This is the power of the Russian "Oreshnik" missile,complete devastation and utterly horrifying.


JF-Expert Member
Jan 4, 2017

This is the power of the Russian "Oreshnik" missile, complete devastation and utterly horrifying.​

Hal Turner World January 06, 2025
First Photo of Site Hit By Russian "Oreshnik" Missile - Complete devastation!

Back in November, Russia struck Ukraine with a single Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile, which they named "Oreshnik." The missile had Multiple Independent Re-Entry Vehicles (MIRV) totaling six (6) warheads.
Video of the strike below was widely circulated worldwide and it is utterly shocking.

As seen in the video below , six separate batches of projectiles comes out of the sky so fast, no missile defense system on the planet could intercept them
What was most stunning about this strike is that the six warheads released multiple "Bomblets" before they impacted. That's why there are six, separate "showers" of fire from the sky . . . the bomblets came down ahead of the warheads which carried them, and those bomblets and warheads were moving so fast, they generated enough heat to look like fire coming from the sky.
Ukraine was ruthless in their censorship of any photos or videos of the strike location. They arrested anyone trying to take pictures or videos, and seized any equipment that may have contained such images.
All that ends right now.
Partisans in Dnepropetrovsk released this photograph of a man standing at the bottom of a crater on the site where the Soviet-built Yuzhmash military plant formerly stood. It was the plant hit by Russia's Oreshnik missile. ONE missile.

Russia’s hypersonic Oreshnik missile vaporized the surface structures and penetrated to a depth of several stories underground, destroying the tunnel complex beneath the plant.

The most stunning fact is that the warheads and bomblets carried NO EXPLOSIVE CHARGES! ! ! ! What you see here, was done solely and exclusively by the kinetic energy of the hypersonic projectiles coming out of the sky.
The kinetic energy - the shear force of the weight of the projectiles - traveling at over 6,000 miles an hour at impact, utterly obliterated the factory. You can see for yourself, above! There's nothing left.
Imagine if they loaded explosives into those missiles?
Worst of all, there is NO DEFENSE for such missiles. No anti-missile system anywhere on this planet can intercept them and no anti-missile system can stop them.


  • Russian-ORESHNIKK-Hitting-Ukraine.mp4
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