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Convenience, speed, instant gratification… That’s what we want from the Internet. The more we have it, the more we need it. As existing 3 and 4G networks become overworked, providers look to the next big technology solution: 5G. So it’s natural to wonder, what are the health risks of 5G?
Why Do We Need 5G?
You’ve heard all the talk about self-driving cars, smart homes and appliances that manage themselves. The broader term for this is the Internet of Things (IoT), and for it to become a reality, wireless networks have to evolve to meet increasing data demands.
Wireless companies tout fifth generation (5G) networks as the answer.The wireless companies promise 5G will bring greater capacity, a higher density of users, faster download speeds, and more reliable connectivity than our current 3&4G networks.
The companies are planning to use the existing infrastructure to install the new 5G devices. Places like utility poles and on buildings will be some of the areas used to help the signal remain strong. A lot of them are about the size of smoke detectors. This would make them less noticeable and seem like less of an intrusion to homeowners living nearby.
Even so, many people are raising their concerns for this after seeing the 5G cell sites pop up in their neighborhoods (and hearing about the network of 5G satellites being launched), wondering if 5G is bad for health.
So why do people have 5G safety concerns?
Unprecedented Exposures
All wireless technology functions by sending and receiving signals using electromagnetic radiation (or EMF). So each and every wireless device – as well as the towers and routers that connect them – is a source of EMF.
What is 5G?’
The leap to 5G means:
These exposures are not only unprecedented. They are also untested. There have been no surveys to indicate the levels of 5G EMF radiation to which people will be exposed.
Since there have been no 5G safety studies into short or long-term 5G health effects, and the health effects of 5G are untested, we can not say with certainty what 5G effects are on the human body.
There have been no long term 5G health studies. Despite the absence of studies into the long-term health effects of 5G, Dr. Joel Moskowitz from UC Berkeley School of Public Health has explained, “we have no reason to believe that 5G is safe.”
5G is a type of EMF radiation. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has designated this type of EMF as a Class 2B carcinogen. And other research has demonstrated that EMF is genotoxic, which means it can destroy your DNA.
And in 2018, the US National Toxicology Program released the results from a $30 million study finding “clear evidence” that exposure to cell phone radiation increased the incidence of cancer and genetic damage in mice.
Beyond cancer, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies have also demonstrated that exposure to this type of radiation can result in a wide variety of conditions, including:
Millimeter Waves
One characteristic of 5G is its use of millimeter waves.
4G networks use radio waves to broadcast data. But the radio spectrum is already crammed full of signals. 5G seeks to use a whole new spectrum — that of millimeter waves — to allow for more traffic. Think of it like building a second highway when the first one gets too packed with cars.
Millimeter waves get their name because they’re much shorter than radio waves at only 1 to 10mm in length. Shorter waves mean these are higher frequency, which means they transmit more energy.
Millimeter waves are
generally considered to be absorbed by the body within a few millimeters of the skin. Since millimeter waves have never been used before in consumer applications, there is limited scientific data on its health effects.
However, research has demonstrated that even short-term exposures can harm the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
Skin Amplifies 5G Health Risks
5G health risks may be amplified because of how, according to one study, 5G EMF radiation interacts with the human body.
The study lead by Dr. Yuri D Feldman at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that human sweat ducts act as an array of tiny, helix-shaped antennas when exposed to millimeter waves.
The findings suggest that human skin not only absorbs but actually amplifies the radiation from millimeter wave networks.
According to Dr. Feldman and team, “the full ramifications of what these findings represent in the human condition are still very unclear”. They add that further study is “poignant now because of the interest of industry to exploit precisely this signal range (100 GHz – 400 GHz) for communications and possible consequent side effects on the public.”
Other 5G Negative Effects on Health
Beyond the more widely known risks from EMF exposure of cancer and infertility, other studies highlight additional 5G network dangers.
For example, an article by Dr. Cindy Russell in Santa Clara Medical Association’s The Bulletin references a number of studies linking 5G millimeter wavelengths to heart problems, birth defects, decreased antibiotic sensitivity, cataracts, and immune system suppression. Dr. Russell calls strongly for the development of safety regulations and thorough pre-market testing of 5G technologies.
