Kwa mara ya Kwanza UN yawalaani Hamas - Katibu mkuu aongea kwa masikitiko unafiki umemshinda Dunia imejifunza kuwa utekaji sio tabia ya kibinadamu


JF-Expert Member
Oct 11, 2011
Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa Antonio Guterres analaani Hamas kwa kutoruhusu Kamati ya Kimataifa ya Msalaba Mwekundu kuwatembelea mateka huko Gaza.

"Ningependa kulaani ukweli kwamba Shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu haliruhusiwi hata kuwatembelea mateka hao," Guterres anasema, katika hotuba yake katika hafla ya kuhamasisha utekaji nyara duniani kote. "Hili ni jambo lililo wazi katika sheria za kimataifa za kibinadamu. Mateka… wana haki ya kutembelewa na Msalaba Mwekundu. Ninaomba tena kwa nguvu ICRC iruhusiwe kuwatembelea mateka hawa."

Guterres amesisitiza wito wake wa kuachiliwa mara moja kwa mateka 101 waliosalia wanaoshikiliwa Gaza. Analaumu kwamba juhudi za kusuluhisha usitishaji mapigano bado hazijazaa matunda.

"Ninatumai kwamba matukio ya kutisha ambayo tunaona yatafundisha somo kwa ulimwengu kwa hili [mazoezi ya kuchukua mateka] kutowezekana tena," anaongeza.

Tukio hilo la New York limeandaliwa na Hostage Aid Worldwide, kwa ushirikiano na Kituo cha Haki za Kibinadamu cha Raoul Wallenberg.

Huu ni uthibitisho wa Netanyahu kuwaita Hamas na Islamic Jihad kuwa Human Animal

Live Updatearrow right icon From the Liveblog ofMonday, September 30, 2024

UN chief condemns Hamas for not allowing Red Cross visits to Gaza hostages​

By Jacob Magid Today, 10:14 pm

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemns Hamas for not allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit the hostages in Gaza.

“I’d like to condemn the fact that the Red Cross is not even allowed to visit those hostages,” Guterres says, in a speech at an event raising awareness of hostage-taking worldwide. “This is something clear in international humanitarian law. Hostages… are entitled to receive Red Cross visits. I once again strongly plea for the ICRC to be allowed to visit these hostages.”

Guterres reiterates his call for the immediate release of the remaining 101 hostages being held in Gaza. He laments that efforts to broker a ceasefire have yet to bear fruit.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.
Hivi wale ni Red Cross kweli ?
Hamas sio wajinga.
Kama UNRWA ni hamas watupu why waogope Red cross? Hamas bichwa kubwa kwa sababu wanasupportiwa na fake muslim wajinga walio na Waislam wenye akili wanailaani Hamas na Islamic Jihad
Kama UNRWA ni hamas watupu why waogope Red cross? Hamas bichwa kubwa kwa sababu wanasupportiwa na fake muslim wajinga walio na Waislam wenye akili wanailaani Hamas na Islamic Jihad
Wanaogopa wakitoka kuwaona mateka wakuja kuwapa codes Israel kuhusu mateka walipo
Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa Antonio Guterres analaani Hamas kwa kutoruhusu Kamati ya Kimataifa ya Msalaba Mwekundu kuwatembelea mateka huko Gaza.

"Ningependa kulaani ukweli kwamba Shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu haliruhusiwi hata kuwatembelea mateka hao," Guterres anasema, katika hotuba yake katika hafla ya kuhamasisha utekaji nyara duniani kote. "Hili ni jambo lililo wazi katika sheria za kimataifa za kibinadamu. Mateka… wana haki ya kutembelewa na Msalaba Mwekundu. Ninaomba tena kwa nguvu ICRC iruhusiwe kuwatembelea mateka hawa."

Guterres amesisitiza wito wake wa kuachiliwa mara moja kwa mateka 101 waliosalia wanaoshikiliwa Gaza. Analaumu kwamba juhudi za kusuluhisha usitishaji mapigano bado hazijazaa matunda.

"Ninatumai kwamba matukio ya kutisha ambayo tunaona yatafundisha somo kwa ulimwengu kwa hili [mazoezi ya kuchukua mateka] kutowezekana tena," anaongeza.

