Tanzania yaweka msimamo mradi wa bomba la mafuta baada ya kauli ya Bunge la Ulaya (EU)


JF-Expert Member
Feb 7, 2022
Serikali ya Tanzania imesema hakutakuwa na athari zozote za kimazingira wakati wa utekelezaji wa Mradi wa ujenzi wa bomba la kusafirisha Mafuta ghafi la Afrika Mashariki (EACOP) kutoka Hoima Uganda hadi Chongoleani Tanga kwani tahadhari zote zilizingatiwa kitalaamu.

Waziri wa Nishati, Januari Makamba ametoa kauli hiyo leo Ijumaa Septemba 16, 2022 ikiwa ni sehemu ya ufafanuzi ya maazimo yaliyotolewa siku tatu na Bunge la Ulaya (EU) kuhusu utekelekezaji wa mradi huo.

Kwa mujibu wa DW, bunge hilo linatoa maazimio ikionyesha athari baada ya kampuni ya bima Allianz Group, benki 15 na kampuni saba za bima (HSBC, BNP Paribas na Swiss Re) kukataa kutoa ufadhili wa kifedha kwa mradi huo kufuatia kampeni inayoendeshwa na kundi la kimataifa la 350.org.

Siku tatu zilizopita Bunge la Umoja wa Ulaya (EU) limetoa maazimio saba ikiwamo madai ya mradi huo kutozingatia viwango vya kimataifa katika kulinda haki za binadamu na mabadiliko ya Tabianchi, kutolipa fidia huku likishinikiza kulinda haki za wanaharakati wa mazingira,

“Wito kwa EU na jumuiya ya kimataifa kutoa shinikizo kubwa kwa mamlaka za Uganda na Tanzania, pamoja na waendelezaji wa mradi na wadau, kulinda mazingira na kukomesha shughuli za uchimbaji katika mazingira yaliyohifadhiwa na nyeti, ikiwa ni pamoja na pwani ya Ziwa Albert,”ilinukuu taarifa.

“Kujitolea kutumia njia bora zaidi kuhifadhi utamaduni, afya, na mustakabali wa jamii zilizoathiriwa na kutafuta njia mbadala kulingana na ahadi za kimataifa za hali ya hewa na bayoanuwai; wito kwa waendelezaji wa mradi kutatua migogoro yote iliyopaswa kutatuliwa kabla ya uzinduzi wa mradi huo.”

Pia Bunge hilo limeagiza kuzingatia hatari zote zinazotishia mradi huo, ikiagiza Total Energies kuchukua mwaka mmoja kabla ya kuzindua mradi wa kusoma uwezekano wa njia mbadala ya kulinda vyema mifumo ikolojia inayolindwa, nyeti na rasilimali za maji za Uganda na Tanzania.

Aidha, pia bunge hilo limeagiza kupunguza hatari ya kuathirika kwa mabonde ya maji katika ukanda wa Maziwa Makuu ya Afrika, ambayo ni rasilimali muhimu kwa kanda, na kuchunguza miradi mbadala kulingana na nishati mbadala kwa maendeleo bora ya kiuchumi.

Msimamo wa Serikali
Hata hivyo akitoa ufafanuzi juu ya wasiwasi huo, Makamba katika taarifa yake ya maandishi alinukuliwa akisema Mfumo wa kisheria na kibiashara wa bomba hili umeanzishwa katika Makubaliano ya mkataba kati ya mwekezaji na Nchi husika (HGA) yaliyotiwa saini Mei 20, 2021 kati ya Serikali na EACOP.

“HGA inaweka wazi uhusiano kati ya EACOP na Serikali ya Tanzania katika masuala kama vile Ardhi, viwango vya HSE (Afya, usalama, ulinzi, mazingira), utawala wa fedha, Uidhinishaji na taratibu za migogoro. Mamlaka ya Serikali ya kufuatilia mradi huu ni Ewura na NEMC,”amesema Makamba.

“Kilomita 1,147 za bomba zitakazojengwa Tanzania pamoja na temino na 4 vituo vya kusukuma maji. Bomba linahitaji upana wa mita 30 wa kulia wa njia, Bomba la kuzuia mivujo na joto la nje litajengwa kina cha mita moja, baada ya ujenzi udongo wa juu na mimea itarejeshwa na ardhi itafikiwa na watu na wanyama.”

