Nimeikumbuka hii stori


JF-Expert Member
Nov 17, 2022
First part ( 1) ****
I'm a church boy if you ask, you know what is funny about it all,
Ladies have taken their allegations to the next level, calling nice guys simp, but are they?

Hey kuna this girl, I refer her a girl because I don't think I love her anyway.
Is my story worth telling, I say every tiny bit of it, yes, yes it does.

NB: I'm not so good in writing with swahili, if you find a fracture in my narrative please take it as it is,

Mimi inshort nimekulia katika family we believe in being good people and all, we pit others and help these who are in need I didn't know if my piteous life would cost me someday.

This lady all of the sudden aliacha kupokea cm zangu, sms azijibiwi na it was a burden I had to carry at such young age, nilihisi kufa kufa ivi, hey it's not that ilikua first time to fall in love no no it wasn't, the lady truly knew how to torture me, she had my psychological window well sealed, couldn't think clearly all I was thinking is how the hell can she do all this to me, after all the promises we've made, the moments we've shared together, maybe she thought I was real a simp, but that's the error she made.
Here is how she approached me,

Nina huyu rafki yangu alikua anaitwa juma, juma used to visit me like a lot, sometimes alikua anakuja na other friends of his, sometimes girls other times boys, inshort I was bold and straight as hell, nilikua nafocus sana kufight na shule after all I was the kid among the two from my mother's womb so there wasn't a way I was going to let her down,

As I said, nilikua nipo serious sana no time to waste, no dating no nothing, muda wangu mwingi niliu. spend kusoma vitabu na kuwatch movies, inshort nilikua siendi beach, like most of my friend did, nilikua sina interaction na girls I was bold I told you,

Tatizo lilipoanzia.
Mimi kua hivo pale chuo kulifanya ladies wengi wavutiwe na mimi, I had confidence and I was kinda white skinned dude, and good looking too, ladies like that, but did I had ego for being that way, A BIG NO,
I used to see myself as an average Joe, who had to get his grade With straight As to make my mom proud. That's what I really cared.

Tatizo lilianzia hapa,
I don't exactly recall the day but juma mwingi sometimes , alikuja na gf wake home na kuniomba that he has some important business to do with her, what the heck of business was that, some old English stupid games, I won't say it here coz inaweza fungua code let it stay anonymous it won't hurt the story,

After their stupid games in my room, don't get me wrong here, ilikua michezo ya kawaida just like karata, chase but theirs was bit romantic, did I mention that the lady was beautiful, I'm so sorry if I didn't but she was, in every bit of a imagination you can make she really was beautiful bird. And she was in my room with her ideal bf damn.

My eyes were always in my pad playing game, I'm not a gamer but in the room with such aura I couldn't control myself, I had to be fake, I had to be in a gamer mode ili niweze pretend like I don't see nothing.
Because all I had at first glance ilikua nu salamu tu and sikutaka mambo mengi nikawaacha waendelee na mambo yao but after sometime a girl akaaga kua anaondoka,

Nikamuuliza juma, you know I'm not a boner, but with such ladies ambao ni wazuri ivo I'm ready to venture in new horizons and try out my mannish, he laughed and said she is not my girlfriend, she is just a friend.

She is just a friend was biggest error juma ever made, and that was the beginning of the the worst for me.
Second part (2).****

Well she is just a friend, the next day evening katext,

Hello, I replied with hello,
Nachokiumbuka she said what the hell miaka yote hii miwili hapa UD I haven't met with you, you are such an introvert Lee, by the way don't mind me nimeomba number yako kwa juma, he said uko vizuri sana kwenye programing languages, kind of I'm still lame on that nitahitaji msaada wako, also the girls are saying hi,

Wait the girls, since when, what the heck, I thought my demeanour of being solitude and invisible will save me, damn but hyenas are always hunting especially when you walk swinging your hands hind and front, better watch your back,

Naomba nimwambie kitu hapa, truth to be told, I was actually in a vow of celibacy, that inquisitive mind of mine wasn't having it, the reason I didn't want to date at all ni kwasababu nilikua na experience mbaya in dating world, I dated two ladies, who, lies to them was beyond sensation it was their demeanour, they had more than one partner each, I couldn't buy that,

I'm one girl guy, I expect my partner to be the same, if ain't it then I will walk away with my hands folded for good, saying bora nimekosa. It was such a hidden demise of mine so back then my main commitment was to date muzungu or any black girl with abroad experience I thought may be their chances of understanding my commitment will raise my bar ukilinganisha na hawa wengine

But for the first time, for the very first time I was ready to risk it all, just for her.
After a short convo, nilimpa time table yangu and we actually planned to start studying together, ilikua mwaka wa pili semester ya pili, I clearly remember that.

