SoC04 Tanzania wa want: Decrease of unemployment rate

Tanzania Tuitakayo competition threads


New Member
May 31, 2023
INTRODUCTION: As a developing country and one of the peripheral states in the world, Tanzania has so many areas to improve in order to boost economic development and improve the welfare of the Tanzanians.

Despite having several rich areas and unique natural resources that can be transformed into a development factor which is also considered as our economic interest, Tanzania has many things to offer which would be beneficial to people as well as the welfare of the country only when they are properly and efficiently transformed and used to bring development in different aspects.

As a country that is blessed with rich raw materials, the government should create an environment that allows its people to participate fully in creating changes through employment. In areas like agriculture, trade, mining and tourism, only minority are involved while a large number of individuals are still unemployed. This is due to lack of platforms of opportunities for people to grab and engage in. The government should change its policies specifically in important organs like the constitution which highly limits people from getting involved in the country's affairs with the exception of representatives or leaders.

The constitution should be amended and the government should create a policy that only allows a leader to hold a single position and not double or multiple positions at the same time, for example An individual that has been elected or appointed as member of Parliament should not be appointed as minister or speaker of the Parliament so as to allow other people to get equal chances in other vacant positions. This will create an employment atmosphere to unemployed individuals seeking leadership posts.

The government should allow citizens to participate in bringing economic growth to the country by establishing different projects, formulating ideas and connecting the citizens with foreigners in order to reduce unemployment rate. Through projects like schools, institutions, international funds, hospitals, banks the citizens will gain access to loans that will be used to commence business ventures if the loans are properly handled, obtain work through the need for labourers or workers in various projects.

Through the use of science and technology, we can find ways to create digital jobs for unemployed individuals which will help to reduce the traffic jam in relations to employment seeking in different sectors. Many developed states provide digital job platforms to their citizens which has proven to be a valuable method that has benefited their governments and citizens. Tanzania can collaborate with countries that use the method of digital work or jobs which directly connect people and companies such as United States, China, United Kingdom, Canada to name a few so as Tanzanians can get opportunities to work remotely and make ends meet through online work. Also, Tanzania can create its own digital job platform and provide access to citizens to work online in various projects and perfect their skills and expertise.

This will surely help to reduce unemployment rate to a high level and thus, as a country we will be able to move at the right and positive direction towards semi peripheral level in the next few years.
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