Katika ufafanuzi wake, Makamba bomba litafuatiliwa na kebo ya hali ya juu inayoweza kugundua mabadiliko ya halijoto na mitetemo katika urefu wote wa bomba.

Amesema hakuna ardhi itakayochukuliwa na mradi bila kufanyiwa fidia zinazokadiriwa kuwa Sh23bilioni kwa wakazi 9,122.

“Utwaaji ardhi unazingatia Sheria zote mbili za Tanzania na Viwango vya Utendaji vya Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa. Tanzania wapo Watu 9,513 walioathiriwa na mradi na 331 za kuhamishwa kwa chaguo la makazi au fidia ya pesa taslimu. Takriban asilimia 85 yao wamechagua kwa makazi na ujenzi unaendelea.

Chanzo: Mwananchi
Azimio lililosainiwa na Bunge la Umoja wa Ulaya EU linagusia masuala mazito yafuatayo :

Copy to :
the President of the Republic of Uganda,
the President of the Republic of Tanzania and
the Speakers of the Ugandan and Tanzanian parliaments

The European Union Parliament resolution adopted on Thursday voiced concern over "human rights violations" in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuel projects

14 September 2022
Brussels, Belgium

JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects​

14.9.2022 - (2022/2826(RSP))
pursuant to Rules 144(5) and 132(4) of the Rules of Procedure
replacing the following motions:
B9‑0409/2022 (S&D)
B9‑0410/2022 (Renew)
B9‑0412/2022 (PPE)

Tomáš Zdechovský, Gheorghe Falcă, David McAllister, Magdalena Adamowicz, Sara Skyttedal, Peter Pollák, José Manuel Fernandes, Adam Jarubas, Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, Michaela Šojdrová, Paulo Rangel, Christian Sagartz, Sandra Kalniete, Seán Kelly, Benoît Lutgen, Vladimír Bilčík, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Miriam Lexmann, Michael Gahler, Isabel Wiseler‑Lima, Ivan Štefanec, Jiří Pospíšil, Stanislav Polčák, Janina Ochojska, Loucas Fourlas, Romana Tomc, Andrey Kovatchev, Traian Băsescu
on behalf of the PPE Group
Pedro Marques, Andrea Cozzolino, Pierre Larrouturou, Maria Arena
on behalf of the S&D Group
Katalin Cseh, Petras Auštrevičius, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Olivier Chastel, Vlad Gheorghe, Klemen Grošelj, Bernard Guetta, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Karen Melchior, Urmas Paet, Frédérique Ries, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Ramona Strugariu, Dragoş Tudorache, Hilde Vautmans
on behalf of the Renew Group
Beata Kempa, Fabio Massimo Castaldo


Procedure : 2022/2826(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :
Texts tabled :
Debates :
PV 14/09/2022 - 15.2
CRE 14/09/2022 - 15.2
Votes :

Texts adopted :
European Parliament resolution on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects

The European Parliament,

– having regard to its previous resolutions on Uganda and on Tanzania,
– having regard to the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders and the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline,

– having regard to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Uganda is a signatory, and in particular to Article 9 thereof,

– having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966, ratified by Uganda on 21 June 1995, and in particular to Article 9 thereof, which guarantees the right to freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention,

– having regard to the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, also known as the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, adopted on 9 December 1998,

– having regard to the Paris Agreement, adopted at the 21st United Nations Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris on 12 December 2015 and signed on 22 April 2016 by, among others, all EU countries, Uganda and Tanzania,

– having regard to the joint Africa-EU strategy,
– having regard to the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 28 July 2022, voted for by 161 countries including all EU Member States, which declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right,

– having regard to Rules 144(5) and 132(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the Lake Albert Development project consists of several partners, with the French multinational oil company TotalEnergies (Total) as the main investor, together with the China National Offshore Oil Corporation, the Uganda National Oil Company, and the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation; whereas the production from the project will be delivered to the port of Tanga in Tanzania via a cross-border pipeline, the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP); whereas the EACOP was launched on 1 February 2022 and is planned to be complete by 2025; whereas Total has started two major oil exploration projects in Uganda, one of which is the Tilenga project, which will involve drilling for oil within the Murchison Falls natural protected area;