The next time tulikua hatuna vipindi nashangaa mtu huyu hapa,

Hey Lee what's going on, are you free today, I said no actually I was just leaving, tulikua na discussion so kind of after 1 hour nitakua nmerudi,

My mom back the alikua ni mtu wa kusafir sana and home pale nilikua nabaki mimi na mfanya kazi, my sister was Alredy employed outside dar, although she ended up marrying the guy she never loved, but I guess mimba can create unbreakable bond. So ilikua ni kawaida sana juma and some of his friends kupita onetime na kunipa hi

As for me nilikua nipo shule bado and ndoto zangu kubwa ilikua ni kurudi ugaibuni the easy way out was academic certificates. Although wengi hawajui lakini that's the truth easy way out was through your GPA and academic certificate, Atleast few years back then ilikua ivo I don't know that for now.

Basi I left the lady home and nikaenda discussion as I promised after one hour nikawa nimerudi, I bought her some fried chips with coca cola, it was her favourite, nilimuliza anatumia nini so that was her recommendation.

After she ate, tulipiga sana story muda ukawa umeenda nikamsindikiza, the next day I told her sitakuwepo actually I had some plans with my aunt at mbezi, so I went there, it was a weekend.

Remarkably mida ya sa saba ivi, Ikaingia text,
Lee sorry nipo hapa kwenu since sa mbili asubuhi , no one is at home, I said maybe I should wait lakini I don't see you coming.

Ilikua sa nane kasoro ivi, I didn't know what to do besides that I clearly remembered that the other day in capital later I said SITAKUWEPO

and where the heck is the maid at, I panicked and so nikaamuaga aunt na kuamua kurudi home instantly.

Hey I'm coming from the very avarage family, my mom worked so had to see us succeed, don't create imagination that I'm coming from a rich family, no, atleast back then it looked ivo lakini I said, I used to see myself as an avarage Joe.

Hey this was heart breaking, to remember, niliporudi I saw the girl sitting outside our gate,
She kinda seemed depressed, her eyes were not sharp and straight, she was sad, considering that she didn't ate nothing not even a breakfast.

I saw her and in my heart I asked GOD

I know you've always been giving me temptation, I know you always give battles to your strongest soldiers and I'm always on that list, I'm philanthropist and you know it, I wouldn't dare to violate your command

I actually said these words ndani ya moyo wangu, looking at the girl from far, I asked again what is it GOD

The aura is neutral, what I'm I going to do now........ The lady let's call her Clara wasn't looking at me that is when I knew something was wrong.
Third part (3). ****
Nilimsalim Clara and sikuuliza kabisa why amekuja even though nilimwambia sitakuwepo I didn't want her to feel bad na she used to come with juma but now she was coming alone .

As usual because the maid hakuwepo na mimi kupika kipengele, nilifata chips yai and mazaga zaga mengine tulipiga sana story, mimi ni mpenzi sana wa animated movies luckily she was a fan too, so tuliwatch movies mpaka mida ya sa mbili usiku,

Wakati wote tulokua tunapiga story I was very happy, that was very unusual, nahisi even the maid noticed sababu alikua amezoea the cold version of me salamu story kidogo then naingia room kujifungia. Hey she noticed changes and rumours were true.

Ilipofika mida ya sa tatu usiku I seduced her she couldn't resist, we had some rommance and I even put my hand in her pants! Pardon me everything was moving so fast, I couldn't hold up myself, I lost control.
We didn't fck instead we ended up kissing, on the third day, you red that right, 3rd day, the worst part of it, it was Sunday 🥶

After all these problems nilimsindikiza and kumwambia tutameet tukikutana chuo.

Kesho yake chuo, asubuhi before kipindi I saw my friend Juma so wakati namsalimia I tried to scrutinise something, unclear doubt I had about the girl, remember the first day wamekuja they had some romantic stupid English games, so I had to be sure of my choices.

Nilimwambia **** this weekend nilikua na Clara, we did so many things, vipi umewai muapproch, he said just the other day I did it, but the girl rejected me saying she is with someone. Nikamwambia that someone is me, from now on Clara ni shemeji yako, remember I told you she is just a friend was the biggest error juma ever made, I knew his intentions just like any other boy anavoweza gundua intentions za boy mwingine toward a girl, what I didn't knew ni kua juma was so much into the girl, he real loved her.

