. Ndio maana nikauliza sasa hizo pesa zote zinaelekezwa kufufua mobile services wapambane na akina Vodacom, Tigo na Airtel leo hii?? Na hivi watanzania tusivyothamini kampuni zetu sijui kama watafika kokote.. Maana kwenye struggling ya kupata ilo soko wako na Halotel alongside, maana nao ni wajuzi tu na wao wamewekeza mpaka huko vijijini..
Ngoja tuone.
Halotel walishachukua hiyo deal na walitaka kuplan kusambaza mpaka kwenye mashule ya serikali huko vijijini...

Kama uliangalia Launch party yao waziri mwenyewe alitamka hayo..
sio kweli.

Taasisi na idara zote za serikali zinaunganishwa katika mtandao wa internet na eGA. Kama upo dsm unaweza ona beacons za fiber maeneo mengi ya Posta zikiwa zimeandika eGA. Mradi umeanza hata kabla ya Halotel haijaanza kazi. Waziri atakua aliteleza au wewe hukuelewa

MKO)PO huu utawawezssha kuhama au kuhamia huko GSM.
mwazo walibugi san sijuhi nnai aliwaingiz amkenge.,

kifupi nataka kujua hisa za Aitell bado zipo?
Hizo 90% zinaliwa... i swear to satan and God...!!! 90% zitaliwa
Soko la mawasiliano hapa bongo bado ni kubwa mno hasa upande wa data.
Kampuni zilizopo kwa sasa hazijaweza kutoa huduma ya uhakika (reliability). Ujuio mpya wa TTCL unaweza kuwa ni game cchanger ktk sekta ya mawasiliano.
Na hasa ukizingatia za hizi za Netflix.
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