B. whereas the construction and operational phases are expected to cause further serious adverse impacts for communities within the oil extraction and pipeline areas, including jeopardising water resources and irremediably harming the livelihoods of farmers, fisherfolk and tourism business owners who depend upon the region’s rich natural resources; whereas the offshore facilities of EACOP on the Tanzanian coast will be built in a high tsunami-risk zone, endangering protected marine areas; whereas these risks were noted by the Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment in its ‘Advisory Review of the resubmitted Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the EACOP’, highlighting in particular that the proposed technique for water and wetland crossings (open trench) has the potential for significant negative impacts, particularly in wetlands;

C. whereas the risks and impacts caused by the oil fields and pipeline infrastructure development are already reported to be immense, and have been exhaustively documented in numerous community-based impact assessments and independent expert studies; whereas it is projected that the project will endanger nature reserves and habitats; whereas despite the project partners’ announcement of its economic and employment benefits, many East Africans and East African civil society organisations continue to voice strong opposition to the construction of the pipeline and associated projects claiming that its impact on local communities and the environment is not worth the risk;

D. whereas most of the planned production from this large-scale oil project would be extracted and sold after 2030; whereas the extraction of oil in Uganda would generate up to 34 million tonnes of carbon emissions per year; whereas the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned in a 2021 report that limiting global warming to 1.5 °C to prevent climate change’s most destructive impacts would require new oil and gas development to stop immediately; whereas several environmental and climate experts have pointed out several critical flaws in these environmental and social impact assessments, considering it inevitable that ‘EACOP oil spills will occur over the lifetime of the project’;

E. whereas in their communication of 24 January 2022, the four United Nations Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights defenders express their concerns regarding the arrests, intimidation and judicial harassment of human rights defenders and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the oil and gas sector in Uganda; whereas various human rights defenders, journalists and civil society actors have been reported to have suffered criminalisation, intimidation and harassment, including Maxwell Atuhura, an environmental rights defender and field officer in Buliisa for the NGO Africa Institute for Energy Governance, who suffered a break-in and arbitrary arrest; Federica Marsi, an Italian journalist, who was arbitrarily arrested on 25 May 2021; Joss Kaheero Mugisa, the chairman of the NGO Oil and Gas Human Rights Defenders Association, who spent 56 nights in jail without being sentenced by a court; Robert Birimuye, a leader of people affected by the EACOP project in Kyotera District, who was arbitrarily arrested; Yisito Kayinga Muddu, coordinator of Community Transformation Foundation Network – COTFONE, whose house and office were broken into on the same day; and Fred Mwesigwa, who testified in the case against TotalEnergies in France and was subsequently threatened with murder;

F. whereas since 2019, Total has faced legal action in France over allegations that it failed to put in place an adequate vigilance plan covering health, safety, environment, and human rights risks as required by French law on the ‘duty of vigilance’, related to the Tilenga and EACOP projects and their impact on human rights; whereas as Total’s appeals were rejected by the French Court of Cassation in December 2021, the case is now due to be heard on its merits and the ruling is still pending;

G. whereas a mission from the EU delegation and the embassies of France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands was barred from entering the oil zone on 9 November 2021;

H. whereas nearly 118 000 people are affected by these oil projects: some have had their homes destroyed to facilitate the construction of access roads or the processing plant, others have had all or part of their land requisitioned and have lost the free use of their properties and thus their means of subsistence, without prior payment of fair and adequate compensation; whereas the compensation paid is often far too low to allow farmers whose land has been expropriated to buy comparable land on which to continue farming, and where as this low compensation therefore seriously and, a priori, definitively impairs their income and living conditions, such that relocated people can no longer generate sufficient income to feed their families, send their children to school or access health care; whereas the rights of indigenous communities to free, prior and informed consent are not being respected in accordance with international standards;