They say you can never see pain only feel it, but that day inside my friend eyes I saw it, alikua very dissapointed, he almost cried but I guess hakuweza Fanya ivo sababu he had to act masculine.

Juma: Sawa bro we endelea nae mi sina shida kabisa after all mi msela kazi madem kibao

To be honest, I didn't buy any single word from him all I knew he was hurt, he just couldn't tell.

After that tulipiga mapindi kama kawaida mpaka mida ya jioni nikarudi home.

Kumbuka nipo mwaka wa pili na GPA yangu ubao ulikua unasoma 4.5 mwaka wa kwanza and 4.4 mwaka wa pili semester ya kwanza kind of nilikua nmebaki na semester 3 tu kumaliza with a good GPA amabyo ingekua rahisi kupata admission vyuo vingi vya nnje especially German.

Jioni kama kawa Clara kaja home, she seemed weak, I asked her what's the problem mbona yuko ivo,
Ki utu uzima nikajiongeza zile tarehe zilikua mbaya sana kwa wanachuo wengi especially wale wanaopata loan, so I knew what's the problem,

For my case nilikua na ufadhili na shirika moja la uingereza and my mom back then she was financially stable so I couldn't tremendously fear about little things

I took her out, bought her some dinner, and for the rest of the days ikawa ni custom until alipokuja kuwa okay badae, the only thing I didn't ask myself why did she love me anyway.

I was good looking, I was a good person, I had everything a woman would look into a man but was that enough reason for her to actually fall in love with me...

Tuliporudi home usiku I asked if she is dating someone else, she said actually I have some one but he just got another girl pregnant, it's better with you.
We ended up fckng that night, and for some reason I hurt her not because of my pendulum bob was big, no way I was avarage and perfect fit for her except that it was bit rough, she did her fantasy despite the fact she said she enjoyed it. Both of us stayed so long without sx so it was obvious.

After sex, we had after sex talk ndipo Clara alipofunguka mambo mengi kuhusu yeye, sijui if it was manipulative technique but pals mimi nimelelewa kuwahurumia wengine, she conquered my psychology after her story
Fourth part (4). ****
Clara alianza kwa kuniambia you know wewe upo tofauti sana na watu wengine I feel like mwenye bahati, every girl anasema you are one among the handsome guys in your class and smart too,

Remember I said I always look myself like an average Joe but never a loser.

So I felt somehow special her telling me that.

She then said I'm sorry lately nmekua kama burden kwako, I depend a lot thing on you, I'm independent woman I feel bad inakua ivi especially mimi uwa sipendi pesa za boys hata iweje I'm a lady with my standards, it's just that this time boom limechelewa and the worst part my mom is going through hard time, Lee I'm sorry.

Did I see her as a burden to me, never, I never for once saw anyone going through hard times to be a burden, I guess she didn't know me well. After all I loved her and it was true.

She then said my dad alinikataa but he later died of athma I never had a chance to make peace with him lakini you have played a big part Lee just like my dad. You are more than a daddy to me

These words made me feel special, I said fck people with abroad experience I've found my match, something exactly I've been trying to fetch from the sea my whole life. But I was wrong.

She then said, her and her mom they live in suburbs, their current economic status is frightening, everything felt apart for them, kila siku kuja chuo lazima atume nauli sometimes a nakosa nauli it's so hard on her and so worst part of it all anamsala na huo msala utamuondoa chuo.

Everything is hopeless to her mama yake anapambana sana, waswahili walisha mchulia mwane mara kibao kua asijisumbue ata pata mimba hatomaliza lakini ndo ivo tena the decision wasn't theirs to make but GOD ndo huyo bidada tena mpaka udsm katoboa mpaka mwaka wa pili

This is true story na hapa ndipo maisha yalinifanya nikawa risk taker like big boys, money tycoons

Iko ivi mwaka wa pili bidada Ali ingia na kimeo yani alicarry course baada ya kucarry kashindwa kuchomoa Ue akapata sup ya carry so kind of na GPA ilikua imemkataa alipata GPA ya 1.8 the first semester na course tulizokua nazo second semester ilikua ni balaa uku mkuki wa programming unakaa sawa engineering course yani inshort semester ilikua ya moto, I was her last hope.

