Nuclear Power ni hatari na wengi waliziacha. Sasa zinaanza kurudi na wengi wanataka kufanya. Kwanini na Afrika tusitumie?


JF-Expert Member
Feb 26, 2014
Kwa Tanzania naamini kabisa Tunaweza tukapata Nishati kwa Bei nafuu bila Kuhitahi matumizi ya Nishati ya Hatari kama Nuclear.

Lakini Nuclear Power / Energy ina nguvu sana na ikitumiwa inaweza kusaidia Suala la Nishati kwa Dunia, lakini hatari yake kwa mustakabari wa dunia ni kubwa sana, Sasa swali kama sisi hatutumii na wengine wanatumia ambayo ni hatari kwa wote je wanaotumia watulipe sisi kwa kutuletea hatari au na sisi tutumie ili tuendelee kuwekana kwenye hatari... Ifuatayo ni Extract kutoka BBC kuhusu the maybe comeback ya Nuclear


Is nuclear power gaining new energy?
A decade ago, it seemed as though the global nuclear industry was in an irreversible decline.

Concerns over safety, cost, and what to do with radioactive waste had sapped enthusiasm for a technology once seen as a revolutionary source of abundant cheap energy.

Yet now there is widespread talk of a revival, fuelled by tech giants Microsoft, Google and Amazon all announcing investments in the sector, as well as the growing pressures on wealthy nations to curb their carbon emissions.

But how real is the comeback?
When commercial nuclear power was first developed in the 1950s and 1960s, governments were seduced by its seemingly unlimited potential.

Nuclear reactors could harness and control the same awesome forces released by atomic bombs - to provide electricity for millions of homes. With a single kilogram of uranium yielding some 20,000 times as much energy as a kilogram of coal, it seemed like the future.

But the technology also inspired public fear. And that fear seemed to be justified by the Chernobyl disaster, which spread radioactive contamination across Europe in early 1986.

It fuelled widespread public and political opposition – and slowed the growth of the industry.

Another accident, at the Fukushima Daichi plant in Japan in 2011, re-energised concerns about nuclear safety. Japan itself shut down all of its reactors in the immediate aftermath, and only 12 have since restarted.

Germany decided to phase out nuclear power altogether. Other countries scaled back plans to invest in new power plants, or extend the lives of ageing facilities.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, this led to the loss of 48GW of electric power generation globally between 2011 and 2020.

But nuclear development did not stop. In China, for example, there were 13 nuclear reactors in 2011. There are now 55, with another 23 under construction.

For Beijing, scrambling to meet rapidly growing electricity demand, nuclear had, and still has, a vital role to play.

Now interest in the sector seems to be growing elsewhere once again. This is partly because developed countries are hunting for ways to meet energy demand, while striving to meet emissions reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.

With 2024 projected to be the warmest year on record, the pressure to cut carbon emissions is mounting. A renewed focus on energy security, in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has also been a factor.

South Korea, for example, recently scrapped plans to phase out its large fleet of nuclear power stations over the next four decades – and will build more instead.

And France has reversed plans to reduce its own reliance on nuclear energy, which provides 70% of its electricity. Instead, it wants to build up to eight new reactors.

In addition, last week the US government reaffirmed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Cop29, held in Azerbaijan, that it intends to
triple nuclear power generation by 2050.

The White House had originally pledged to do this on the side lines of last year's conference, Cop28. A total of 31 countries have now agreed to try to triple their use of nuclear power by 2050, including the UK, France and Japan.

Also at Cop29, which ends on Friday, 22 November, the US and UK announced that they would collaborate to speed up the development of new nuclear power technology.

This follows after it was agreed in the final statement or “stocktake” of last year's Cop28 that nuclear should be one of the zero or low emission technologies to be “accelerated” to help combat climate change.

Tatizo nyuklia zinataka discipline sana mkuu, kwa nchi ambayo watu 100% wanaamini kwenye maombi na miujiza na pia rushwa kwa ushindani ni hatari sana kwa wote!
I know na kama ni mimi ningesema zifutwe duniani pote ila kama wengine wanafanya siku wakichafua uchafu ukaingia baharini sio kwamba unakaa kwao tu na huku unafika..., Kwahio kama wengine wanatumia (sisi huenda tuna alternative nyingi) ila kuna nchi za ndugu zetu waafrica hawana option.., na kama kwao nishati ni gharama hata uzalishaji wao utakuwa ni mkubwa sana...