1. Expresses its grave concern about the human rights violations in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil-fuel projects, including the wrongful imprisonment of human rights defenders, the arbitrary suspension of NGOs, arbitrary prison sentences and the eviction of hundreds of people from their land without fair and adequate compensation; expresses its concerns about the arrests, acts of intimidation and judicial harassment against human rights defenders and NGOs working in the oil and gas sector in Uganda; asks the authorities to ensure human rights advocates, journalists, and civil society groups are free to carry out their work in at-risk communities and calls for all arbitrarily arrested human rights defenders to be released immediately;

2. Calls on the governments of Uganda and Tanzania to initiate concrete measures to ensure that authorities, security forces and policies respect and comply with human rights standards; insists, in particular, that the EU and other international actors maintain and strengthen their integrated and coordinated approach on Uganda, which includes the promotion of good governance, democracy and human rights, and the strengthening of the justice system and rule of law, and urges the EU and its Member States to raise these concerns through public and diplomatic channels; urges the Ugandan Government to reauthorise the 54 NGOs that have been arbitrarily closed or suspended, and to grant those people who have been displaced without receiving fair and adequate compensation access to their land;

3. Recalls that more than 100 000 people are at imminent risk of displacement as a result of the EACOP project without proper guarantees of adequate compensation; urges that those evicted or denied access to their land be compensated promptly, fairly, and adequately, as provided for in the Ugandan Constitution and as promised by the companies; asks the authorities to take further steps to adequately compensate people for lost property and land, protect local communities’ rights to health, their environment, livelihoods, and civic freedoms, and provide redress to those affected by oil operations in past decades; calls on both governments to update domestic laws on land acquisition, valuation, and resettlement to ensure they align with regional and international standards, including the right to free, prior and informed consent;

4. Reiterates its call on the Ugandan authorities to allow free, meaningful and unhindered access to the oil zone for civil society organisations, independent journalists, international observers and researchers;

5. Reiterates its call for a strong and ambitious directive on mandatory corporate due diligence and an ambitious legally binding international instrument to cope with human rights, environment and climate obligations, as outlined in its resolution of 10 March 2021 with recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and accountability[1];

6. Calls for the EU and the international community to exert maximum pressure on Ugandan and Tanzanian authorities, as well as the project promoters and stakeholders, to protect the environment and to put an end to the extractive activities in protected and sensitive ecosystems, including the shores of Lake Albert, and commit to using the best available means to preserve the culture, health, and future of the communities affected and to explore alternatives in line with international climate and biodiversity commitments; calls on the promoters of the EACOP project in Uganda and Tanzania to resolve all disputes that should have been resolved prior to the launch of the project, and to take into account all the above-mentioned risks, threatening this project; urges TotalEnergies to take one year before launching the project to study the feasibility of an alternative route to better safeguard protected and sensitive ecosystems and the water resources of Uganda and Tanzania, limiting the vulnerability of the watersheds in the African Great Lakes region, which is a critical resource for the region, and to explore alternative projects based on renewable energies for better economic development;

7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, the President of the Republic of Uganda, the President of the Republic of Tanzania and the Speakers of the Ugandan and Tanzanian parliaments.

Source :
https://www.europarl.europa.eu › R...
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on violations of ...
15 September 2022
Paris , France

EU Parliament votes for a resolution criticising a TotalEnergies project in Uganda • FRANCE 24

EU raises serious questions about the actions of energy giant #TotalEnergies in #Uganda, with members of parliament saying its oil pipeline project has led to evictions and arrests. Also in this edition: The United Nations publishes a report shedding light on increased human rights violations in #BurkinaFaso. And finally: The tourism industry in #Tunisia says goodbye to a better summer season than last year, but still far from what the country was used to before the pandemic
Source : France 24
16 September 2022

Kampala, Uganda

Uganda is a sovereign state - MPs react to motion by European Union to block the oil pipeline

Members of parliament have condemned the motion moved by the European Union parliament to block the construction of Uganda’s oil pipeline on allegations of environmental and human rights abuses. The MPs described the motion as unfair saying Uganda is a sovereign country whose independence should not be undermined. The condemnation was after the deputy speaker of parliament Thomas Tayebya communicated to the house about the decision by European Parliament.
Source : UBC Television Uganda
Serikali ya Tanzania imesema hakutakuwa na athari zozote za kimazingira wakati wa utekelezaji wa Mradi wa ujenzi wa bomba la kusafirisha Mafuta ghafi la Afrika Mashariki (EACOP) kutoka Hoima Uganda hadi Chongoleani Tanga kwani tahadhari zote zilizingatiwa kitalaamu.

