SoC04 The future of United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Tuitakayo competition threads

Edgar Kyando 34

New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Tanzania is a nation with the merger of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, where the merger took place in 1964, Tanzania has been making various efforts to achieve a middle-class economy, including infrastructure construction, health care provision and many other things but also there are factors that abandon efforts to build a better Tanzania as follows.

Reform in the Defence sector, I would like to advise the national government to review the security and security personnel in the light of the rumours that indicate some incidents are taking place in defence and security facilities, so there should be a process of verification of the people involved in the defence, including the verification of their certificates and the deployment of training. Also Establishing colleges For the sake of it shouldn't be the police is a failed person , let's make the police work seem to be worth .example police Reforms in India in 2021.


The Establishment of a single Nation-Building Policy , there should be a single policy to control the economy of Tanzania ,rather than every leader introducing his /her policy when enters into a leadership for instance the late president jakaya kikwete was having the policy of "Kilimo kwanza" , Late president Magufuri was having policy of " Tanzania ya Viwanda " in which it become difficult for every leader to implement his / her policy For the sake of the nation as Tanzania should Establish a single policy which has to be implemented by every leader in charge of the leadership .this will enable Tanzania to be among of the country with middle economy in the coming years.

The reform of the education system, the Tanzanian nation should introduce computer use from primary school to university level to adapt to the changing system of science and science in the world, and government schools to be provided with resources that will help students in their daily academic activities, If most day students are having trouble in car travel (mini buses) as they refuse to receive their money it appears Small to be received by the kondaktas , also to eliminate the colonial education system which is not productive in the development of education, since it does not prepare the student to rely on himself but rather a system that prepares the student to be recruited so it promotes the increase in the number of young people who finish university waiting to be recruited by the government.

True democracy, the nation of Tanzania entered a multi-party system in 1992 this system was outlined to keep the nation in a multi-party system but this nation does not follow the elements of democracy like Freedom of Expression, Transparency, the people of this nation are allowed to praise and not criticize also has a lot of people who are critical of the lost and others to be killed, Freedom of the Press The media is used to provide only one party's information.

The fight against corruption,
This problem is endemic to Tanzania in different areas: in education (money and sex) , in employment, in politics. This problem is due to poverty and lack of effective means against corruption as there is a presence of PCCB but corruption is still so great it leads to some lack of quality services for some citizens as well as poor use of public I would like to advise the government through this article to take some measures against corruption as follows , firstly the government should should establish a Corruption subjects in schools and not groups that will help the students to have a broad understanding of corruption, secondly the introduction of articles and debates that will be specific to the recruitment to educate about corruption, thirdly the enactment of the Law that the sentence of a person who engages in corruption is death, as Corruption is a major hub that is holding back the development of the nation.

To create a better environment for investors and businessmen, in order for the nation to reach the top economy For the next five years it is necessary to create a better environment for the trader By doing the following things, creating a good relationship between Tax collectors and businessmen so that they can collect Tax voluntarily as the Tax is collected by the country's it will not enable business men to evade tax , secondly Loans issued by the bank should be with low interest rate to enable businessmen to be able to repay the loans and financing their capital.

The privatization of government organization which has series of getting losses has to be privatized to the private sector , for instance organization like Tanzania Airlines(ATCL ) ,
(TTCL )Tanzania telecommunications limited, DRT (High Speed Vehicles )based on report read by the auditor general to note that some organizations have a series of losses due to their poor running and other problems in the sector, So for the sake of nation I would like to advise the government to privitise the organization to the private sector ,If the government collects revenue and the private sector does business, it will be able to help the services provided to be better and more productive for the society in the coming 5 years.

Eventually,There is many things to point out for the benefit of the nation but the government should the work on ways I have outlined to achieve a better Tanzania for the coming years.


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