The Seven deadly sins

Shining Light

JF-Expert Member
Jan 8, 2024
what do you know about the seven deadly sins? of course young adult will tell all about the anime but actually let's discuss what are these sins and how can we overcome them.

Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth, these are the sins and they can be overcome with humility, charity, chasity, gratitude, temperance, patience and diligence respectively.

A prideful person tends to never be apologetic over their actions, boasting around and very envious this is why the person need humility, where they can identify their mistake, imperfections and knowledgeable about their life gaps compare to others.

A greed person tends to lack genuine interest and unwilling to take accountable of their action or responsibility of their behavior thus why this person need a charity heart, giving can make them be more open, full of love and goodwill towards others.

A lustful person tends to become destructive toward various relationships one has in life, and usually makes one feel high desire towards their partner rather that being genuine whereby if this person gains chasity changes to be clean in their thoughts, words and action as well. lust makes one to commit adultery.

Who is an envious person? this person finds it difficult to celebrate another's person success and seems joyful over others people downfalls and this is why one needs to be full of gratitude, it makes one humble, persistent and kinder.

Gluttony, too much of something is dangerous they say, this habit is literally being obsess with excessive eating and drinking. Temperance is all what is needed to kill gluttony, be modesty and having self control to know when is enough.

Wrath, a famous Swahili proverb states hasira, hasara" meaning anger can cause damages, a wrathful person is really aggressive and all habit related to anger, short tempered and find one self being in a position of constantly judging others. to outbreak from this habit one needs to be patient, have empathy and sympathy towards others. one need to endure a lot to be optimistic enough.

Lastly is sloth, laziness makes a heart poor, failure to do things that one should be doing hence idle, and an idle mind is the devil worshipper therefor one needs to be diligent, to push to find ambitions and careful determine efforts for good things to happen in their lives and people around them.

What habit are you trying to beat from the seven deadly sins?
What habit are you trying to beat from the seven deadly sins?
I'm actively cultivatin' a spirit of humility to overcome pride,fostering a charitable mindset to counter greed,embracing chastity for a more balanced approach to lust,practicing gratitude to ward off envy,exercising temperance to control gluttony, nurturing patience to manage wrath and striving for diligence to conquer sloth.
Each step is a conscious effort towards a more virtuous and fulfillin' life
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