In his book about 5G health risks,Dr. Martin Pall outlines eight pathophysiological effects caused by exposure to non-thermal levels of EMF radiation:
Why Do We Need 5G?
You’ve heard all the talk about self-driving cars, smart homes and appliances that manage themselves. The broader term for this is the Internet of Things (IoT), and for it to become a reality, wireless networks have to evolve to meet increasing data demands.
Wireless companies tout fifth generation (5G) networks as the answer.The wireless companies promise 5G will bring greater capacity, a higher density of users, faster download speeds, and more reliable connectivity than our current 3&4G networks.
The companies are planning to use the existing infrastructure to install the new 5G devices. Places like utility poles and on buildings will be some of the areas used to help the signal remain strong. A lot of them are about the size of smoke detectors. This would make them less noticeable and seem like less of an intrusion to homeowners living nearby.
Even so, many people are raising their concerns for this after seeing the 5G cell sites pop up in their neighborhoods (and hearing about the network of 5G satellites being launched), wondering if 5G is bad for health.
So why do people have 5G safety concerns?
Unprecedented Exposures
All wireless technology functions by sending and receiving signals using electromagnetic radiation (or EMF). So each and every wireless device – as well as the towers and routers that connect them – is a source of EMF.
What is 5G?’
The leap to 5G means:
- we will have more 5G connected devices
- communicating with more and new forms energy
- to and from more 5G towers and small cell sites
- closer to the ground
These exposures are not only unprecedented. They are also untested. There have been no surveys to indicate the levels of 5G EMF radiation to which people will be exposed.
Since there have been no 5G safety studies into short or long-term 5G health effects, and the health effects of 5G are untested, we can not say with certainty what 5G effects are on the human body.
There have been no long term 5G health studies. Despite the absence of studies into the long-term health effects of 5G, Dr. Joel Moskowitz from UC Berkeley School of Public Health has explained, “we have no reason to believe that 5G is safe.”
5G is a type of EMF radiation. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has designated this type of EMF as a Class 2B carcinogen. And other research has demonstrated that EMF is genotoxic, which means it can destroy your DNA.
And in 2018, the US National Toxicology Program released the results from a $30 million study finding “clear evidence” that exposure to cell phone radiation increased the incidence of cancer and genetic damage in mice.
Beyond cancer, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies have also demonstrated that exposure to this type of radiation can result in a wide variety of conditions, including:
- Nausea
- Hair loss;
- Swelling;
- Low energy;
- Appetite loss;
- Bone marrow damage;
- Depression;
- Organs damage;
- Confusion;
- Incapacitation and death; and
- Infections.
Millimeter Waves
One characteristic of 5G is its use of millimeter waves.
4G networks use radio waves to broadcast data. But the radio spectrum is already crammed full of signals. 5G seeks to use a whole new spectrum — that of millimeter waves — to allow for more traffic. Think of it like building a second highway when the first one gets too packed with cars.
Millimeter waves get their name because they’re much shorter than radio waves at only 1 to 10mm in length. Shorter waves mean these are higher frequency, which means they transmit more energy.

Millimeter waves are
generally considered to be absorbed by the body within a few millimeters of the skin. Since millimeter waves have never been used before in consumer applications, there is limited scientific data on its health effects.
However, research has demonstrated that even short-term exposures can harm the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
Skin Amplifies 5G Health Risks
5G health risks may be amplified because of how, according to one study, 5G EMF radiation interacts with the human body.
The study lead by Dr. Yuri D Feldman at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that human sweat ducts act as an array of tiny, helix-shaped antennas when exposed to millimeter waves.
The findings suggest that human skin not only absorbs but actually amplifies the radiation from millimeter wave networks.
According to Dr. Feldman and team, “the full ramifications of what these findings represent in the human condition are still very unclear”. They add that further study is “poignant now because of the interest of industry to exploit precisely this signal range (100 GHz – 400 GHz) for communications and possible consequent side effects on the public.”