Waziri wa Nishati, Januari Makamba ametoa kauli hiyo leo Ijumaa Septemba 16, 2022 ikiwa ni sehemu ya ufafanuzi ya maazimo yaliyotolewa siku tatu na Bunge la Ulaya (EU) kuhusu utekelekezaji wa mradi huo.

Kwa mujibu wa DW, bunge hilo linatoa maazimio ikionyesha athari baada ya kampuni ya bima Allianz Group, benki 15 na kampuni saba za bima (HSBC, BNP Paribas na Swiss Re) kukataa kutoa ufadhili wa kifedha kwa mradi huo kufuatia kampeni inayoendeshwa na kundi la kimataifa la 350.org.

Siku tatu zilizopita Bunge la Umoja wa Ulaya (EU) limetoa maazimio saba ikiwamo madai ya mradi huo kutozingatia viwango vya kimataifa katika kulinda haki za binadamu na mabadiliko ya Tabianchi, kutolipa fidia huku likishinikiza kulinda haki za wanaharakati wa mazingira,

“Wito kwa EU na jumuiya ya kimataifa kutoa shinikizo kubwa kwa mamlaka za Uganda na Tanzania, pamoja na waendelezaji wa mradi na wadau, kulinda mazingira na kukomesha shughuli za uchimbaji katika mazingira yaliyohifadhiwa na nyeti, ikiwa ni pamoja na pwani ya Ziwa Albert,”ilinukuu taarifa.

“Kujitolea kutumia njia bora zaidi kuhifadhi utamaduni, afya, na mustakabali wa jamii zilizoathiriwa na kutafuta njia mbadala kulingana na ahadi za kimataifa za hali ya hewa na bayoanuwai; wito kwa waendelezaji wa mradi kutatua migogoro yote iliyopaswa kutatuliwa kabla ya uzinduzi wa mradi huo.”

Pia Bunge hilo limeagiza kuzingatia hatari zote zinazotishia mradi huo, ikiagiza Total Energies kuchukua mwaka mmoja kabla ya kuzindua mradi wa kusoma uwezekano wa njia mbadala ya kulinda vyema mifumo ikolojia inayolindwa, nyeti na rasilimali za maji za Uganda na Tanzania.

Aidha, pia bunge hilo limeagiza kupunguza hatari ya kuathirika kwa mabonde ya maji katika ukanda wa Maziwa Makuu ya Afrika, ambayo ni rasilimali muhimu kwa kanda, na kuchunguza miradi mbadala kulingana na nishati mbadala kwa maendeleo bora ya kiuchumi.

Msimamo wa Serikali
Hata hivyo akitoa ufafanuzi juu ya wasiwasi huo, Makamba katika taarifa yake ya maandishi alinukuliwa akisema Mfumo wa kisheria na kibiashara wa bomba hili umeanzishwa katika Makubaliano ya mkataba kati ya mwekezaji na Nchi husika (HGA) yaliyotiwa saini Mei 20, 2021 kati ya Serikali na EACOP.

“HGA inaweka wazi uhusiano kati ya EACOP na Serikali ya Tanzania katika masuala kama vile Ardhi, viwango vya HSE (Afya, usalama, ulinzi, mazingira), utawala wa fedha, Uidhinishaji na taratibu za migogoro. Mamlaka ya Serikali ya kufuatilia mradi huu ni Ewura na NEMC,”amesema Makamba.

“Kilomita 1,147 za bomba zitakazojengwa Tanzania pamoja na temino na 4 vituo vya kusukuma maji. Bomba linahitaji upana wa mita 30 wa kulia wa njia, Bomba la kuzuia mivujo na joto la nje litajengwa kina cha mita moja, baada ya ujenzi udongo wa juu na mimea itarejeshwa na ardhi itafikiwa na watu na wanyama.”

Katika ufafanuzi wake, Makamba bomba litafuatiliwa na kebo ya hali ya juu inayoweza kugundua mabadiliko ya halijoto na mitetemo katika urefu wote wa bomba.