Hey I took her under my wings, nilianza mfanyia assignment zote, hakuna test Alingi akaka mbali na mimi, nilimfanyia test zote, mpaka ue nilimfanyia, nilikonda I overworked myself I fought for her asipoteze chuo hata hivyo nilikua ready ikitokea otherwise I was ready to Mary her inshort sikua muoga tena.

Niliplan ivo kama matokeo yake yangekuja tofauti ningempigia cm Bimkubwa kua naoa although Bimkubwa wangu alikua mtata so powa but I was ready to drown for her, call me simp if you can, ladies and gentlemen I truly loved the girl.

Matokeo ya chuo finally yalitoka, nilingia mfumo wa ARIS that night not in my account but hers, kucheki second semester GPA 4.0, hey nilifrahi so powa, I knew it anyway, after all it's I nilimfanyia paper

Ubaya ni kwamba muda ujawai tosha, nilikua namfanyia yeye then nafanya na mm the worst part about it, kuna maswali nilikua simalizi kwangu

Nilipokumbuka hilo ndipo mapigo ya moyo yakaanza kunienda mbio
For a second my heart skipped a bit and I was terrified

Kuifungua account yangu nicheki matokeo kikawa kipengele, 🥶
American English go and Google then cry yourself..
What the fck WTF... I thought something is wrong, it's a bit tangled statement either someone is pissed of or don't fathom what's going on, au kuna point wewe ni muhusika coz walengwa wapo humu humu. 😅
part (5). ****

Swala la kuangalia matokeo yangu kidogo lilinipa ukakasi lakini nilikua sina namna, kumbuka ada yangu ilikua inalipwa semester wise na condition ilikua ni llazima ufikishe GPA ya 3.8 na hiyo ndo ilikua cut point yani kila scholarship comitee ikikaa Inadistribute fund kwa waliomeet criteria tu.

Sasa kwasababu Clara kapata 4 nkajua tu ata iyumbe vipi 3.8 ntatoboa bhna bhna kufungua mkeka nakutana na GPA ya 2.9 sikuamini nilichokiona nikahisi labda mfumo umekosea nika log out nikaingia tena mkeka ni ule ule 2.9 na sup juu na umenyoka kama moja hapo niliishiwa nguvu in flash of a second nikaziona ndoto zangu zikiteketea mbele ya macho yangu

Aisee kichwa kiliwaka moto, kesho yake asubuhi niliwai sehemu and nakumbuka ilikua mwezi wa nane kind of tulikua field sehem moja na Clara, within a day niliisha mwili nilishinda Coco siku nzima nalia and then naingia kwa maji watu wasione na nilizima simu siku nzima. Do you think that was the worst part of it all no no no, it was just the beginning.

Clara sikumwambia what happened sababu yeye anatabia ya kujishuku I'm quite sure ningemwambia ingemdissapont sana na kumkatisha tamaa angejiona yeye ndo sababu

Jioni niliporudi home nilimkuta yupo na maid though alinisubiri mpaka kachoka, ikabidi alale pale chumbani kwangu. Nilimuamsha and kind like alikua anashauku sana ya kujua matokeo yangu na alikua na furaha amabayo tangia nimemfahamu sijawai muona nayo

Clara: why today you didn't come
Me : nmeamka naumwa so nilizima simu nikaenda hospital but I'm doing okay

Nachokumbuka after yeye kuniliza GPA I lied, all I said was

You know me always top of my class , I killed it as usual mkeka unasoma 4.2 although kuna mjinga kanipa sup ngoma ingekua ata above hiyo.
She was curious though inawezekanaje nmepata GPA kama hiyo na sup juu, I told her, I myself don't fathom a thing.

We ended up fckng as usual but round hii mambo yalikua tofauti kidogo wakati show inaendelea my pendulum bob ikalala, kila ikiamshwa wapi ngoma ikagoma kabisa dah I saw the dissapointment on her face all she said ni kua hauna hisia Tena na mimi, to be honest noo, I loved the girl more than I never loved anyone before

Kilichofanya aseme hivo the other day aliniongelea kwa ukali, na sababu ilikua ni hii
Juma alikua anaendelea kumpiga mistari indirect and he seemed like alikua aja move on so alivonambia nikamchana it's because maybe kampatia nafasi ya kufanya ivo hapo ndo argument ilipotokea.

So kufail on bed akahisi that argument imefanya hata siku iliyo fata nizime cm with no doubts yeye kichwani kwake Ali conclude ivo. Little did she know.

