Mashirika ya Ndege kutakiwa kuwalipa Fidia Abiria endapo yataahirisha au kuchelewa Safari


JF-Expert Member
Jul 24, 2018

Rais wa Marekani, Joe Biden ameagiza Wizara ya Uchukuzi kuandika kanuni mpya zitakazoyalazimu Mashirika yote kugharamia Chakula na Malazi ikiwa uchelewaji utakuwa ndani ya udhibiti wa Shirika.

Baadhi ya sababu zitakazochangia kulipwa fidia ni pamoja na Matatizo ya Kiufundi na Shirika kupungukiwa Wafanyakazi huku fidia ikiwa ni pamoja kurejeshewa Tiketi mpya hata kama Abiria ataamua kutosafiri siku hiyo.

Endapo suala hilo litaanza utekelezaji, litawapa watumiaji huduma za Usafiri wa Anga ulinzi sawa na wasafiri waliopo katika Umoja wa Ulaya ambako Mashirika hutakiwa kuwafidia Abiria kwenye dharura za Safari.


U.S. President Joe Biden on Monday said his administration is writing new rules that will require airlines to compensate passengers with cash for significant flight delays or cancellations when the carriers are responsible.

"Our top priority has been to get American air travelers a better deal," Biden said.

It is the latest in a series of moves by the Biden administration to crack down on airlines and bolster passenger consumer protections for domestic U.S. flights and international flights involving an American destination or origin.

"Summer travel is going to put enormous pressure on the system," U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Monday. "Airlines need to accept their fundamental responsibility to better serve passengers."

The U.S. Department of Transportation did not specify how much cash it aims to require airlines to pay passengers for significant delays. But it asked carriers last year whether they would agree to pay at least $100 for delays of at least three hours caused by airlines.

Biden said the delay compensation rules will be proposed by the end of the year but it could take years to finalize rules, and some carriers privately question whether the department has the legal authority to mandate compensation for delays. A July 2021 proposal to require airlines to refund consumers fees for baggage that is delayed, or onboard service like Wi-Fi that do not work, are still not finalized.

The Transportation Department said it plans to write regulations that will require airlines to cover expenses such as meals and hotels if carriers are responsible for stranding passengers. Most carriers voluntarily committed last August to provide hotels or meals but resisted providing cash compensation for delays.

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