SoC04 Reducing Traffic Jams in Tanzania: A case of Dar es Salaam

Tanzania Tuitakayo competition threads


New Member
May 27, 2024
Traffic congestion is a major challenge in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest and most economically significant city. With its rapid population growth and urbanization, the city's infrastructure struggles to keep pace with increasing vehicular traffic. To address this pressing issue, a multi-faceted approach is required. This thread discusses the implementation of roundabouts, road dividers, and the promotion of non-motorized transport as effective strategies to reduce traffic jams in Dar es Salaam.

1. Roundabouts: Enhancing Traffic Flow and Safety
Roundabouts are an excellent alternative to traditional intersections controlled by traffic lights or stop signs. They can significantly improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, particularly in high-traffic areas.


Photos by Uyui (20120

Improved Traffic Flow: Roundabouts facilitate continuous movement of vehicles, which reduces the stop-and-go conditions typical at signalized intersections. By keeping vehicles moving, roundabouts minimize delays and help clear congestion more quickly. In Dar es Salaam, where traffic jams are common during peak hours, implementing more roundabouts can enhance the efficiency of intersections.

Reduced Accidents: The design of roundabouts forces drivers to slow down, reducing the likelihood and severity of accidents. Studies have shown that roundabouts can reduce serious collisions, including head-on and T-bone crashes, by as much as 75%. This safety improvement is crucial for Dar es Salaam, where road safety is a significant concern.

Environmental Benefits: By reducing the amount of idling and stop-and-go traffic, roundabouts decrease fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. This is beneficial for Dar es Salaam's air quality and overall environmental health.

Strategically placing roundabouts at key intersections throughout the city can streamline traffic flow, enhance safety, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

2. Road Dividers: Enhancing Lane Discipline and Safety
Road dividers, or medians, are essential for managing traffic and ensuring road safety. They provide a physical barrier between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, which has multiple benefits.

Photo by Kalolo (2018)

Improved Lane Discipline: Road dividers help keep vehicles in their designated lanes, preventing dangerous lane switching and reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by erratic driving. In Dar es Salaam, where lane discipline is often lacking, road dividers can enforce better driving behavior.

Accident Reduction: By preventing head-on collisions and side-swiping incidents, road dividers play a crucial role in reducing severe accidents. This is particularly important on major roads and highways where high-speed traffic is common.

Pedestrian Safety: Road dividers can include safe crossing points for pedestrians, providing refuge areas that make it easier and safer for people to cross busy streets. In a bustling city like Dar es Salaam, improving pedestrian safety is vital for reducing traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Installing road dividers on major thoroughfares and busy streets can help streamline traffic, reduce accidents, and enhance safety for both drivers and pedestrians.

3. Promoting Non-Motorized Transport: Sustainable Mobility
Promoting non-motorized transport (NMT) such as walking and cycling is a sustainable and effective way to reduce traffic congestion. In Dar es Salaam, encouraging more people to use these modes of transport can have significant benefits.


Photo by Ozondu & Etika (2022)
Dedicated Infrastructure: Developing dedicated infrastructure for walking and cycling, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and pedestrian crossings, can make these modes of transport safer and more attractive. This reduces the number of vehicles on the road, easing congestion.

Health and Environmental Benefits: Non-motorized transport promotes physical activity, contributing to public health. Additionally, it reduces vehicular emissions, contributing to better air quality and a healthier environment.

Cost-Effectiveness: Walking and cycling are affordable modes of transport. By promoting NMT, the city can offer cost-effective mobility options to its residents, reducing the dependence on motor vehicles.

Integration with Public Transport: Integrating NMT with public transport systems can create a seamless and efficient transport network. For example, providing bike racks at bus and train stations can encourage commuters to use multiple modes of transport. Encouraging non-motorized transport through dedicated infrastructure, public awareness campaigns, and integration with public transit can reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainable urban mobility.

Reducing traffic jams in Dar es Salaam requires a comprehensive approach that includes the implementation of roundabouts, the installation of road dividers, and the promotion of non-motorized transport. Roundabouts can enhance traffic flow and safety, road dividers can improve lane discipline and reduce accidents, and promoting non-motorized transport can offer sustainable mobility options. By combining these strategies, Dar es Salaam can alleviate traffic congestion, improve road safety, and create a more livable and sustainable urban environment for its residents.
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