Other 5G Negative Effects on Health
Beyond the more widely known risks from EMF exposure of cancer and infertility, other studies highlight additional 5G network dangers.
For example, an article by Dr. Cindy Russell in Santa Clara Medical Association’s The Bulletin references a number of studies linking 5G millimeter wavelengths to heart problems, birth defects, decreased antibiotic sensitivity, cataracts, and immune system suppression. Dr. Russell calls strongly for the development of safety regulations and thorough pre-market testing of 5G technologies.
In his book about 5G health risks,Dr. Martin Pall outlines eight pathophysiological effects caused by exposure to non-thermal levels of EMF radiation:
1. Attacks our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous system attack is of great concern.
2. Attacks our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these. Thus the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.
3. Produces oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
4. Attacks the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.
5. Produces elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
6. Lowers male and female fertility, lowers sex hormones, lowers libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attacks the DNA in sperm cells.
7. Produces excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive calcium signaling.
8. Attacks the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation.
Dr. Pall states argues at length that each of these negative health effects from EMF exposures will be exacerbated by the rollout of 5G.
Millimeter Waves Have Been Weaponized
It’s not just scientists that have recognized the harm that can result from exposure to millimeter waves. So has the military.
Active Denial System (ADS)![]()
As far back as the 1980s, scientists began testing whether “millimeter wave energy could create a repel effect that might serve as a non-lethal weapon.” This led to the creation of the Active Denial System (ADS).
According to the US Department of Defense, the ADS “generates a focused and very directional millimeter-wave radio frequency beam” that penetrates the skin’s surface and causes an intense stinging or burning. It is used for purposes like crowd control because “within seconds, an individual feels an intense heating sensation that stops when the transmitter is shut off or when the individual moves out of the beam.”
Mobile networks operate in a different way to ADS weapons. ADS beams are strong and directional, and cause serious injury if exposure is too high or too long. But the existence of such weaponry demonstrates that this type of radiation can indeed have strong, disabling bio effects on human health. Which prompts the question: what happens when we’re exposed to many, constant, low-level beams long term?
5G And Your Child: The Health Risks of 5G for Children
If you’re concerned that the increase in electromagnetic radiation might be detrimental to adults, then here’s something else to bear in mind: the health risks of 5G for children are even greater.
Children And Radiation Absorption
Before we delve into children’s health risks of 5G specifically, it’s important to understand why children are generally more at risk from the effects of electromagnetic radiation.
One of the main reasons is absorption. Says a 2014 study, published in Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure, “Children absorb more MWR [microwave radiation] than nadults because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner and their relative size is smaller.”
This is therefore true for any kind of radio frequency radiation, whether it’s emitted by a cell phone, wifi router, wireless baby monitor, or other device. This has also been confirmed by other studies — like a Brazilian study from 2015 and, more recently, this 2018 study which concludes that “young eyes and brains absorb substantially higher local radiation doses than adults’”.
One related point of concern is around cell phone safety standards. FCC safety standards are based upon a testing model known as SAM (Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin) — which is a plastic model of an adult male head. This means that, in the words of a 2012 scientific paper, the safety standards are “greatly underestimating the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for typical mobile phone users, especially children”.
The Specific Absorption Rate for a 10-year old is “up to 153% higher than the SAR for the SAM model,” says the study. “When electrical properties are considered, a child’s head’s absorption can be over two times greater, and absorption of the skull’s bone marrow can be ten times greater than adults.”
What are the Health Risks of 5G? Your Questions Answered.
Fuata link ifuatayo uone uhusiano kati ya 5G na COVID-19.Mahali ambapo kuna 5G hotspots watu wanapata sana COVID-19 kwa sababu 5G inatumia kiwango cha juu sana cha Electromagnetic Radiation(EMF) ambayo inaharibu DNA na hivyo kushusha immunity. Kwa sababu hii Africa tuko salama kwa kuwa 5G bado!
Look at where the coronavirus is exploding the most—countries that have the most 5G Hotspots! | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary