Picha ya Siku

Hujatendea haki

Tupia na ile ya mheshimiwa aliyetangaza nia
Hiyo picha ya pili kutoka juu mbona paja limepinda?

Au anatuzuga na Photoshop?

Beauty is not posing half naked for the sake of impressing people who don't care about you

No need tryingy so hard to impress people who don't care, for material things you don't need, for reasons you don't know

It's healthy for you ladies to lead a conscious lifestyle.

Your good looking body doesn't really matter because even car has great body.

If your personality is ugly you are ugly
Mtupishe na Rwanda yenu... Si mkachukue uraia huko ili muwafaidi vizuri hao wadada!!! Sio kutamanishana kwa picha tu
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