Amesema hakuna ardhi itakayochukuliwa na mradi bila kufanyiwa fidia zinazokadiriwa kuwa Sh23bilioni kwa wakazi 9,122.

“Utwaaji ardhi unazingatia Sheria zote mbili za Tanzania na Viwango vya Utendaji vya Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa. Tanzania wapo Watu 9,513 walioathiriwa na mradi na 331 za kuhamishwa kwa chaguo la makazi au fidia ya pesa taslimu. Takriban asilimia 85 yao wamechagua kwa makazi na ujenzi unaendelea.

Chanzo: Mwananchi
Hao majamaa mamlaka ya kutupangia cha kufanya wanayatoa wapi?

No one can stop Uganda’s oil pipeline, says Museveni​

President Museveni has assured Ugandans that nothing can stop works at the East African Crude Oil Pipeline(EACOP).​

September 16, 2022
Reading Time: 3 mins read

The issue of high commodity prices is small, we are going to handle, says Museveni

President Museveni has assured Ugandans that nothing can stop works at the East African Crude Oil Pipeline(EACOP).

The European Union (EU) Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on Thursday voted to pass a resolution that seeks to compel Uganda, Tanzania and French company Total Energies to delay development of the crude oil pipeline for at least a year over claims of human rights violations in the areas it passes.

However, in response to the vote, President Museveni has insisted that nothing can change what has already been agreed upon for the construction of the pipeline.

“I want to assure you that the project shall proceed as stipulated in the contract we have with Total energies.
We should remember that Total Energies convinced me about the idea of the pipeline and if they choose to listen to the EU Parliament, they will compensate us and we shall find someone else to work with,” Museveni said in a statement on Friday.

On Thursday, the EU legislators argued that there is need for Uganda and Tanzania to adopt international best practices during the project development and to this, they recommended that the project needs to be halted for a year .

The cited oil related activities in the Murchison Falls National Park that they said ought to be halted until they conform to standards.
To this, they asked the French President, Emmanuel Macron to exert pressure on Total Energies to halt the project.

However, according to the Ugandan president, the project will continue according to plan.
“Either way, we shall have our oil coming out by 2025 as planned. So, people should not worry,” he said.

The pipeline
There have been several voices of dissent from several African and international environmental and human rights organizations who started a campaign to stop the construction of the 1,445-kilometer-long East African Crude Oil Pipeline that draws crude oil from wells in western Uganda in Hoima district to Tanzania’s seaport of Tanga.
These had sought to frustrate the $10-billion deal signed by Chinese and French oil giants CNOOC and Total Energies committing to construct the pipeline arguing that it risks damaging one of the world’s most biodiverse regions.
Under their “Stop EACOP” campaign, the activists have carried out a number of activities to frustrate the pipeline including writing to several would be financers of the project not to fund it.

It was also reported that several international insurers had distanced themselves from insuring the 1445-kilometre long pipeline.

However, last month, Uganda’s Insurance Regulatory Authority(IRA) RA Chief Executive Officer, Ibrahim Kaddunabbi Lubega said the process of insuring the pipeline is now done.
“We approved the oil and gas consortium after various players licenced dedicated resources to the creation of the insurance consortium that created the capacity of the consortium.

When time came to underwrite the pipeline, it is the consortium we call ICOGU that underwrote and submitted to us to approve whether they have capacity or whether what they are doing is the correct thing. I can confirm that EACOP is fully insured to the extent of the information they submitted,”Kaddunabbi told journalists.

Total Energies’ General Manager, Phillipe Groeuix recently said whereas there are many detractors to Uganda’s oil project in form of environmentalists both locally and from the international community, they are committed to ensure the project is a success.

“Detractors(of this project) in Uganda are many. There are many more outside Uganda but we want to prove them wrong in the sense that this development is good for the environment, for the communities and the most vulnerable people and the country. We will prove them wrong that instead of being bad, this project is a big opportunity,” Phillipe Groeuix, Total Energies’ General Manager said.

“We want to prove them this project is an opportunity for biodiversity, the communities, local culture and local development and it is something that will drive economic development, cultural and heritage development among others.”

The Total Energies General Manager said the French giants having launched the Tilenga Biodiversity Programme to compensate any likely impact from oil and gas activities in the Albertine Graben Area, they have embarked on several other activities all aimed at ensuring the project benefits everyone.