Nakumbuka nilimwambia tu, my love psychologically today sipo sawa nimeipata sup na sijawai fikili kitu kama iko alinielewa and siku zikasonga kama kawaida wazee wa conference ratiba ya sup ikatoka na paper zetu zilikua zimepangwa siku moja nakumbuka ilikua tarehe 30 September .

Field iliisha na akarudi kwao, Bimkubwa naye akawa amerudi home pale. Lakini all in all hakujua kinachoendelea cause maid was like a sister to me someone who watch me over pale Bimkubwa anakua mbali. She was indeed my secrete keeper I knew her bf too😅

Zilipita week kama mbili atujaonana na Clara, we were always chatting like she called me mume I called her mke, it was a wonderful time umbali aukuwa kikwazo yani 24hrs tulikua tunaongea, 24 hrs tunachat

Nakumbuka ni kipindi amabacho penzi lilikua limekomaa hasa bibie mpaka alikua ameniweka kwa profile picha yake. Huko WhatsApp and all other social networks.

Sasa one week before paper Clara akanambia hayupo okay ajasoma and anajiona kabisa kua anaenda kucarry tena hiyo coz kama kama kawaida I had to take the matter on my hand, someone may say you were cheating but the system is never clean anyway

Wapo wadada wengi ambao walikua kwenye relationship with the giants of the system. Lecturers na walikua wanaxipata pepa in advance wananyosha GPA za maana. I mean so me doing that to the woman I love wasn't a big deal anyway.
Sema kuna tatizo kidogo lilinipata na ilikua changamoto kwangu, course alokua kacarry girlfriend wangu ilikua ni course ambayo mimi nilipata A but it really needed some revision for me to pass lakini hi nilokua mimi ndo nimesup it was bit kizungumkuti na hapa ndo ilikua the beginning of the end to me.
Sixth part (6). ****

Sasa hapa ndipo mwisho wangu ulipofika

Kabla siajendelea naomba niwape story, before sijakutana na Clara nilikua na deal sana na mambo ya crypto currency and forex sana, I was a tycoon of the business, I knew how to do it especially kwa brokers kwenye leverage za 3000 nilikua na trade on special event mostly zinapotokea spike so nilikua na almost dollar $2600 on my saving .

Sasa five days before paper ya sup nikiwa nmejiandaa partial partial but confidence ilikua juu sana,

I remember five days before exam it was Monday night, a normal day at our house we were having dinner ndipo hapo Bimkubwa akapokea simu kuwa bank kesho inakuja kupiga Nyumba mnada hey Bimkubwa wangu alipata stroke pilika pilika kumuwaisha hospital ndo ivo tena nikamkosa, bank walipewa taarifa and after burial walikuja kupiga nyumba mnada anyway , zile pepa mbili nilizifanya kwa kupanic sana of course my sister alikua yupo dodoma and I had no way ilinibidi for the very first time nikubali kuish mkoani, dar was no longer a home tena mana other relative of mine nilikua nawafahamu isingekua rahisi kuishi nao
Niwarudishe nyuma kidogo
Sasa during exam day pepa yangu nilipiga asubuhi jioni kama kawaida nikaenda kumfanyia na my baby ndipo tatizo lilipoanzia ile pepa wakati muda umeisha naikusaya ndipo aliposhtuka Dr wa hilo somo kuniona and he knew me kua nilipataga A the only evidence alikua nayo ilikua my presence in that room ila pepa gani nimeikusanya, reg number ya hio pepa hana na watu walikua washatoka wengi tayari

Within second niliamua kufungua turbo moyoni nilijiapia hata aseme nini sitokubali, kua nilienda chuo siku hiyo nilikimbia kama chizi, nilitokea geti la upande wa njia panda nikapanda Boda kibati. Mapigo ya moyo yalikua yanenda kasi sana.

Nilienda panda costa maeneo ya riverside na kurudi kwa aunt yangu ambapo ndo nilijiesgesha kwa muda nikisubiri safari yangu ya kwenda mkoani kwa mara ya kwanza.

Ilifika muda wa kusubmit matokeo kwa scholarship comitee ilokua inafadhili masomo yangu, nilituma matokeo yote ya semester mbili
It was a really surprise to them sababu ata average haiku fika 3.8 so kind of walinitema na hapo ndipo sura ilianza kosa nuru atleast matokeo ya sup yangewai yanheboost GPA mpka 3.8 . Nilikua mtu mwenye mawazo sana nilikonda

Not so long doc alinipigia cm nifike chuo kweli nilifika aliniuliza maswali mengi sana lakini hili la kumfanyia mtu paper nilikata katu katu... Aste Aste doc katika kuscrutinize alikuja kugundua kua nilipata sup pia na hapo ndipo aliponinyoshea.

