Man in Mombasa meets woman with horse legs


JF-Expert Member
May 25, 2011

A man in Mombasa was taking a walk at the Mama Ngina streets when he met a very beautiful woman who took his breathe away as he puts it. The guy, Athuman, saidalikuwa ameeangukia because the girl seemed really interested in him.

They walked around and talked for almost thirty minutes. The girl was wearing a long black dress that you couldn’t see her feet.

After talking for quite some time, Athuman showed interest that she wanted to sleep with the girl and fortunately the girl did not decline. Before leaving Mama Ngina, the girl asked if she could use the local toilet and Athuman said that he was going to wait for her. As the girl came out of the toilet, she slightly lifted her dress and that is when Athuman saw the horse legs. The girl had hooves, but surprisingly her walking style was not wired at all.
Duh! Kweli mtazoa kila aina ya takataka na kubandika kwenye Kenyan news.
"Athuman showed interest that she wanted to sleep with the girl"

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