He however insisted that the French company is committed towards ensuring that its activities are conducted in line with best environmental and social practices.
“We are committed to working with partners who are experts in implementing sustainable projects aimed at achieving positive outcomes for conservation, culture and communities. These agreements are just the beginning of a much bigger programme of partnerships for the implementation of our actions for sustainability.”
Source :
Mbwa hao...hakuna sheria za haki wala utunzaji mazingira, ni vile hawapendi maendeleo ya nchi za afrika.

Na hivi tunaongozea na rais dhaifu, basi tutegemee hii miradi kukwama au kichelewa sababu ya uoga na kusikiliza mawazo ya washenzi hao wasioitakia afrika mema.

Huo ndio ubaya wa kuwa omba omba, miradi yetu wenyewe yaan tupangiwe cha kufanya?
Mkiambiwa hampendwi muwe mnaelewa, maendeleo siku zote ni vita, bwana yule alkuwa sahihi sana.

Mafuta yakipatikana kiurahis huku wanajua biashara zao zitakufa ama kupungua, pia nishati ikiongezeka uzalishaji wa bidhaa na viwanda huongezeka mkoloni sio mjinga akupige vikwazo ama akunyime mkopo ili usiendeleze miradi.

Chaajabu kuna wapumbavu wataunga mkono huo uhuni wa EU
Mbwa hao...hakuna sheria za haki wala utunzaji mazingira, ni vile hawapendi maendeleo ya nchi za afrika.

Na hivi tunaongozea na rais dhaifu, basi tutegemee hii miradi kukwama au kichelewa sababu ya uoga na kusikiliza mawazo ya washenzi hao wasioitakia afrika mema.

Huo ndio ubaya wa kuwa omba omba, miradi yetu wenyewe yaan tupangiwe cha kufanya?
Mkiambiwa hampendwi muwe mnaelewa, maendeleo siku zote ni vita, bwana yule alkuwa sahihi sana.

Mafuta yakipatikana kiurahis huku wanajua biashara zao zitakufa ama kupungua, pia nishati ikiongezeka uzalishaji wa bidhaa na viwanda huongezeka mkoloni sio mjinga akupige vikwazo ama akunyime mkopo ili usiendeleze miradi.

Chaajabu kuna wapumbavu wataunga mkono huo uhuni wa EU
Ntashangaa sana kuona mtz anaungana na wazungu wapenda kunyanduana.
Hao jamaa huko kwao wamejaza majumba na barabara hata ardhi haionekani, alafu wanathubutu kuongelea uaribifu wa mazingira
Serikali ya Tanzania imesema hakutakuwa na athari zozote za kimazingira wakati wa utekelezaji wa Mradi wa ujenzi wa bomba la kusafirisha Mafuta ghafi la Afrika Mashariki (EACOP) kutoka Hoima Uganda hadi Chongoleani Tanga kwani tahadhari zote zilizingatiwa kitalaamu.

Waziri wa Nishati, Januari Makamba ametoa kauli hiyo leo Ijumaa Septemba 16, 2022 ikiwa ni sehemu ya ufafanuzi ya maazimo yaliyotolewa siku tatu na Bunge la Ulaya (EU) kuhusu utekelekezaji wa mradi huo.

Kwa mujibu wa DW, bunge hilo linatoa maazimio ikionyesha athari baada ya kampuni ya bima Allianz Group, benki 15 na kampuni saba za bima (HSBC, BNP Paribas na Swiss Re) kukataa kutoa ufadhili wa kifedha kwa mradi huo kufuatia kampeni inayoendeshwa na kundi la kimataifa la 350.org.

Siku tatu zilizopita Bunge la Umoja wa Ulaya (EU) limetoa maazimio saba ikiwamo madai ya mradi huo kutozingatia viwango vya kimataifa katika kulinda haki za binadamu na mabadiliko ya Tabianchi, kutolipa fidia huku likishinikiza kulinda haki za wanaharakati wa mazingira,

“Wito kwa EU na jumuiya ya kimataifa kutoa shinikizo kubwa kwa mamlaka za Uganda na Tanzania, pamoja na waendelezaji wa mradi na wadau, kulinda mazingira na kukomesha shughuli za uchimbaji katika mazingira yaliyohifadhiwa na nyeti, ikiwa ni pamoja na pwani ya Ziwa Albert,”ilinukuu taarifa.