Alternatively inaweza ikawa PPP's Magwiji wa hii kitu kina Ufaransa wakaja na kusimamia na kuendesha....; It's either wote tuachane nayo au na wengine wasikatazwe...
PPP zimejaa rushwa pia kiongozi, ukishakula cha ntu professionalism huwa inapotea na unampa uhuru wa kufanya anachotaka unakua huna tena uwezo wa kumcontrol. Ndio maana kuna taasisi kubwa ya mionzi ya dunia hadi ijiridhishe kwamba nchi ina capacity kwa kila eneo husika ndio iruhusu.
Nuclear Power inahitaji uangalizi wa hali ya juu km hii SGR tu inahujumiwa.. ikitokea mtu akachokonoa Nucler Plant madhara yake ni km yale ya Chernobyl (Former Soviet) unayakumbuka ama ulikuwa hujazaliwa ?
Nuclear power ipi tena wakati tayari tunayo mkuu
Currently, Tanzania's total power installed capacity is 1,602 MW. From this total, 244 MW were added in the past four years. Tanzania's electricity generation comes mostly from natural gas (48%), followed by hydro (31%), petrol (18%), solar (1%), and biofuels (1%).
Africa ni Afrika Kusini ndio wana reactors mbili zinatumika na Egypt wanazo nne under construction...
Nuclear power ipi tena wakati tayari tunayo mkuu
Of the 32 countries in which nuclear power plants operate, only France, Slovakia, Ukraine and Belgium use them as the source for a majority of the country's electricity supply as of 2021. Other countries have significant amounts of nuclear power generation capacity. By far the largest nuclear electricity producers are the United States with 779,186 GWh of nuclear electricity in 2023, followed by China with 406,484 GWh.[2]

Nuclear power plants operate in 32 countries and generate about a tenth of the world's electricity.[2] Most are in Europe, North America and East Asia. The United States is the largest producer of nuclear power, while France has the largest share of electricity generated by nuclear power, at about 70%.[3]

Some countries operated nuclear reactors in the past but have no operating nuclear power plants at present. Among them, Italy closed all of its nuclear stations by 1990 and nuclear power has since been discontinued because of the 1987 referendums. Kazakhstan phased out nuclear power in 1999 but is planning to reintroduce it possibly by 2035 under referendum.[4] Germany operated nuclear plants since 1960 until the completion of its phaseout policy in 2023. Austria (Zwentendorf Nuclear Power Plant) and the Philippines (Bataan Nuclear Power Plant) never started to use their first nuclear plants that were completely built.

Sweden and Belgium originally had phase-out policies however they have now moved away from their original plans. The Philippines relaunched their nuclear programme on February 28, 2022 and may try to operate the 1984 mothballed Bataan Plant.[5][6]

As of 2020, Poland was in advanced planning phase for 1.5 GW and planned to have up to 9 GW by 2040.[7] Hong Kong has no nuclear power plants within its boundary, but imports 80% of the electricity generated from Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station located across the border, in which the power company of the territory holds stake.[8][9] In 2021, Iraq declared it was planning to build 8 nuclear reactors by 2030 to supply up to 25% electric power in a grid that was suffering from shortages.[10]
Nuclear Power inahitaji uangalizi wa hali ya juu km hii SGR tu inahujumiwa.. ikitokea mtu akachokonoa Nucler Plant madhara yake ni km yale ya Chernobyl Former Soviet unayakumbuka ama ulikuwa hujazaliwa ?
Hakuna sehemu ambapo zipo safe kwahio either wote tuzipige chini au hakuna wa kukatazwa Sababu hata Japan ilitokea Tsunami ikafanya yake.., kwahio hujuma ya hii wala sio hujuma per se hata natural disaster inaweza ikaleta shida..., kwahio kama ni mbaya inabidi tuwakataze kina China, USA na nchi kibao ambao zinataka kurudia kufanya.... Sasa kama hata Kaskhstan inataka kulianzisha tena, itakuwa ni kama wewe jikoni unasema hautaki kupika samaki sababu ya shombo wakati sebuleni kuna mdau anapika...

Kazakhstan phased out nuclear power in 1999 but is planning to reintroduce it possibly by 2035 under referendum
Tumeshindwa kuzuia mafuriko hapo posta hadi ikulu kilometa moja tu yanatutembelea kila mwaka tutaweza vinu vya nyuklia mzee? Tuachie wajukuu wakija na akili tusomeshe kwanza tuwe na wataalam ambao wanafanya science bila kufanya maombi na kuvaa hirizi kwanza!
Tumeshindwa kuzuia mafuriko hapo posta hadi ikulu kilometa moja tu yanatutembelea kila mwaka tutaweza vinu vya nyuklia mzee? Tuachie wajukuu wakija na akili tusomeshe kwanza tuwe na wataalam ambao wanafanya science bila kufanya maombi na kuvaa hirizi kwanza!
Project kama hio ikija usishangae hata muuza uji wa kibongo asiguse pale..., Issue sio day to day goings (hio inaweza ikawa under administration ya experts na eneo la reactor mtu yoyote asiruhusiwe hata kupita mile kadhaa karibu na hapo...

Ila this is neither here nor there..., binafsi najua hii kitu sio safe kwa nchi yoyote ile popote pale..., ila ndio hivyo kama kila anayetuzunguka anafanya (sababu ni shortcut) kama tunakataa kwetu isije ni vema tukapiga kelele na pengine isiwepo...
Ikitokea disaster kama ya Chernobyl tutamaliza vizazi maana wabongo watakimbilia kwenda kujionea na kuokota chochote kitu wakati mionzi inapenetrate, nakuelewa concern yako ila nafikiri inahitajika elimu sana kwanza na pia tumalize rushwa ili hata hao experts wasipatikane kwa kutoa mchuzi au kuwa na nasaba na wenye ccm yao. Sio kwamba nakua negative but critical kwa uzoefu na kwa kuwa naijua nchi yangu kiongozi, lakini generally nasupport hii idea.
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