Tukio hilo la New York limeandaliwa na Hostage Aid Worldwide, kwa ushirikiano na Kituo cha Haki za Kibinadamu cha Raoul Wallenberg.

Huu ni uthibitisho wa Netanyahu kuwaita Hamas na Islamic Jihad kuwa Human Animal

Live Updatearrow right icon From the Liveblog ofMonday, September 30, 2024

UN chief condemns Hamas for not allowing Red Cross visits to Gaza hostages​

By Jacob Magid Today, 10:14 pm

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemns Hamas for not allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit the hostages in Gaza.

“I’d like to condemn the fact that the Red Cross is not even allowed to visit those hostages,” Guterres says, in a speech at an event raising awareness of hostage-taking worldwide. “This is something clear in international humanitarian law. Hostages… are entitled to receive Red Cross visits. I once again strongly plea for the ICRC to be allowed to visit these hostages.”

Guterres reiterates his call for the immediate release of the remaining 101 hostages being held in Gaza. He laments that efforts to broker a ceasefire have yet to bear fruit.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.
Hamas shikilia hapohapo UN Haina msaada
Katibu Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa Antonio Guterres analaani Hamas kwa kutoruhusu Kamati ya Kimataifa ya Msalaba Mwekundu kuwatembelea mateka huko Gaza.

"Ningependa kulaani ukweli kwamba Shirika la Msalaba Mwekundu haliruhusiwi hata kuwatembelea mateka hao," Guterres anasema, katika hotuba yake katika hafla ya kuhamasisha utekaji nyara duniani kote. "Hili ni jambo lililo wazi katika sheria za kimataifa za kibinadamu. Mateka… wana haki ya kutembelewa na Msalaba Mwekundu. Ninaomba tena kwa nguvu ICRC iruhusiwe kuwatembelea mateka hawa."

Guterres amesisitiza wito wake wa kuachiliwa mara moja kwa mateka 101 waliosalia wanaoshikiliwa Gaza. Analaumu kwamba juhudi za kusuluhisha usitishaji mapigano bado hazijazaa matunda.

"Ninatumai kwamba matukio ya kutisha ambayo tunaona yatafundisha somo kwa ulimwengu kwa hili [mazoezi ya kuchukua mateka] kutowezekana tena," anaongeza.

Tukio hilo la New York limeandaliwa na Hostage Aid Worldwide, kwa ushirikiano na Kituo cha Haki za Kibinadamu cha Raoul Wallenberg.

Huu ni uthibitisho wa Netanyahu kuwaita Hamas na Islamic Jihad kuwa Human Animal

Live Updatearrow right icon From the Liveblog ofMonday, September 30, 2024

UN chief condemns Hamas for not allowing Red Cross visits to Gaza hostages​

By Jacob Magid Today, 10:14 pm

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemns Hamas for not allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit the hostages in Gaza.

“I’d like to condemn the fact that the Red Cross is not even allowed to visit those hostages,” Guterres says, in a speech at an event raising awareness of hostage-taking worldwide. “This is something clear in international humanitarian law. Hostages… are entitled to receive Red Cross visits. I once again strongly plea for the ICRC to be allowed to visit these hostages.”

Guterres reiterates his call for the immediate release of the remaining 101 hostages being held in Gaza. He laments that efforts to broker a ceasefire have yet to bear fruit.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.

“I hope that the horrible events that we’re seeing will teach a lesson to the world for this [practice of hostage-taking] not to be possible anymore,” he adds.

The New York event is organized by Hostage Aid Worldwide, in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights.
Ungekuwa wewe ni hamas ungewaruhusu wafike ?
UN wapo sahihi na lazima wahakikishe hao mateka wapo kweli ili wasije wakajiingiza kwenye mazungumzo ambayo hayapo, kama kiongozi wa hamasi walishindwa kumlinda akauwawa kizembe, je hao mateka watawezaje kuwalinda mpaka sasa.
Na ikionekana hao mateka hawapo inamaana kilicho baki ni Israel kupiga bomu la nyuklia pale gaza, ili mchezo uishie pale pale na Ieleweke tu moja.
Kwahio Israel anapoteka mpaka watoto kuwatia gerezani wengine kuuawa wengine kuteswa yeye yuko sawa huo ndio unafiq wa wao hao jamaa
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