Siku ya matokeo nacheki ivi remark imeandika discontinued. Hahaha sikuamini kucheki aris ya Clara mkeka unasoma vziuri, chuo ndo nikakikosa ivo, kilichoonekana ni kua eti ile sup sikwenda kufanya so matokeo yangu yalipigwa dash, sikutaka story nyingi lakini nilikua nshajua nini sababu.

Nilifunga vilago vyangu na kuenda kuyaanza maisha upya na sister angu sasa

Clara alilia sana, it was a sad moment for us, we didn't ask for any of it to happen but what the lord gave to his soldier it wasnt a battle, it was a hell itself and no one survive it easily anyhow.

Nilipofika dodoma niliendelea na trading kama kawaida na mawasiliano na Clara alikua moto kweli I gave her all the backup she needed

ilikua mwezi wa kumi tarehe 28 na nane Fed Powell made a speech about the economic status of United sate the whole market was in blood bath bearish as hell, so mimi huwa nabuy deeps occasionally kwenye events kama izo niliingia nikubuy wakati soko lina sell, damn nilingia na size kubwa kidogo after some correction ilitokea spike moja hatari, all the sudden the market was bearish as hell.

Kwa wale msiojua anything at all about trading what I mean zile dollars zangu zote nilipoteza usiku huo. Na ilikua mida ya sa tatu kwa cm yangu nilikua nasikia nyimbo ya Tom odell, another love. Damn Clara alipiga sana sikipokea life was burning me up red red, wakati huo depression kali nimekonda mpaka so powa.

After two days niliamua kumtafuta Clara hapa napo makaa ya mawe yalinichoma moyo ulivuja damu kumbuka nipo mkoani but yeye yupo mbagala.
Seventh part (the last of it) kila msimu na maua yake ****
All the sudden Clara aliacha pokea cm zangu sms message akaanza kujibu kwa kujisikia, I never treated her bad, I never cheated on her but that was payment on my pay check as the reward for being Mr nice guy

Nakumbuka nilikua napiga simu muda wote inatumika kila nikituma text aztoki, you know sometimes kama mtu anaongea na cm huwa sms azimfikii four days straight all the time long cm yake inatumika sms hajibu

And so ilinibidi nipige goti chini nimuombe

Ilikua so hard for her to let me go especially when I was the one giving her money haikua rahisi, but on the other hand the romance was one sided it's me ndo nilikua sipewi attention

I said please if you are seeing someone else let me go it's a time now, you are torturing me na nguvu ya kukuacha sina

Ladies you now decide if I deserve to be a simp or just a guy with a big heart.

I begged her to let me go and so she opened up na kusema you know when I was a kid I had this boy we were so in love we grew up together mpaka tulipofika chuo I was still with him I lied to you that alimpa mtu mwingine mimba lakini it wasn't true bado nipo nae Lee on the other hand sitaki kukupoteza I know you are so lonely in this world I pit you but I love this guy to the heven and hell my heart only belongs to him.

These words was more than arrows, I cried and cried, lucky dube once said big boys don't cry, but I did

Lilikua funzo kubwa sana no matter how nice you are there will always be people who will break your heart, inshort kila msimu na maua yake, except tu msimu hu kwangu haukuja na maua bali miba iliyoacha makovu moyoni

I understood her feelings to the best of my knowledge and so I was free from that cage. Nilimuombea wafike mbali zaid
Nilichojifunza zaidi ni kua Maumivu ya kuwapoteza uwapendao ni sehemu ya safari yako.

Later nilisikia ameenda kusoma masters Norway,

As for me my black American father who by the time was living in German heard my story and so for the first time he came here at Tanzania and asked me son what should I do for you

I said I want to go back to school, I want to go back to hit school and I want to hit it harder.

Luckily for me the dream came true I started from scratch again , always came at the top of my class, I guess it was a happy ending for me, my father adored me much more than no one ever did.

Except I miss my mom dearly. I thank my sister for she stood up with me In Time that meant death,
I thank Clara for what she taught me
Kilichonifanya niikumbuke hi story Clara today kanitext, i know she think I'll text her back, but I never will.

Dear friends always remember
Maumivu ya kuwapoteza uwapendao ni sehemu ya safari yako.
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