News alert Netanyau ameahirisha harusi ya mtoto Avner livyopangwa kufanyika Novemba 26 kaskazini mwa tel aviv kwa sababu za kiusalama

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Mar 8, 2020
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Report: Netanyahu wants his son’s wedding delayed due to ongoing war, drone threat

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to postpone his son Avner’s imminent wedding due to security concerns amid the multifront war and the drone threat, the Kan public broadcaster reports.

Avner Netanyahu’s wedding is planned for November 26 at the Ronit Farm in the Sharon region, north of Tel Aviv.

Kan quotes the premier as telling associates that holding the event as planned could pose a risk to participants.

The Prime Minister’s Office doesn’t respond to the report.

A Hezbollah drone earlier this month hit the bedroom window of the premier’s private residence in Caesarea, causing damage. The Netanyahus weren’t home at the time.
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