“Kujitolea kutumia njia bora zaidi kuhifadhi utamaduni, afya, na mustakabali wa jamii zilizoathiriwa na kutafuta njia mbadala kulingana na ahadi za kimataifa za hali ya hewa na bayoanuwai; wito kwa waendelezaji wa mradi kutatua migogoro yote iliyopaswa kutatuliwa kabla ya uzinduzi wa mradi huo.”

Pia Bunge hilo limeagiza kuzingatia hatari zote zinazotishia mradi huo, ikiagiza Total Energies kuchukua mwaka mmoja kabla ya kuzindua mradi wa kusoma uwezekano wa njia mbadala ya kulinda vyema mifumo ikolojia inayolindwa, nyeti na rasilimali za maji za Uganda na Tanzania.

Aidha, pia bunge hilo limeagiza kupunguza hatari ya kuathirika kwa mabonde ya maji katika ukanda wa Maziwa Makuu ya Afrika, ambayo ni rasilimali muhimu kwa kanda, na kuchunguza miradi mbadala kulingana na nishati mbadala kwa maendeleo bora ya kiuchumi.

Msimamo wa Serikali
Hata hivyo akitoa ufafanuzi juu ya wasiwasi huo, Makamba katika taarifa yake ya maandishi alinukuliwa akisema Mfumo wa kisheria na kibiashara wa bomba hili umeanzishwa katika Makubaliano ya mkataba kati ya mwekezaji na Nchi husika (HGA) yaliyotiwa saini Mei 20, 2021 kati ya Serikali na EACOP.

“HGA inaweka wazi uhusiano kati ya EACOP na Serikali ya Tanzania katika masuala kama vile Ardhi, viwango vya HSE (Afya, usalama, ulinzi, mazingira), utawala wa fedha, Uidhinishaji na taratibu za migogoro. Mamlaka ya Serikali ya kufuatilia mradi huu ni Ewura na NEMC,”amesema Makamba.

“Kilomita 1,147 za bomba zitakazojengwa Tanzania pamoja na temino na 4 vituo vya kusukuma maji. Bomba linahitaji upana wa mita 30 wa kulia wa njia, Bomba la kuzuia mivujo na joto la nje litajengwa kina cha mita moja, baada ya ujenzi udongo wa juu na mimea itarejeshwa na ardhi itafikiwa na watu na wanyama.”

Katika ufafanuzi wake, Makamba bomba litafuatiliwa na kebo ya hali ya juu inayoweza kugundua mabadiliko ya halijoto na mitetemo katika urefu wote wa bomba.

Amesema hakuna ardhi itakayochukuliwa na mradi bila kufanyiwa fidia zinazokadiriwa kuwa Sh23bilioni kwa wakazi 9,122.

“Utwaaji ardhi unazingatia Sheria zote mbili za Tanzania na Viwango vya Utendaji vya Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa. Tanzania wapo Watu 9,513 walioathiriwa na mradi na 331 za kuhamishwa kwa chaguo la makazi au fidia ya pesa taslimu. Takriban asilimia 85 yao wamechagua kwa makazi na ujenzi unaendelea.

Chanzo: Mwananchi
Waliemtuma wakati ule ndio waziri wa nishati kwa sasa ngoja tusubiri utekelezaji wake tuone.
Huo mradi ushajifia, maana wao ndo walikuwa watoa pesa na teknolojia, wamekataa hakuna la kuwafanya
kutozingatia viwango vya kimataifa katika kulinda haki za binadamu

Hili la haki za binadamu mbona serikali haliitolei maelezo, kwanini hawafafanui kuna mkakati gani wa serikali kushughulika kurejesha mambo yote ya msingi ya haki za,binadamu ?
The European Union Parliament resolution adopted on Thursday voiced concern over "human rights violations" in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuel projects

14 September 2022
Brussels, Belgium Source: JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on violations of human rights in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in fossil fuels projects | RC-B9-0409/2022 | European Parliament
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